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Monday, October 27, 2014

My First Brain Box

A great game that I've found to work on memory recall is called My First Brain Box. I like the simplicity of the game. There are also several more of these game boxes with different categories.

The game has 55 sturdy cards of random things and scenes. The cards are colorful, bright, and contain no words. The other side of the card contains 6 questions about the picture on the other side.

 One person holds the card up for the other player to study. Then you flip the timer, which runs out after 10 seconds. The player studying the card rolls the die to determine which question will be asked. The other player covers up the picture side of the card and asks the question to see if the player can remember something about the scene.

A sampling of questions from one card are:
- What is the boy drawing?
- Is the boy's T-shirt blue or green?
- Does the boy have brown or black hair?

This has been a fun game for Kayla and Lucas to play together. They not only work on their memory recall, but their reading skills as well as they ask each other the questions from the back of the card. It comes in a small enough box that you can travel with it and take it for car/plane trips. You can use the inside of the lid to roll the die. This game can also be played with 1 person.

This has been a great game for Kayla to be able to play as it really makes her sit and focus on the card, but only for 10 seconds. It's fun for her and she seems to like the challenge of trying to recall what she saw in the card to be able to answer the questions.

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Sabrina Steyling said...

That is really cool! I might just have to get that game. :)

Jennifer @talkds said...

This is one of my new favorites for working memory and expression. Thanks for posting!

Cheri @ Blog This Mom!® said...

Neato! ;-)