I asked Kayla who gave her the pencil case and she kept saying "Skyler." When I asked her "why" she couldn't give me an answer.
Then I noticed the pencils. They were new, not sharpened, and had new eraser tops on them. Upon closer inspection I saw that they were those personalized pencils you can buy in a package. The name on them: Kayla.
She still kept saying Skyler gave it to her; I was still confused as to why.
Then Joe discovered the note in Kayla's backpack. I was hoping her teacher might have sent a note explaining the pencil case. But the note wasn't from her teacher. It was written in bright orange marker. One side said, "Love Skyler. To Kayla."
This was written on the other side, "Kayla I love you. You are the friend I ben looking for. I was looking for a kind friend. A soaring friend. A BFF. My BFF."
To receive something so out of the blue like this from one of Kayla's classmates/friends absolutely touched my heart. Not just that she thought enough of Kayla to give her the pencils/pencil case too, but a heartfelt, genuine note of acceptance and love and friendship from the goodness of Skyler's heart.
This is what I hope for when I sit in an IEP meeting and say I want my daughter to spend the majority of her school time included in the general ed classroom. The chance to develop true, genuine, friendships. For typical kids to see "Kayla" and realize the potential for friendships.
Yes, I had to hold back the tears.

That's so beautiful. Sounds like Skyler thinks Kayla is a really special friend! So sweet!
Thank you for sharing this story. So beautiful and very sweet!
What a wonderful day for Kayla and for you...so happy for you both!
That really is beautiful Michelle.
WOW!! And Yes, Yes, Yes!! This is what you want for Kayla, inclusion in school to have a true friend, because they "see" Kayla!! :) and the teachers need to see this and also the administrators!!Kayla can participate in a regular class room!! Good for you when You go to the IEP meeting and share such a wonderful part of Kayla's world during the school day.. true friendship.. love mom/grandma
Oh how beautiful!
that is so beautiful! you have a lovely family!
How wonderful!
Happy tears! :)
Wow. That's so sweet! I LOVE hearing stories like this. I read someone else's blog this morning who had a similar story to tell, of unconditional acceptance. I just can't get enough. I bet Kayla's going to have many more such friends. :-)
Ok, I am NOT holding back the tears...so sweet!! They just keep flowing tonight!
I'm one of the Grandma's so I don't have to hold back the tears. What more proof do we need that God gave the special gift of Kayla to the perfect parents. Ones that fight for what, in their hearts, they know is best for her. Your love and support has given Kayla so much.
great to have stories like this it makes the iep wort it soo happy for u all
Thanks for sharing...that is so sweet!
So sweet! I'm glad she has the opportunity to make friends with her peers.
that is awesome. we can all take a lesson from this story. children always look deeper then the skin. a child looks for what is on the inside. sounds like kayla has touched more then this friends heart. she has touched everybody who knows her and everybody who wishes they knew her.
Kerry Mazingo
This is somethng I'm happy to shed a few tears over! Beautiful!
Michelle, this is beautiful and incredibly powerful. Our Past president of DSACT went to Poland last year to share our "Down Syndrome in the 21st Century Video" and to talk about our organization's programs and services to the Poland DS associations. While there she was met with desperate parents who have had no support or real information on DS and a world of little to no inclusion. One of the leaders of a city told the group after Suzanne gave her talk that she was dilusional and that children with DS are never accepted or truly have friendships. Oh for those parents to read this! Thank you for sharing this!
That is wonderful! <3
when's the play date?
That is so awesome Michelle!
As a teacher, I LOVE this! Let the tears flow! :)
Thanks for sharing that Michelle - beautiful and I am so happy for Kayla! And Skyler.
How sweet!
I couldn't even BEGIN to hold back my tears. Thank you so very much for sharing this story. My heart is warmed.
Well, there you went and made me tear up too!
Add me to the crying list! Big time!
Wow! I love it!
The tears are flowing. What a beautiful story...just beautiful.
So sweet! :)
so very sweet and touching xo
Aww, that is so sweet! That's great that she has such a special friend!
holding back tears myself, how wonderful for Kayla!
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