I can't believe I'm going to post this picture of myself; but I looked through my photographs and found this one of me "digging" through the stuff in my great-grandma's house. My mom even wrote on the back of the picture, "Michelle enjoying all the treasures at great-grandma's house." How fitting!
(Now remember this was the early 80s and I was big into unicorns!)
YAH!!! I think I had this exact T. I was obsessed with rainbows. WHOO HOOO!!!
Oh Michelle, it brings back memories... Your Aunt Debbie and I always enjoyed going thru Grandma's dresser(with all the jewelry and the upstairs closet with all the neat clothes and shoes..As you enjoyed the same when you were visiting Great Grandma. Yes, the forever photos that never go away!!!the ones we do not want anyone to see.. but, we are glad we have because it is our history into our past...Love Mom
OK that shirt ROCKS! You are such a cutie, you can totally tell you were enjoying exploring!!! Thanks for sharing!
That shirt is awsome! I'd probably wear it today, but that is coming from the girl that buys care bear pj's for herself (not the kids lol) It is so nice that you not only have such wonderful memories but pictures to go along with them. I miss my grandma's. I didn't know them as well as I wish I would have . They both passed away when I was young. One of them I don't even remember at all.
I think the rainbow/unicorn fad is due for a comeback, don't you? We all know that fashion trends cycle...
LOVE IT - I could post a very similar pic ;) My room was once rainbows and unicorns - you had good taste :)
What wonderful memories you have of your greatgrandmother! Love, Aunt Debbie
I'm so glad to know I wasn't the only fashionable one sporting rainbows and/or unicorns!!
That is too cute! :)
Lovin it! I loved the rainbows, not so much the unicorns... Remember the movie, "The Last Unicorn?" My dad recorded it for us and we would watch it over and over... It's kind of creepy, now!
I love it!!! What a wonderful memory and treasure! You got to love Unicorns!
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