I hadn't had the chance to register Kayla for school since the lady who needed to sign off/notarize the proof of residency wasn't there during the winter break; and then we were traveling on Monday. So Tuesday was the first chance I had to do that. My mom and I went to the school and met her teachers. She'll be in an inclusive class. Kayla will be the 19th student in the class and the 9th child with special needs (and the 2nd with Down syndrome); so just about a 50-50 mix. We met the special ed teacher, the regular ed teacher (who co-teach in the classroom) and the special ed assistant (there is a regular ed assistant who stayed in the classroom.) There is half day of school today, so after school gets out we'll take Kayla over there to see her new classroom and meet the teachers. On Thur the 2 teachers will be in IEP meetings so there will be 2 subs in the room; we decided to have Kayla start on Friday to help ease the transition.
When we got back home we found out it was a pretty emotional day for Kayla. She had been crying for awhile then went upstairs and fell asleep holding her Daddy Doll She came downstairs and ate a little bit of lunch, then was upset and crying some more. She again went upstairs and fell asleep. She woke up soon after we got back home and I discovered she had a fever; no wonder she was so upset, not feeling well, and sleeping so much. She ran a fever the rest of the night too. At one point she seemed like she needed to throw up so I was sitting in the bathroom with her; that's when Lucas woke up from his nap crying. My sister had put his diaper on backwards (love you Kelly!) and he was wet all down his front. I started to change him, but then Kayla was acting like she was going to throw up so I brought her to the bathroom while carrying a half-dressed, soaking wet Lucas with me...who was upset and crying of course. My mom came upstairs to take Lucas from me and change him (which he wasn't happy about!), Kayla didn't throw up so we went downstairs. I switched with my mom - took Lucas so I could nurse him and Kayla sat on the rocker with grandma (she did eventually throw up later.)
Once I had a minute to sit and breathe I thought, This is precisely why I moved down here...when I need 4 arms; I just didn't expect it to happen on the first full day that Joe was gone!
She is feeling better now, so we're going to head to the school shortly. Our small shipment of household goods arrived today; I need to go to the base this week to get us registered with new primary care doctors and then hopefully this crazy week will be over!

Oh how hard that must be for the kids to understand! You have a lot of strength and have gotten alot accomplished. Thank goodness for family support and I'm sure it will get easier.
Oh Poor Kayla, sure hope she is feeling better.
Lots of prayers for all of you.
I am sorry I miss him for you. I am very glad that you have your mom's help.
Thinking of you!
I have been thinking of you sweetie! I wish you all the best in this transition. Mom will be a great help to you when you need it. Let me know if I can do anything from way over here. *HUGS*
Good Luck to Kayla in school too!
There is an award waiting for you over at my place when you find a spare second.
I'm sorry it has been so crazy! I'm glad that you are surrounded by family to help you-- backwards diaper or not!
Reading about Kayla's tears makes me teary. I am so happy that your mom is nearby! Big hugs for you all!
Wow - I am so glad you have your mom to help out at this crazy stressful time!
I'm so glad you have your mom near you, deployments are so tough but it's a bit easier when you have family around to help :)
You are so right, that is exactly why. I wish you peace. I am so, so sorry you're going to be separated from Joe. I can only imagine how hard that's going to be.
I hope you're happy with Kayla's class. I can't wait to hear how she does.
I'm sorry about Kayla being sick. My little one is sick now too. It's great you had someone there to help you!
Hang in there friend. This too shall pass. I'll be praying for you.
oh how it hurts my heart to read about Kayla so sad. :( it just isn't fair.
hugs! I hope she is feeling better, and no one else gets it.
Hugs to you all, Michelle! I'm glad too that you have extra hands to be able to help you!
How cool about her new classroom! Here's hoping for a good day on Friday!
Oh man! So sorry it's been a difficult beginning. But glad you made the choice to move closer to family... Hope she gets better soon.
That classroom sounds awesome, I look forward to hearing how it works out! And hopefully Kayla is feeling better by Friday and ready to go.
I'm glad that you've got your confirmation, that you are doing the right thing!
oh man! off to a great start, huh? It must be a huge adjustment for all of you. I wonder if Kayla is sick from feeling the stress? Whatever, I hope she feels better soon. And I'm glad your mom was there to help out.
I'm sure Kayla is just overwhelmed and bewildered, Michelle, but kids are so resilient - she'll be back to her happy normal self before you know it. It sounds like she's going to have a wonderful new classroom - she'll start making friends right away.
You're very strong. What you've accomplished in the last month is amazing and I know it's a very emotional time for you too. Thank goodness you're surrounded by loving family. That will help a lot as you all get settled and adjusted.
Time flies when you're busy. As busy as you are, I'll bet the next year is over before you know it.
I admire your strength! I am glad you have your mom to help - looks like you made the right decision moving to be with her while your husband is deployed.
I hope things get better. Glad you have your family.
This is Joyce. My heart is heaving reading today's post. First off, a huge thank you to your hubby for being willing to protect our freedom and a huge hug to you and the kids for living with this situation. I'm so sorry you started off with a sick Kayla already. Her school does sound awesome. I am anxious to hear more about it.
I'm so sorry for Kayla, but so glad you had help there with you. Maybe this was indeed confirmation that you made the right move. I hope Kayla feels better soon and that the school transition goes well.
awwww poor girl :( I am glad she is feeling better.
It is so wonderful that you have so much support (even backwards support hehehe)
Awww...I'm sorry to hear that she got that bug that's been going on here in Maryland. 3 out of 5 of us in my house had it over Christmas!
I'm sure things will get easier soon. :-)
so glad you have those extra hands and will be praying for your whole family over the next several months. hope Kayla can adjust to everything smoothly and starts to feel better.
Michelle, because of you I promise to not gripe one bit today. WOW! You said all that without a mean, frantic, crazy-I can't handle this tone. I am not sure I could do that. Maybe that's why you were chosen for that journey and not me, but wow! Hat's off to you sister.
HUGS to you Michelle! I can only imagine how difficult all this is on you and the kids (and Joe too!). I hope Kayla is feeling better and I hope she has a wonderful day at school on Friday. You are all in my prayers.
I'm glad you're at you're mom's and that you are all getting settled.
Warm thoughts to all of you. Poor Kayla, my oldest got the stomach flu earlier this month and it was terrible. Four arms is a very good thing. There are times when I would love six, but that's definitely not possible.
Aw, what a traumatic day! I am so glad that you have family there. Aren't grandmas the best? Hoping that things get better soon and that Kayla stays healthy.
Wow. It's overwhelming just reading about the load you now carry. I'm glad you are with your mom too, and as a grandmother I know she is more than happy she can do something to ease your burden.
Poor sweet little Kayla - I'm glad she is feeling better.
You and your family are on my prayer list.
I followed the link and read the Daddy Doll post, what a wonderful idea!!!
OH wow. Major flashback from when mine were 5, 3, and newborn and I really wondered how much the human body and mind could take in one day!! Glad that you do have family there to help and the classroom sounds like a good setting.
Best wishes for this new year. :)
Sending you gigantic hugs! Hoping today is better for you and that Kayla's feeling MUCH better :)
I can't wait to hear how her first day of school goes :)
This will certainly be a giant adventure for you guys.
Yea! for Moms! :D
Thinking of you guys!
oh sweetie...here's a hug, ginormous hug for you {HUG}...and my prayers are certainly continuing. i'm so glad you have ur mom there and that u have that support. it must be so difficult for everyone emotionally, and then u throw the flu on top of it...and boom...it has to get better, right? prayers and more prayers for you all.
I have a huge admiration for you and your family. It must be incredibly difficult on all of you for your husband to deploy. He's a hero but you are too.
Hang in there. I'm glad you have some help even if sometimes diapers end up on backwards.. :) that was funny.
Big hugs to Kayla.
Whew. You are obviously a strong person to be able to handle this all. I am glad Kayla is better. That Daddy Doll is genius! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I just did a post today with the best advice I've learned about having a kid with special needs, I'm sure you would have something great to add, please stop by! Here's the direct link: http://lovethatmax.blogspot.com/2009/01/what-i-wish-id-known-when-max-was-baby.html
Wow. Bless your heart. I can imagine it is very difficult for you (and Kayla) right now.
I am so fortunate to have my mom less than two hours away. I don't know what I would do without her.
Goes to show I should read your blog more often. ;) You sound overwhelmed with the settling in stages after the initial move. How wonderful you have some many other "arms" too. I'm glad Kayla is feeling better. I hope her first day at school goes well. Sounds like a good mix in the class.
Poor Kayla. I hope she's feeling better. I'm sure your frustrated and tired. Prayers to you my friend!
Oh my - how tough that is for all of you! I'm so glad that you have some support and help. Sending you many good thoughts!
In the hardship of having your Joe gone, it has to be a HUGE blessing to have family with you. Love to you all!
Wow, What a day!! :)We will pray for you guys that it will go more smoothly very soon.
And we wil be thinking of sweet Kayla as she starts school.
Hoping that Kayla has a smooth transition at school. It sounds like they have a lot of help in her new class. That is wonderful!
a million hugs to you. Can't wait until we can set up a time to get together.
The school sounds fantastic! What a great place for Kayla.
I do hope your time gets better. The training before just makes it so much longer. My Joe was gone for 11 weeks of training and now we just finished week one of his deployment yet if feels like he has been gone forever. I hope the new school will be good for her and that she makes friends quick. I was sad to hear that you moved. I am thinking about taking a trip back home at the begining of June and was going to look you up.
I pray that the rest of the deployment goes much more smoothly than your first day did. Good luck!
You seem to be very competent for handling whatever.
Wow - my heart is breaking for her. The poor thing. I'm glad you have your family to support you.
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