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Thursday, September 29, 2011

5th Annual 31 for 21 Blog Challenge

Tricia from Unringing the Bell is once again hosting her annual 31 for 21 Blog Challenge for Down Syndrome Awareness Month.

For those that aren't 'aware' - October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Down syndrome is a 3rd copy of the 21st chromosome (a trisomy), so in medical terms it is called Trisomy 21. Or T21.

The challenge is to blog every day in October (31) for Down syndrome T(21). Hence 31 for 21 blog challenge.

The challenge isn't to blog every day ABOUT Down syndrome, but just to post every day. You don't have to be a parent of someone with Down syndrome to participate either ... any one can sign up, post the badge (should be available on Sat) on their blog, inform their audience what it is all about, and post away about any topic.

I have no idea what I'm going to post about for 31 days, but I've done it for the past 4 years so I'm not going to stop now.

31 for 21 - here we come!

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Becca said...

Oh, glad she's doing that again. I'll sign up. This will be Year 2 for me, and I'm determined to do it!!

Cheryl said...

Thanks for reminding us! I enjoy trying to post everyday and I've really been neglecting my blog lately.

Kristi said...

Im going to try it this year!! Thanks for the post!!

Beth @ Snaps Of Our Life said...

My first post is drafted and ready to go for tomorrow! The days after that - not so much!