When we first walked in to the baggage check in area a Boy Scout came up to Joe to give him a 'care package' - a big baggie filled with toiletries, snacks, and card games. He said, "thank you for your service to our country." That gave me a lump in my throat.
Then there were also Girl Scouts handing out free boxes of (what else?) cookies that had been donated.
I envy Kayla and Lucas with their naivete right now - they just don't realize how long Joe will be gone...that one year is an unknown, intangible factor to them right now.
But for me, oh I know exactly how long a year is and how that feels. Right now it feels surreal; I can't believe we said goodbye to him for a year (well except for the 2-week break he'll get in about 6 months).
I wanted to hold on to him a little tighter and a little longer, I wanted to not have to walk away from him and begin this new life without him for a year, but unfortunately that can't happen, so in the end I did say goodbye.
This picture just cracked me up - Kayla said Lucas was cold and she wrapped my sweater around him; when I looked over all I could see was his head sticking out of all this white!
When we were driving back home Kayla saw an airplane flying overhead and she got excited, "Mommy! A airplane! Daddy on a airplane!!" So we waved and said "bye Daddy bye!"
This morning on the way to school Kayla grabbed the DVD remote control in the van and pretended she was talking to Joe, "Hi Daddy. Airport, a airplane. Mommy sad. Mommy miss you. Miss you Daddy. Ok? Bye Daddy."
Stay safe Joe- we're already missing you!

So sad...I know just how you feel. May the time go swiftly and both of our Joe's stay safe. Good luck with the kidos and all the questions. ;)
In tears....and speechless.
Michelle, my heart breaks looking at these pictures. I'm praying for you and Joe and the kids during this time. Praying that one year is smooth and quick. Hugs.
I'm crying for you. Here's hoping the year goes by quickly, and Joe returns safely.
oh michelle...i'm crying now too! i'm no help. i am certainly praying for you all in this absence of daddy...and my little kayla is so cute! i love her. i pray for joe's safe return and some peace for you in the meantime.
So sorry Joe has to leave for this time. Sending you lots of love and strength.
Let me join in the crying brigade.
Our longest separation was 7 months - and I didn't have kids at the time.
I'm in tears thinking of a year. We have good friends who are doing a year unaccompanied... and another friend whose husband just got back.
I'll be checking in regularly to see how you're doing!
Aww, you made me cry! I hope your husband stays safe and that it doesn't seem that long!
You made me cry! God bless all of you during this next year.
There are no words. Thank you for your sacrifice. Stay safe, Joe!
Stay safe Joe! You totally made me tear up - and I'm at the office. I hope the year goes by quickly for you all.
My tears and prayers are for you and your family. Hugs
A YEAR. That breaks my heart.
Praying for your family.
Although my hubby has never served, all of my male cousins have. I sit here with tears running down my face at what it must feel like to have to say goodbye.
My prayers will be with you!
I don't know how you do it - you military families totally amaze me.
I hate goodbye's too - that is going to be one of the best thing about Heaven - no more tears - no more goodbyes! As I prepare to say goodbye to my daughter, son-in-law, and sweet grandson as they leave for a three year mission assignment to Peru, I have kept you in mind. If you can do it - so can I!
Thank you again for your family's service to our great nation.
Prayers and thanks to your family.
Definitely prayers that he stays safe and that the next year flies by. I would think that 2 week visit is very bittersweet.
Every time I hear a politician talk about the sacrifices families make, I think of you. Thank you.
Words don't do it sometimes - but want to express my admiration for you. I don't know what that is like - I can only imagine. But I hope you know you're not alone - those of us following your blog are only a few words away.
May Joe be safe and sound, and you guys too.
I can't imagine how difficult this year is going to be for you. My thoughts are with you and I'm praying for his safe return.
My heart just goes out to you, Michelle. I can't imagine. Your photos are very touching and convey all the emotions I'm sure you're all going through.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate the sacrifices military families make for us.
Thank you. And let the countdown until he returns begin!
I'll be praying for you guys and for a super fast year!
Always remember to stay strong!
Well, thanks for making me blubber like I really understand what you are going through. Gosh, I admire you military families so much!
You just made me cry with this post, it reminded me of us and having to say goodbye to Curt when he deploys. It's SO SO tough, we try to be strong for the kids but inside it's just breaking our hearts.
I'm glad you're home and have your mom and family nearby :)
It's hard for me to look at the pictures and that is nothing compared to experiencing it. You are a strong family and just know that your sacrifice for us is appreciated by many - and wish it more appreciated by all.
I read and I'm speechlees...other than the tears flowing down my cheeks.
You all will remain in our prayers.
lly the year doesn't take as long as what words seem to make it. i so miss her expressions on things in life. i also miss you two very much also. we've done it before, grant it without the kids, so i'm sure we will be able to survive again. from one of many stops along the way, I LOVE YOU THREE VERY MUCH!!!
Ahhh I wish I could give you a big hug. Goodbyes are SO hard!!! I'm glad Joe is already able to leave you messages! We'll keep you all in our prayers over the next year. Keep on keeping on!
Praying for you all!
Your pictures are sad and beautiful at the same time(if that makes any sense). Thank you Joe for your sacrifice and thank you Michelle and Kayla and Lucas for your sacrifice too. Prayers for all of you..........
I'm tearing up too over here.
Seding big hugs your way...let's all hope that those first 6 months fly by.
The tears have come so easy for me, just from looking at your pictures...My heart breaks for you. I do not know the strength you possess,I am weak, I guess you just have to find a way to do it.
May Joe safely and quickly return to you.
Oh, Michelle, I'm so sad for you and your kids. I hope the year goes quickly and safely. Safe journey, Joe.
I cant believe its time already. Not a whole lot to say. Hugs.
That makes me want to cry! I hate goodbyes too, and it is so sad to me that you all had to say goodbye to him! A year does seem like a long time... but doesn't it seem like time is going faster these days? Maybe you could find a way to watch the time go by, with the kids... Like make a long paper chain and remove a link every day before bed??? At least then you'll be able to see it getting shorter and shorter each day.
Oh my this is so sad. Thank you so much for the service your husband does for our country and the service you do at home.
Blessings to you dear one,
Oh my gosh Michelle, I have goosebumps! I'm so sad for you all, I can't even imagine. Hang in there, ... if I could, I'd come over to cheer you up ...
Michelle, this post made me cry. My prayers are with all of you during this year. I'm glad you are with family to help you out but I know that it isn't the same. Thank you so much for what you and Joe do to keep us all safe.
My prayers are with him and your family. Thanks to him for serving our country. If you need anybody to talk to - we're here! :)
My prayers are with you all. I hope this year goes by fast for all of you!The pictures were so sweet. I love what Kayla did to her little brother that brought a smile to my face after being teary eyed.Take care!
love ya,
I can't imagine how hard that must be. Please know that I am truly thankful for your willingness to go through this for the sake of all our families. It is no small thing, and I really appreciate Joe's service and your sacrifice of time with him. Many blessings of safety for Joe and quick time passage for you guys. And thank goodness for your family to keep you company through this year.
I must be hormonal or something cuz I'm crying my eyes out here. I can't even imagine how you're feeling. To say that you're sad and miss Joe doesn't seem like it conveys enough of what you must be feeling. I'm here when you need me. Always.
Oh Michelle, I've joined the crowd too. My heart aches for you and for Joe. I pray for you often and will definitely be praying for your dear sweet man. My husband always chokes up when I mention Joe and he always says to tell them, "Thank You!".
I cannot even begin to imagine, but please know all of us in Blogville love you and you have so many people praying daily for Joe, you and your beautiful babies!
Thinking of you, Joe and the kids. Hope that this year goes fast for you and that Joe is returned safely to you. xxxx
Siobhan xx
Hugs to you, the kids and Joe, Michelle! I know what a year feels like, but mine was without kids, so I can't imagine!
Hugs to you!
Michelle, I'm having a very hard time accepting this deployment. My heart aches not just for me but for all of us who love him so much. This year will seem like forever. All I can do is pray to God to keep my baby safe and to please make this time fly bye.
Those are awesome pictures. You are a strong woman and a great mama and I know you'll get through this with flying colours...missing him all the way, of course. I'm so sorry you have to deal with it, but I know you can!
I'm crying here...I can't even imagine how you're feeling, knowing Joe is gone for a year. My heart goes out to both of you because I know this can't be easy for him either. Big hugs xoxo
You have a beautiful family, Michelle. Just gorgeous.
Many prayers for Joe's safe return and a very, very Happy Valentine's Day 2010.
When my husband is gone for a week it is so hard...I can't fathom a year without him (even 6 months). I am so glad you are with family while he is gone and not alone. I will pray for Joe and that he will be safe while he is gone and that the time until your family is reunited goes by quickly. {{{big hugs}}}}
Michelle, you brought me to tears. I'm completely at a loss for words. Praying for you, your family, and Joe
Aw honey.. I am just sending you warm hugs and thoughts from Colorado. My family and I are thinking of you and the little ones! What a difference a year will make, but we will be with you the whole way!!
Warm Blessings honey...
My cousin is comeing home this month. WE are so thankful that he is comeing back safe and sound he will be back before y know it hugs to y kayla and Luckas
(((HUGS))) to you Mchelle! I have been there and it is not easy.
Saying a prayer for all of you tonight that the year flies by!
OMG, I got so chocked up reading/seeing this! I can't even begin to imagine!!! You are such a strong family/woman;)
I'm so glad that you had someone there to take those photos...so precious...
I'm in tears!!! Thoughts and prayers with you and the kids and with Joe!!! Thinking of you all!
So sad... our thought and prayers are with Joe & your family!
I can't even imagine! My heart goes out to all of you and I will pray that Joe is safe and that you have the strength to get through this time on your own with the kids!!! Thinking of you!!! Please thank Joe for what he is doing for all of us!
Joining the others in feeling sad that you have to be apart. Thank you all for your service to our country.
Praying that the time goes quickly. God bless all of you.
Tears for you. I'm so sorry that he'll be gone for so long. Hopefully, time will pass faster than you hope.
Stay safe, Joe!
As an army wife I think we all get that lump in our throat for another when we hear the word deployment. It is always hard to say goodbye. Thank goodness the kids are still so young and you have them to fill your days and nights. I pray he stays safe and you have an uneventful time of it.
Oh Michelle, I can not even imagine what you are going through....You and your family will be in my prayers~
Good-byes just suck. I hate them. I wish we never had to say them.
I am thankful you have the support of your family, the love of Joe to hold you up, your kids to distract you, and tons of friends to cheer you on.
Here's to getting the first week over with!!
i'm in tears right now... ='(
(i like lucas all wrapped up - that was cute)
<3 Kelly
Oh my Michelle. Tears are a flowin'...I will always have the most respect for our military families and the sacrifices you make for our country's freedom. THANK YOU. THANK YOU TO YOU. THANK YOU TO JOE. We will lift Joe and your family up in prayer. (((HUGS)))
Hi Michelle,
I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. I have experienced the same thing, only our separation was 9 months instead of one year like yours. My first husband was in the military and had to leave 3 months after we were married. We had a 6 month old baby and it was so sad to watch him go. I'm glad themove went well and that you are with your mom. I'm glad to hear that Kayla is doing well in the new school! Hopefully this year will go by quickly! (but not TOO quickly! Babies grow up too fast; mine will be 2 in April)
OH how this post made me cry. The pictures you got are just wonderful and I'm sure they will be looked at often :) I will say a prayer for you and thank you for what your family does for us.
I will keep Joe and your family in my prayers for his safety and for you to find things in the next year to distract you and make things go faster.
Your family is so beautiful! I thank your husband for his service to our country. I wish there was a way that our military could do their jobs without having to leave their loved ones home for a year at a time.
I remember the feeling of sending a loved one off for a year all to well.
Hello, I clicked on your blog thru Rhett's Journey..I hope you don't mind if I comment...I know words alone don't convey the apprciation that I feel when I say thank you to your husband for his service, and thank you to you and your family for the sacrifice that you have done. I will pray for you and your family during this year and ask God for peace, health, and safety
I know that words can't make any of this feel easier, so I'll just say that we are praying for all four of you during this journey. Email me if you need anything...even if it is just to vent. **HUGS**
Oh my. I'm just crying for you and so sad. Thank you to Joe, and to you for your strength. I'm thinking of you and hope the time goes quickly.
I am in tears right now... Thank-you for the sacrifice you your husband and family make for all of us. I will pray that Joe makes a safe return. Just know if you ever get to feeling down you have alot of blog friends who will be there for.. May God bless you and your family! Thank-you!
I'm speechless. So hard, kids so darn beautiful- beautiful family!
I'll be praying for you during this time without Joe. I can't even imagine. You deserve our thanks for your service to our country too...you are doing just as important a job back home. :) God Bless You!
I cried, too. I will add Joe to my prayers. I know that, as parents of kids with special needs, we face unique challenges when spouses are away. You have such a strong spirit and great attitude. And, all of us will be here to keep you company.
Oh Michelle! I am in tears here! If Joe leaving affects me like this then I can only imagine how tough it is on you! ((HUGS))
Crying here too. I don't know how you do it.
You guys are amazing, so strong! Praying that Joe stays out of harms way and that this year just flies by. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. ((HUGS))
Michelle - today I send you warm wishes, happy thoughts, and hugs. I know that this isn't an easy time for your family but I also know that you'll get through it with grace. You're such a fantastic role model and incredible mother. Let the countdown till he comes home begin.
awww ... big hugs!!!!!!! Totally in tear at the thought. You are so brave!
Huge HUGS. I don't know how you do it. My prayers that he stays safe and returns home to you soon.
Had to come back and say that when I left my response, I had tears welling up. After I submitted my response and saw Joe's and your MIL's responses, I'm now crying. Maybe more accurate to say sobbing (one of those ugly cries).
P&PT's that her baby and your honey stays safe! This has to be so incredibly difficult for the family.
wow, that's difficult...i feel for you. glad you have your family near.
That brings tears to my eyes just looking at this. I just can't thank families like yours enough! I know it must be very hard.
Michelle - I cannot imagine how you're feeling. I'm sending you a great big hug!!!
Can't even imagine saying goodbye for a year Michelle! Thank you so much for YOUR sacrifice for our nation, for your having to say goodbye and be without your hubby so he can serve our country and protect our freedom!
Praying for you, dear friend.
Oh boy - I can't even imagine what you're feeling. I'm crying just from reading and looking at your pictures.
I will keep Joe in my thoughts for him to stay safe. I will hope the year goes as quickly as it can for you and the kids.
I'm also in tears. I want to thank-you for this huge sacrifice your family makes for the rest of us. I will be praying for all of you. You are such a great mom, I bet it gives him some comfort to know that his kids are in good hands.
I'm crying. Don't know which is harder, seeing Joe go on your end or being Joe having to leave his whole family. I don't know what to say because I'm too choked up, but I'm praying for all of you.
oh dear...I'm all teary for you!
I'll be here for the next year...rooting for you, and cyberly holding your hand. I know it isn't much...but it is there. :)
Thank you to both Joe and you for your service!
I'm sorry. I can't imagine what this must be like for you. Lots of love for you guys.
Oh Michelle, my heart just aches for you! I can only imagine how much you and the kids will miss Joe, and how much Joe will miss you all! I'm like you, I have to take a ton of pictures of loved ones (like my out-of-state family) when I won't see them for a long time, so that I have memories to hold on to until we meet again. It's amazing how much the kids love looking at those pictures over and over again too!
Don't forget to email me Joe's mailing address so I can send him some letters and maybe some baked goodies now and again!
I'm so glad you made the decision to move closer to your family so that you have the support you need until Joe returns!
Oh Michelle, I am sad with you. And I can't even imagine how your heart must ache. I will be praying for you and the children and Joe during this year.
Loved the pictures of the kids hugging Daddy - so precious.
My heart breaks for you! But thank you so much for this sacrifice. I know you miss him. I will pray for you guys everyday.
A big thank you to your husband and your family for the sacrifice you are having to make. I pray for his safety and your families well-being during this time. Your children are beautiful!!
My thoughts are with you - thank goodness kids are so resiliant - I hope that year does fly for you.
I just read this (am catching up!) and it brought tears to my eyes. Until Joe is home I will pray for his safety and peace for you & the children every single day.
Kate in the UK
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