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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

3/21 Blog Hop

A monthly community blog hop of "3 on the 21st"!

You can:

- share 3 things (a tip, a truth, and a photo about Down syndrome/disability/parenting) or
- share your favorite post (or a post by someone else) from the past month.

My 3 on the 21st:

Tip: Allow your child to try new things. Allow them to try out for things. Allow them to fail. Allow them to learn to try again.

Truth: Your child with Down syndrome can have positive experiences, accomplishments, and recognition in school (see photo exhibit A) just like their typical peers/siblings have.

Exhibit A:
Kayla was awarded Artist of the Week; Lucas was awarded Artist of the Week and Artist of the Quarter

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Anonymous said...

Good job on Artist of the Week and Artist of the Quarter! Visual art is a hard thing.

Unknown said...

I love your tip.......and I need to remember it. Everyone fails at something in life no matter how you try. I need to let Owen have those chances too because we all learn from those tried attempts.

Congrats to Kayla and Lucas! Awesome job!

Anonymous said...

I love your tip and truth. Will definitely check out the other bloggers.