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Thursday, February 18, 2010

CVS Caremark All Kids Can

Ellen from To The Max has a giveaway going on right now for a $50 CVS gift card.

Ellen will pick 10 random winners on Fri, Feb 26th - all you have to do is leave a comment on her post sharing your therapy-play tips.

One of our fun therapy-play ideas is the Bean Box. Kayla still enjoys for me to pull this out and she'll sit on the floor and play for 30-45 min with this - or until Lucas starts throwing the beans all over!

I had no idea about the CVS Caremark All Kids Can program - a 5-year, $25 million commitment for making life easier for children with disabilities.

What a great statement on their site: Children with disabilities have amazing potential to reach their goals and succeed in life. CVS/pharmacy and the CVS Caremark Charitable Trust are proud to launch the CVS Caremark All Kids Can program and lend our support to this important issue, helping children with disabilities to learn, play and succeed in life.

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Anonymous said...
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Sari said...

Michelle, love the info you are always passing on to us. Thank you for that :)

if you get a chance please stop by my blog. I have nominated you for an award and would love to pass it on to you.

Have a wonderful day!

p.s. How is Dad..?