1. Remember when Joe almost didn't make it back in time for the Buddy Walk and ended up purchasing his own ticket to fly home? We didn't know if he would be reimbursed for that ticket since he couldn't get in touch with anyone from the finance office, so he just had to file his travel voucher and pray we would. His payment for the travel voucher came in and he was reimbursed for the plane ticket! Prayers were answered - that was a big blessing to have that reimbursed.
2. Kayla went to her first classmate birthday party this year and had a blast. Her and Dillon are so cute together. At the end of the school day as we're walking to the parking lot he always calls out "bye Kayla!" and she'll say "Dillon! A hug!" and they go running up to each other with arms wide open to give each other a hug. She knows his mom too as she was a preschool teacher assistant in the classroom next to Kayla's room last year. This year she's in one of the K classrooms. This was the first time we left her at a birthday party too. Joe, Lucas and I went to town and stopped at a new business - The Chocoholic Shoppe - and shared a cheesecake and milkshake - yum!
3. Kayla had an ENT appt last week and she was just so, so, so well behaved and cooperative! I am so grateful for an easy appointment. She is a lot better than she used to be when going to dr appts, but I never know how she's going to act. I've always had to hold her in my lap when they do the tympanogram and sometimes hold her head still. This time, since I had Lucas in the sling, she sat in the chair by herself and didn't protest once when the tech put the probe things in her ears. Then we went to the booth and she put the headphones on willingly (guess it helps they wear headphones in school during computer lab!), and she even sat in the ENT chair by herself and let Dr. F take wax out of her ear! She did all this alone, without me having to hold her, or bribe or plead with her. Not once did she resist! Definitely a good dr visit!
4. A few years ago we had one of these Family Plaques made when the vendor was on base for a Christmas bazaar. We left a blank space anticipating we would eventually have another child. We went to El Paso yesterday to get another child added to the house. The vendor was at a mall so we brought the house with us, picked out a little boy, she added Lucas's name; now our house is complete :) I'm grateful we were able to get this done before we move.
5. After we left the mall we went to the El Paso Zoo and had a nice time walking around. We have an annual pass with our local zoo and the El Paso Zoo is part of the reciprocal zoo & aquarium list so we were able to get in half-price.

Have a great week!
what a relief about the plane ticket! It's so exciting to read how great Kayla is doing. Dropping off at Birthday parties and cooperating at ENT! I'm beaming. You must be so proud!!! The plaque sounds really nice!
all was on a big postive note!!!!!!!!! especially with Kayla going to the Dr.'s and being so cooperative!!! WoW big thumbs up for Kayla!!! Kayla is growing for sure... Wasn't that nice that Kayla enjoyed going to a birthday party and then you and Joe had a date in town (with Lucas) at a chocolate place... what fun!!! and then you all went to the zoo and had your house completed!! Look at the joy on Kayla's and Lucas's face... :) Love grandma/mom
What wonderful thankful things. The plane ticket must be a huge relief, and I know what ENT appointments can be like. Yeah for Kayla being so good!
Those are wonderful blessings. I'm glad for the doctor appointment and the reimbursement. The rest of the list was great too. I hope the next couple of weeks are as good.
Somehow I missed that you are definitely going to move. I knew that you were thinking about it. Hoping that you still plan on hanging on in the ole Blogosphere with us!
Glad that your last few weeks gave you smiling little gems!
:) Amy at Bailey's Leaf
WOW i'm impressed that Kayla did so well at the ENT. My son still doesn't want to have anything to do with anything in his ears or his mouth. He will be 4 in February.
Great news about the ticket!! And about Kayla being a good patient! I do look forward to your grains posts as it helps me to look at things positively.
ssshhheeewwwwwww! and those babies get cuter every day
I love your picture on the tiger Kayla. Very cute.
Lots of goings on and definately lots to be thankful for! Love the pictures!
What a fun tiger!
Glad the dr's visit went well. Those can be awfully challenging!
Your blog title is precious!
It's my first time visiting Big Blueberry Eyes. Love all the precious pictures.
CONGRATS ON BEING A FINALIST!!!! I have all my people voting for Kayla! I hope you win the $500!!!!
BTW I voted for Kayla :) I hope she wins!
Those family plaques are soooo cute!!!
Yay for the plane ticket! SOunds like another great week!
Congrats on being a Prego finalist! Kayla looks so cute! I recognized her Immediately!!
I grew up going to that zoo, and I love that I now have pictures of my children on that same tiger. It's a cute little zoo. Makes me a little homesick when I think of it!
Congrats on getting the money! I'm glad Kayla had such a great party and the doctor's visit. It's amazing to see them progress like that. Looks like a fun zoo trip.
I saw you made the finals. I guess I'll get over being passed up since Kayla made it. :) I voted for Kayla, of course, and it looks like you're winning so far. Good luck!
awww looks like they had such a fun time! Lucas looks so much like you! I love the picture of Kayla . She tuly is beauitful!
love ya,
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