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Sunday, July 01, 2012

Open Air Museum

My aunt and cousins (minus one who lives in Copenhagen!) live in Kongens Lyngby. We were able to visit with them several times and explore a little bit of their city.

We went to the Frilandsmuseet (an Open Air Museum). It was really neat to see the original buildings dating from 1650 to 1950. All the buildings have been moved piece by piece from their original location. It's amazing to see how they buildings and artifacts have been preserved and survived throughout all of these years.

Very small doorways!

We took a nice, relaxing boat ride around/through their city too. 

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've heard many great things about Open Air Museums in Germany too, but we've not visited one yet.

We were actually in Denmark around the same time as you all. Small world. My hubby had a work conference in Copenhagen and then we took a couple days to explore the countryside. Very nice up there.