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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Text-A-Thon for a Cause

Electrolux and Kelly Ripa kicked off “Text-a-Thon for a Cause” to support the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund (OCRF). Moms can donate $5 to the cause by texting “KELLY” to 85944 from their mobile phones (standard text messaging rates apply) – or by logging on to Kelly Confidential.

Eeach day you log on to the site, you are entered for a chance to win a luxury frontload washer and dryer from Electrolux in Turquoise Sky, the color of ovarian cancer awareness.

Another way to support the cause is b
y sending a virtual T-shirt to a friend from Kelly Confidential. For every virtual T-shirt sent, Electrolux will donate $1 to the OCRF. You can also purchase a limited edition T-shirt designed by Ripa; 100% of the proceeds from the sale of the T-shirts will go to OCRF.

Want a chance to win your own Electrolux Turquoise Sky front load washer and dryer? Leave a comment on Mom Central for your chance to win!

"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Electrolux and received a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate."

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1 comment:

Michelle said...

This is really neat - I've been following this Kelly Confidential online, since that's what Karly had - ovarian cancer.