As I read through the first chapter I felt like I was sitting down with a new friend and sharing the birth stories of our daughters' and the initial aftermath in the hospital of receiving a diagnosis of Down syndrome. We had many of the same thoughts and emotions.
Noelle (Cate's mom) and Angela (Noelle's best friend) have written a unique memoir sharing about their early years of growing up together, Cate's birth, and their second phase of growing up. The story is written in Noelle's voice first, followed by Angela's voice. I like that this memoir includes the perspective of the best friend and her thoughts and journey regarding Cate's birth.
While we all have different stories, I figured I would at least identify with Noelle's story to some extent, both of us raising a child with Down syndrome; but it was interesting to read what a friend might go through upon hearing that her best friend just gave birth to a child with an unexpected diagnosis of Down syndrome.
This book made me think often of my own best friend; friends since the 7th grade. Thanks to the military lifestyle, we only went to the same school and lived near each other for 2 years - our 7th and 8th grade years. Despite distances (and being separated by oceans and countries) ours is a friendship that has lasted through the years. We've been there for each other through the teenage-growing up years, and the adult years - marriages, abuse, divorces, childbirth, disabilities.
When Kayla was born I called my best friend from the hospital to tell her she most likely has Down syndrome. She told me it would be ok and that "at least you get to take your baby home." Her sister had given birth earlier that year, to a daughter who had many complications. She only lived a few months, and in her short life, she never left the hospital.
Noelle and Angela share how their faith and friendship is quietly renewed during the 12 year journey after Cate's birth. There are lessons learned about the strength inside yourself, seeing the good in people, living your life just as you are and the freedom to be yourself ... just like Cate is living her life. There are challenges, to be sure, as there are with raising any child, but there are joyful discoveries as well.
I enjoyed the stories about Cate and her younger years; she sounds like such a character!
Here is a trailer, so you can hear in their own words, on what this book is about.
You can buy the book on Amazon (and for the Kindle) OR you can enter to win it here. The authors have generously donated TWO (signed!) books for this giveaway!
You can enter using the Rafflecopter widget below. Leave a comment and then click on the +1 Do It link.
To earn more entries, and to spread the word about Just Cate, you can like their Facebook page and Tweet about the giveaway. You can do each of those things directly on the Rafflecopter widget.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This is a book I wouldn't have mind receiving in the hospital after Kayla was born!
(Refer back to 21 Days of Giveaways throughout the month to see all of the giveaways.)

The book sounds great and crazily my daughter with DS is Cate (Catherine) as well!
Great giveaway! I'd love to read this.
Sounds like a great read!
I have no idea if I did that rafflecopter thing correctly, but obviously this is a book I need to read.
and another amazing giveaway! Thanks
It sounds awesome! I love your reviews. :-)
What a great idea! I'd love to read this.
Sounds wonderful!
I saw some of the videos online and saw the trailer, did not realize it was a new book. Anywho, I would love to read this book!
i'd love to win this! looks like a great read!
Ohhhhhh!! I haven't read this one yet! Sounds awesome!!!
-Jessica H.
This sounds like a great book!
The book sounds really good!
This sounds awesome, and I am always on the hunt for more good reading, especially about something that is near and dear to my heart!
I'd love to read this!
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