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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day 21 Giveaway: Love on the 21st Chromosome

The world can be a small place, and the Down syndrome community even smaller.

When Kayla started attending the school she was at the last 2 years, her classroom was across the hall from the reading specialist. Unfortunately she is the reading specialist for the 4th and 5th graders, so Kayla was never in her class. But this teacher got to know Kayla and they greeted each other every day.

Turns out this teacher has a young granddaughter who has Down syndrome. We finally connected and then her daughter and I became FB friends as well. I met her daughter, and adorable granddaughter, over Spring Break when they were here for a visit.

Her daughter, Jenny, generously donated 3 t-shirts (white, size medium) that say "Love on the 21st Chromosome" for this giveaway - thank you Jenny!

To enter leave a comment on this post and then click on the +1 Do It link on the Rafflecopter widget.

To earn another entry you can Tweet about the giveaway. You can do this directly on the Rafflecopter widget.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(Refer back to 21 Days of Giveaways throughout the month to see all of the giveaways.)

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Nan said...

Can't believe its over?!!! Thanks so much Michelle... for all the stories you shared and the stories you found!

Lisa said...

What a fun t-shirt!

lovemy3 said...

Loved your posts this month!

Becca said...

Love this! Michelle, you have been incredibly organized and creative with your blog posts this month. Fantastic job!! Thank you for all the fun!

Unknown said...

Bought Drake one of the shirts at the convention. I love the necklace.

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed your blog posts this month. thank you


Kristi said...

What a fun shirt!!! Thanks for all the giveaways this month..they have been great!!

my family said...

have really enjoyed this month although blogging has been more than crazy for me

Angie Willey said...

You did an awesome job on the 31 for 21 challenge this year. Way to go!