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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Carissa - His Hero

I came across this post written by Dan Pearce called Saturday's Heroes - Carissa via Cindy's blog.

Dan wrote about his hero - Carissa - his sister who had Down syndrome (she passed away a few years ago). I like the way he started off describing her as "...a beautiful woman named Carissa. She is and always will be my greatest inspiration and number one hero. She is my sister."

You can tell how much he loved his sister and what an impact she had on his life, and those around her, just by the words he writes about her. It's a shame her life ended too soon and too young, as I'm sure numerous other people could have benefited from knowing her.

As Dan said, "She never thought herself better than another human being. How many of us can say that?"

I think about the relationship between Kayla and Lucas. They are just about 5 yrs apart. They are like typical siblings right now - get a long sometimes; other times not so much. Lucas is at that 2-yr old age where he can bug the heck out of Kayla because he wants to do whatever she is doing and he wants whatever she has. Kayla is tolerant of him and usually ends up giving in to him (although we keep telling her she doesn't have to give him something she had first).

I can only hope as they get older they will have an unbreakable bond and a wonderful sibling relationship.

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To Love Endlessly said...

It will be cool to see how their relationship unfolds. They will likely always be the best of friends, that's just the joy of siblings. Thanks for sharing that post, he obviously loved his sister SO very much.

Cindy said...

Thanks for the link...and for sharing. :)

Christina said...

That is my wish for my kids as well. I am not close to my only brother and I am trying hard to foster a closeness between ours. It's fun to watch how they interact.