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Monday, December 28, 2009

The Sleep Battle

Finally got around to getting all my cell phone pics on to the computer, and had to chuckle when I came across these.




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Overwhelmed! said...

Ah, he's so cute! Love the pics.

chelle said...

aww what a cutie!

My name is Sarah said...

so cute:)

Danyele Easterhaus said...

we have that same battle with sofia, but she never gives in! stinker.

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

SO cute! Keeghan loses that same battle often! LOL

Renee said...

What a sweetie!

Marie said...

Sweet and lucky mama that he still goes...Jack stays at the going stage most of the time. Of course, he's 4 so I guess we're pretty much done with the naps.