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Friday, December 30, 2011

Different, Not Less

I saw this quote on Facebook yesterday:

not less

and thought about how that applies to Kayla.

Yes she is different in that she has an extra chromosome. (But really, how 'different' is she? A lot of people out there have an extra - or even missing - chromosome. There are other people who have a single simian crease across the palm of their hand, others who have Brushfield spots in their eyes, others who have speech issues, others who have cognitive delays.)

But having a difference does not make her less.

It doesn't make her
...less than human.
...less of a daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin.
...less than a friend.
...less deserving of life.
...less deserving of opportunities - educational and employment.
...less deserving of love.
...less deserving of respect.
...less deserving of the chance to play sports.
...less deserving of a chance.

She's not
...less capable of learning.
...less capable of love.
...less capable of being a friend.
...less capable of being able to play.
...less capable of knowing how to laugh.
...less capable of hurting.
...less capable of having fun.
...less capable of experiencing and enjoying life.
...less capable of following the rules.
...less capable of having a job.
...less capable of having feelings.

Different, yes. But not less. Not less than anything.

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Anonymous said...


Laura said...

I had never thought of it this way. You are so right!

Grandma said...

IMO she is a lot more than most!!

Noah's Dad said...

I ditto everything you just said.

I just wrote a post about how our son is tricky little boy...even at 9 months old! hahah..

You guys rock!

Ms. Kathleen said...

It makes her unique and precious in God's eyes and yours. What an angel she is and wise words from her loving mom. Happy New Year! Stop by my new blog :) I pray all is going well with you and the kiddos. God Bless you abundantly in 2012!

Cindy said...

Amen! So true!

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

That is so perfect and simple. Hope you had a happy New Year!