We also, unexpectedly, got a very brief glimpse of The Royal Couple. As we were standing there gawking at the palace the guard returned to his spot, called to attention, and we noticed a car fast approaching the gate. The car was followed closely by a black SUV - which we guessed was like our Secret Service. It all happened so fast so we weren't prepared to really look in the vehicle, but my sister saw The Queen in the back of the car. Pretty neat!
Lucas was using the Flip camera and I didn't look at it until we were back home. He caught the whole arrival on video. Poor kid, he keeps asking my sister "get what?" and no one answers him!
The Royal car minus the royal passengers
Lucas marching like the guard...
In the public part of the palace gardens.
Kayla was sitting in front of this statue and it appears he is looking directly at her. I told her to turn around and look at it and she said, "Eww! I don't like this man!" and scurried down the hill.

Such great photos! I love the ones of Lucas marching like the guard :)
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