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Sunday, March 04, 2012

The Red Carpet

Shortly after my post on the Luke 14 Banquet I came across some photos on FB of Kayla/us on the red carpet. Does she look like she is in her element or what?!

and a few other pictures...

All photos copyrighted and attributed to Dreams To Blessings Photography.

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Mom24 said...

What a fabulous time! I'm so glad you went.

lovemy3 said...

She definitely looks in her element and very pretty!

Overwhelmed! said...

Oh how fun! Your kids always seem to have a great time wherever they go, Michelle. :)

Anonymous said...

and enjoying every bit of the "red carpet' experience too. every looks so pretty and handsome. Michelle "you pop" when wearing red.love mom

Cindy said...

She looks like she's been walking the red carpet her whole life!!