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Friday, July 12, 2013

Remembering My Dad

I dreaded this day coming; the one year mark to end my dad's 3.5 yr battle with pancreatic cancer.

"Eulogy for dad" has quickly become one of the top search phrases that have landed people on my blog. I hate that. But every time I see that phrase has led someone to my eulogy for my dad, I say a little prayer for the person who did that search.

Thank you all for your suggestions on what I should do to mark this day. I realized that last week when we were on our vacation we were doing things my dad would've loved to do. He loved being outdoors ... going for walks, hiking trails etc. He would have loved the pictures I shared. He would have laughed, and been surprised, at us continuing our walk in the rain to the waterfall. I could hear his voice in my head, teasing me about that, exclaiming that I took the kids out in the rain.

So today, to remember my dad, this is my to-do list:
- Have one of those good, long, ugly, hard cries
- If the rain holds off, take kids for a bike ride
- Pull up YouTube and listen to the hits by the Four Seasons: Working My Way Back To You, Big Girls Don't Cry, Sherry, Candy Girl, Walk Like A Man because when I was growing up I remember my dad listening to and singing those songs
A lot.
- Sit down w/Kayla and Lucas and look through pictures of my dad
- Pull out the old video tape from when Kayla was born and cross my fingers that I have my dad on that tape
- Write messages with the kids, to my dad, on Flying Wish Paper and send the wishes up in the sky
- Wear our Purple Stride Pancreatic Cancer walk shirts
- Wear our Boston Red Sox caps
- Take the kids bowling
- Smile
- Make a donation to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
- Order flowers to be delivered to FL so someone can place them on my dad's grave site
- Try not to relieve what I was doing every hour of the day this time last year
- Probably have one more good cry

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Becca said...

Those are really beautiful ways to memorialize the day. I hope today was full of good memories. I love, love, love the photos! (((hugs)))

my family said...

awww {{hugs}} on this day
remember the good memories to always share with your kiddos

Anonymous said...

beautiful and sad all at the same time. so glad you have lots of memories and wish you could have had a lot more years with your dad.. Love Mom

ahoy.jenni said...

Hi, my family were away for a few days, its school holidays here, and you popped into my thoughts on Friday! We had a wonderful day in a coastal village, riding bikes and walking along the coast, so I sent you good thoughts from this lovely part of the world! (we were at Narooma, south coast NSW Australia )