These services will be cut if approved at the federal level:
- Dental, vision, hospice, and podiatry services for those 21 and older
Really?! Dental and vision are so important to your health; especially as you get older. Regular dental check-ups/cleanings of 2x a year as preventative should be the minimum of coverage - not nothing at all.
- Home health visits reduced to 50x a year for children and adults (I'm not sure what the current amount was, but I believe it was significantly more than 50)
This partial list of reductions will start on Feb 1 and do not require State Plan Amendment:
- Reduce diabetic shoes from 2 to 1
- Reduce private rehab therapy from 75 per therapy type (OT, PT, ST) to 75 TOTAL visits across all therapies (this affects children)
- Limit adult behavioral health services to 12 outpatient visits annually
- Discontinue coverage for insulin pumps for Type II Diabetics
The one about reducing therapies to 75 across all therapy types is hard. What if you have a child with multiple special needs and is receiving a combination of OT/PT/ST? You're supposed to pick and choose which therapy service to focus on and forget about the other?
If you're affected by these budget reductions there is a public conference call scheduled for Wed, Jan 12.
10 a.m. - 11 a.m
Call Toll Free 1-866-550-4821
Conference ID #34256162

The reductions are the same here in WA State. As of January 1, Beth lost dental and vision. It's unbelievable what the government is willing to cut. "No, no. Keep my private jet. Cut her health care."
Ridiculous. Their mismanagement is your loss! Humph!
So sorry to hear this. Not at all surprised, but sorry nonetheless.
I have read about these cuts and some of them just don't make sense like you said. I think some may affect my kids, but I'm not sure how much. I hope they don't affect y'all too much! I would hate for a child who needs some form of therapy to not get it.
Harsh!! Is Kayla on a waiver? This is my fear ... We depend on our Medicaid for therapy, just like you said!!!
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