We've been wondering where we would be stationed next, and even though we won't be moving for another year, we've been anxiously waiting to find out just where we'll be living.
If you've seen my status on Facebook then you already know where the Air Force is sending us next...
but for those of you who haven't...
Charleston AFB, SC!
I think I'm excited about that :)
I don't really know much about the base; except I keep hearing it's a beautiful area (that's good to know!)
I did find the Down Syndrome Association, which is in Charleston, but other than that? I'm not familiar with it at all. One thing I'm worried about is how big it is - I'm not used to living in a big city! Maybe the base is on the outskirts and I won't have to venture downtown too often :)
So now the research can begin to find out more about our next home. Anyone out there have any experience?

Girl...we are going to have to meet then because I am only an hour away!!!! I know I don't visit much, but I'm so busy I can't...so when you move here let's meet and hang out.
I'm excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You should be too!!! It's a great area to live in.
yeah!!! and it's is beautiful there! i have been there a number of times...and will go back. lots to do with kids and the beach isn't too far. that's always good!
You will LOVE Charleston!
and surrounding areas!
I have heard that Charleston is wonderful!! I am glad you at least know WHERE you are going....Good luck with the next year.
BTW - I added you as a friend on Facebook - Beth Fink Parmer!
I love Charleston. That's only 4.5 hours from me! You will have to check out the store "Good Scents" in the Market. You will love it! It's my favorite place.
I'm excited for you!!
Check out the giveaways on my other blog! http://www.sensiblefinds.com
Yay! I love living in SC and I'm sure you will too! It's so cool to know you'll be closer by! I know you'll love it, Charleston is beautiful!
i heard it was really nice!We will be moving to new bern nc.Maybe some time we can get togther!
oh, i talk to carles(he was the one who sang the cowboy song). he is on facebook now.he is doing really good and still living in n.j. he has 2 kids also. a gilr and boy. you should look him up.
love ya,
How exciting! It must be nice to be able to look into the area in advance and give you all something to look forward to.
I think I know someone who was on that base- I will check and if so, pass on email addresses : )
My boss' daughter just bought a house in Charleston. She loves it there. My boss and his wife LOVE to visit there. They have nothing but rave reviews for it. It is on my list of places to visit. Being in NC its a somewhat short drive away, but I haven't made it there yet.
It's a beautiful city!!!
I haven't been to the AF base, but I've been to the city a few times.
Glad you have lots of time to get familiar with the area.
Sounds great!! :)
YAY for finding out where you'll be going, next. Sounds like you really are excited.
Charleston, eh? There's certainly nothing wrong with the south. :) Great beaches too. I've only passed through while driving to GA growing up but I remember it being a pretty state. I didn't know you were in facebook. You must be using a different email address as I couldn't find you that way. Look me up when you have a chance.
Sounds nice! I'm a country girl, so I understand the apprehension about the "big city". :)
I'm glad you are excited! I've never been there, but imagine it's really beautiful!
Well, at least it is on the same coast that you are presently on! Weather is warmer. I hear that the food is good.
It'll be an adventure!
Congrats on knowing where you'll be stationed. I know the waiting can be killer. It's good to know, then you can plan!
I'm glad you are excited about!!
I love that you found out with so much time to plan for the move!!!
Congrats on Charleston - I've only been there once, but I loved it!
Hooray! I think that if you love history, the ocean, and great architecture, you will adore Charleston. We live about 5 hours away, and we can't stop coming back year after year to take in the sights and go to the beach! Folly Beach is very popular with surfers and teens, but I LOVE going to Hunting Island State Park with the kiddos. It is south of Charleston, near Beaufort, and it is beautiful, the waves are calm enough for small ones, the beaches are wide, the people are few, and the shells are many. Remember, Hunting Island!
I was secretly hoping for England!
I keep meaning to tell you, the lovely card you send as a thank you for donating to Kayla's walk has inspired so many conversations in my home. Thank you!
When are you moving? We haven't arranged a get-together yet! Do I need to make plans?
You will love Charleston!! It is so pretty there!
YAY! I love Charleston, my sister and her husband were based there for 3 years.
You will only be 5 1/2 hours from me...closer for us to meet oneday :) That's a great reason for a road trip to that area in a year or so.
Charleston is beautiful, rich in history, and you have the ocean nearby. And I'm only a few hours away! I'm excited for you and hope I can meet you when you come closer!
Ohhh..congrats on your new assignment! I'm from North Carolina and have only visited SC in passing, but from what I did see of it, it's an absolutely beautiful state! You will love it there :)
I've never been there but have seen lots of pics of the area and it looks gorgeous! How nice that you'll be in such a pretty, child friendly area!
oh darn! I was hoping you'd say.....my state. but....my state doesn't have a base...so that was crazy. tee hee
That's great Michelle....I don't know the area and we've never been stationed there. Can't wait to hear all about it though :)
Charleston is one of my very favorite places. I think you will all be very happy there!
SC is beautiful. There is so much history in that area of the country. Besides, you are THAT much closer to DisneyWorld. That would be reason enough for me to move. LOL!
Charleston is beautiful! My brother lived at Folly Beach and we went for a visit to Charleston. We took the horse and buggy ride through the historical part of town. It is very nice. We will be neighboring states since we are in NC!
Very cool. I'm a tad jealous but I'll try to rein it in... :) We are supposed to be moving in 2 months and still do not have orders! Ugh!
I've never been but always wanted to! I hear its beautiful.
We live in the upstate of SC in Greenville and love Charleston, in my opinion it is the second best city in SC:) I think the AFB is in the northern part of the city but I might be thinking of the navy base. the city is sort of large but is divided into little sections. You will find yoru way around.But get ready for the tourist there are a lot of them!! Maybe one of these days we can meet when we are on a visit to the area. I wish I knew more about the DS community there but am still just trying to figure out ours in the upsate. I am glad you know where you are moving and that it is near me:)!
Rachel Baxter
Have fun. Lots of them.
http://somethingaboutparenting.typepad.comTwitter: AboutParenting
Charleston is one of my favorite cities! I really think you will love it there! Can we come visit ;)
I have a good friend in SC it is absolutley beautiful, he looooves it there.
We love Charleston. Such agreat placewith lots of history. The base is nice and the housing isnt that bad either. Have fun doing lots of research.
I found some of my old Charleston pamphlets if you would like them I could send them to you. Email me and let me know at thehudsons24@nc.rr.com.
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