You are eleven months old now Lucas! It really doesn't seem possible that we will be celebrating your first birthday next month.

You've experienced quite a lot in your 10th month...a complete upheaval of your life...your first Christmas...a cross country trip...a new house...being without your daddy for a month (and let's not talk about the upcoming year he'll be gone!)...and you still only have two teeth! What's up with that? I thought for sure you would have popped some more through by now!
You had your first encounter with stairs and you mastered climbing up them in no time flat. Of course you don't know how to come back down yet, but you sure do enjoy climbing up!
You have such a personality! You walk around like you own the place and that you can do whatever you want to do and you're entitled to whatever you want when you want it! And of course you mostly want what your sister has! You become so determined to take things out of her hand. One night you really wanted the crayons she was using; so we gave you one, but you weren't wanted the one Kayla had. After trying to grab it a few times she was nice enough to say "here Lucas" and give it to you. She picked up another crayon. You put both crayons in one hand and immediately went after the third crayon she had! Then you had the nerve to get upset when she wouldn't give you that one too!
How did you learn to throw little fits? Where did you get that from? You certainly didn't learn it from Kayla! You'll "throw" yourself on the ground and roll around because you're mad about something; right now it's cute enough to chuckle at you...but I just hope these fits don't escalate!
Let's talk about diaper changes ok? They have to be done; sorry but you're just not going to get away with not ever having your diaper changed. Oh how you fight me on that! You twist, squirm, arch your back...basically do whatever you can do to not make it easy to change your diaper. Sorry we have to take a few minutes out of your fun time to stop and change your diaper!
Your sleeping habits have greatly improved. You're now sleeping 11-12 hrs a night (it used to be about 9). Having you sleep in until about 730 is nice, so thank you very much! I think you're making up for all the nights you didn't sleep well! Your nap schedule seems to have settled into a 2-hr nap in the late morning and a 40-min nap in the afternoon.

You will usually wave at us when we tell you "hi" or "bye." We also think you are calling "Kayla" during the day...although coincidentally it comes out sounding more like "Kelly". I think you started saying "kitty" too. You just love your aunt Kelly's cat! You get so excited to see Tiger, you start squealing and flapping your arms and screeching. Surprisingly enough you're pretty gentle when you pet Tiger too.
We found out you've got a little jealous streak in you. You don't seem to like it when I pay attention to or hold Kayla. How dare I have someone else in my lap! One night we were playing on the floor (your favorite game seems to be chasing us around and crawling all over us) when I picked you up with my legs to do an "airplane" pose. After I put you down you went off to grab a toy or something and then Kayla wanted a turn. You did not like it when you turned around and I had her up in the air! You came "running" back to me fussing and frowning and obviously upset. You're going to have to learn to share me you know :)
You are so inquisitive and watch everything everyone does. I can almost see your mind working to figure things out. You surprise me with the things you pick up too. You had one of Kayla's toy brushes and when I saw you put it up to your head I thought it was just a fluke. The next morning we were in the bathroom and you pulled my brush out of the cabinet and put it to your head and appeared to be brushing your hair! (I thought babies usually mimicked talking on the phone or something like that first; not brushing your hair!) I guess that's what happens when there are 4 other females in the house! You will now hug dolls and stuffed animals and it's the cutest thing to see. Then there was the time I was trying to clip your toenails and you kept trying to grab the clippers. When I finally managed to finish I handed them to you. As soon as they were in your hands you reached down to your toes with them!
You like to dance now and I really should capture that on tape. You're adorable bobbing side to side and bending your knees. You're just so're such a character and we could sit and watch you all day and you would keep us entertained!
Happy 11 months baby boy!

Lucas is such a cutie, he is growing so fast.
these monthly reports are so fun... he is growing way too fast, and Lillie can teach him about teeth if Lucas will teach her how to move about without having to have mom hold her all the live-long day, deal? :o)
He's just such a cutie!
Aw, that was such a sweet post! Wow, oh, wow, he has grown.
Wow, I need to keep up better. I simply can't believe it's been 11 months!!
What a big boy he is getting to cute!
It looks like he's running! Great letter - it's so amazing how fast time flies.
Happy 11 months! I really can't believe it's been that long since we were waiting for updates that he had made his arrival...
aww what a sweetie pie! Ethan is the same way with Becca, totally jealous if I snuggle her!
what surprised me most: He's got more hair!! So cute!!
Awww, he sounds so adorable. Enjoy that little guy, it goes so fast. *sigh* How's Kayla doing with all his changes? I'm thinking of you, I'm sure it can't be easy. {{{hugs}}}
Such a cutie!
Aw, happy 11 months, yummy boy. Just looking at you makes me want to go have another!!!
It's so amazing to watch him grow and to hear about his new discoveries that seem to happen every day.
11 Months? Really!? Time is flying by so quick, my little one is going to up and walking before I know it. He is soooo cute and he looks like he's walking so well :) I hope everything is going ok for you guys.
My little guy turned 1 in Dec. It's crazy how fast the time seemed to past. Much quicker than with my first, who is nearly 4!
Your kids are beautiful!
I love reading your blog. I am a military wife too, and it's nice reading about another military family!
Look at him walking around like that! Avery is only one month younger and she's just started pulling herself on things and standing. I swear, he's amazing. And he couldn't be any cuter.
Has it been 11 months already?! It has been so wonderful to watch him grow this year. Thank you for your regular updates. Feels like we have been right there.
Happy 11 months Lucas!
He is such a cutie!! He looks so much like you!!I can't believe he will be a year old!Katie would throw fits just like him!I just love hearing about him and Kayla.It brings back memories when my kids were that age.
Happy 11 mths Lucas!
love ya,
WoW!!! What a big boy Lucas has gotten to be, and it just seems so fast. Where does the time go? Happy 11th month!
He's getting SO big! We're still a few months off from the big O-N-E and we only have 2 teeth here, too - VERY odd!
"I'm Grandma's Payback" I love that shirt! He sounds and looks like such a character. I love how you've captured all of his moments. Cute little guy!
My how he's grown since I saw him last! :) He's adorable. It's hard to believe he's turning 1 next month. Boo is turning 2 next month and we'll be in Hawaii to celebrate. :)
He sounds like so much fun! Maddie only had two teeth when she turned one too.
Hard to believe he'll be 1 soon!
WOW - they grow up too fast! He is such a cutie pie!
I totally agree... you blink and they've aged a month. You double blink and they're almost 1. You close your eyes for a brief moment and they're in kindergarten. My how the time sure flies by.
He is too cute... all boy! Oh how I love little boys!
11 months already!? Wow! He's growing up so fast - and that shirt is adorable!
haha! of course bubbas doesn't want you to give attention to anyone else.
...oh! i think he has kinda figured out a way to go down the stairs cause when i took him to see the cat he climbed up the stairs. but when i grabbed his hand he did a backwards crawl down the stairs that was pretty sturdy. ^_^
(my roomie thought kayland and lucas were adorable!!)
<3 you!
Wow! Look how big he is! Preston is throwing massive tantrums these days too! Whenever I say no to anything he runs to the couch and dives face first crying, screaming, and just having a good ol hissy fit! Then he looks up a moment later with huge alligator tears to see if it has worked yet! Kids are so funny!
Already 11 months! Goodness, time is just flying!
Michelle? Didn't you just give birth to him, like a month ago??? lol Wow, the months sure are going by fast and it's so hard to believe that Lucas will be a year old real soon. He's so adorable and I just love what it says on his shirt! hehe I had to smile when you said how he wants everything Kayla doubt Kayla sometimes wishes he had stayed a newborn. lol xoxo
I can't believe it's been 11 months already! I missed him learning to walk!!!!
Time flys.
Love T
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