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Monday, October 03, 2016

Buddy Walk 2016

We attended our first Buddy Walk in 2003 when Kayla was just shy of being three months old.

We went to our local BW yesterday, which makes this year our 14th year of BW celebrations (and 15th overall walk since we attended two walks when we lived in MD in 2009)! 

It's usually still too hot in SC the first week in Oct and we end up with sunburned faces and sweaty backs during the walk, but it's still a fun time to get together with family and friends and yesterday was no exception!
Lucas and his cousin

Kayla with a friend from school

A friend across the street

Her counselor from camp!

Lucas with the sign he made

My brother and his family


An annual tradition to get a pic of these two at the BW!

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Mom24 said...

Those are great pictures. Glad you had fun.

Anonymous said...

wow you had a nice bunch of people supporting "go Kayla go"( lucas did a great job with sign) buddy walk !! looks like all
had fun!! :} love mom/ grandma

Corey~living and loving said...

HI! I've been out of the blogging stuff for quite awhile. I thought of you all today, and had to hunt you down to see if you were still at it. I love that you are. :) Look at how your kids have grown. Oh my....I can hardly believe it. Kayla is as stunning as ever. I've enjoyed reading a bit to catch up. Happy to see you all.