Yes, today I'm another year older, although I don't like to admit that fact. Once you're out of school getting older just seems to happen way too quickly! Oh what I wouldn't give to be turning 17 again! And of course taking with me the knowledge of what I know now to do things differently! Ha!
What goes better with a birthday than ice cream? Ok, I don't really need an excuse to have ice cream, it's one of my addictions!
Although I do have to read ingredients more carefully on ice cream since Kayla was diagnosed with celiac disease ... things like cookie dough ice cream, or ice cream with chunks of brownie, or cake ... yeah, filled with gluten!
Speaking of ice cream ... Breyer's recently introduced a new line of Smooth and Dream Bars and and Sandwiches (yeah sandwiches are off-limits for Kayla)...but the bars are fair game!
We recently tried the Chocolate Covered Strawberry bars and they were delicious. I did make the mistake of us eating them outside - this South Carolina humidity had those bars melting faster than the kids could eat them up and Lucas's chocolate chunk fell right in to his lap. Oh well, it was still good! Next one I want to try is the Vanilla Caramel Chip bars.
Also? The new bars and sandwiches are range from 120-160 calories and 4.5-6 grams of fat. No artificial colors or flavors either.
Now for the free ice cream for you. I have 4 coupons for a free package of bars or sandwiches to give away.
Just leave a comment on this post ... and since its my birthday ... leave a comment with your favorite birthday memory, best (or worst!) gift received, or most memorable birthday. Please make sure I have a way of contacting you if you're the winner!
"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Breyers and received products necessary to facilitate my review. In addition, I received a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate."

Sounds yummy - I've been wanting to try those! My favorite birthday memory are the birthdays of my childhood. My sister and I share June as our birthday month and we had many birthday pool parties with friends and family. Cooking out in the backyard, playing in the water, and being with my family, those are my favorite birthdays.
Happy Birthday!!!
My favorite birthday memories? Easy. My 17th birthday Mark came home from college to take me to the prom. It was on my birthday, and the theme was "our" song. Very special.
My other favorite birthday memory? My first doctor's appointment when I was pregnant with Julianna was on my birthday. For someone who was told she would only have 1 child, to have 4 was absolutely amazing.
Happy Birthday again. Hope the SC humidity dies down soon.
Happy Birthday!!! The ice cream sounds yummy! Don't you just love humidity?!?! So for the birthday memory, I will share my WORST!! LOL On my 14th birthday I was admitted to the children's hospital (already had a broken leg) for toxic shock and an allergic reaction to sulfa. I almost didn't make it. But, when they got me stable and I was coherent enough to know what was going on around me, the doctors and nurses treated me like a princess. Good times!
Hope you have had a great day Michelle :) Those bars sound yummy - I might have to go try them :) Have a fabulous birthday and don't melt ;)
Happy Birthday! I was diagnosed with breast cancer 14 years ago when my children were 2, 6 and 9. After a double mastectomy, months of chemo. and radiation every single day and birthday is special.
Happy Birthday Michelle! I hope that you had a wonderful one. Those bars sound delicious, might have to go and give them a try.
As for a favorite birthday memory - maybe my 16th birthday when my sister threw me a surprise party at our church. She paid for everything with her hard earned money (she was 17 at the time)and I knew how hard she had to work for it.
Other than that - it would be that every year on my birthday, the first phone call that I get is from my Mom. She always calls and sings happy birthday to me. I look forward to that every year!
Those sound delicious! One of my worst birthdays in recent years would have to be the one I just had. Not only was my husband gone and he didn't get me anything or do anything for me, but no one in my family even called until 9pm at night. Nothing like thinking everyone forgot you on your birthday!
Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday was when I lived in Italy and was house-sitting the penthouse of friends on holiday. I cooked a feast, friends filled the apartment with a boatload of presents, and we sang around the baby grand piano :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Happy Birthday!!
Free Ice cream? I'm in. Best memories are of being surprised by my parents when they would buy us a cone from the ice cream truck. It was a rare treat. I recently bought a big box of ice cream sandwiches (like, 30) and my kids thought I was THE BEST mom ever. :)
ooo! ooo! ooo!!!!! i want icecream! =) worst b-day memory is eating those cupcakes from the grocery store. ya know, the ones with a ton of icecream & those plastic clowns on top. Well I ate too many. My dad ended up carrying me & holding me out to the side as I vomited down the hall way and into the bathroom - where I continued to vomit.
Happy Birthday Michelle. I wish we could have met at the conference, but I am guessing you and I were attending different sessions as Emily is much younger than Kayla. I would love to try the chocolate covered bars. My favorite birthday was my 30th when my hubby and my twin sister's husband threw a surprise party for us at our favorite restaurant!
Happy Birthday!!!! My most memorable birthday was my brother turned 14 that year and on his bday he got a $400 bike from my parents, and on my big 18th birthday? They got me a hair dryer. :-( Hope your bday is much better than that!!
My favorite birthday memory is from a million years ago, or so it seems. I was turning 6 and my family threw me a surprise party. I was so excited! It's the only surprise party I've ever had. :)
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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