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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Survey on Opinions on Medical Research for Down Syndrome

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic are conducting a survey to learn about what parents and individuals with Down syndrome think about medical research advancements and priorities for Down syndrome.

The information gathered in this study could possibly be used to advocate for the needs of the Down syndrome community in further medical research.

Research into Down syndrome can affect more than just the Down syndrome population - important research is being done on Down syndrome and Alzheimer's which could have implications on the general population of Alzheimer's patients. There are also studies on Down syndrome and cancer; while individuals with Down syndrome have a higher incidence of getting leukemia they also have a higher survival rate - and they have a lower incidence of getting some other types of cancer.

For more information on the latest in the field of research and Down syndrome see LuMind and GDSF websites.

To take the Opinions on Medical Research survey if you are a parent of a child with Down syndrome age 12 and over click here; if you are a person with Down syndrome age 12 and over click here.

(The survey asks for opinions on medical interventions and medicines that do not exist and have not yet been developed.)

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