Oh Lucas,
I can't believe the rate at which you're growing! I can't believe 9 months has passed already. So what was your 8th month like?
At times you are all rough and tumble boy: you pinch, bite, grab, claw, kick, and scratch - where did you learn all that from!?
You like to be held but you don't like to cuddle. You are particular in the way you are held and your way is the only way. You like to be held so you can look out over my shoulder, but you definitely don't like to cuddle in to my neck or shoulder. Forget it if I try to hold you in my lap facing out from me. You arch your back and twist your body until I have no choice but to turn you around.
I can't believe the rate at which you're growing! I can't believe 9 months has passed already. So what was your 8th month like?
At times you are all rough and tumble boy: you pinch, bite, grab, claw, kick, and scratch - where did you learn all that from!?
You like to be held but you don't like to cuddle. You are particular in the way you are held and your way is the only way. You like to be held so you can look out over my shoulder, but you definitely don't like to cuddle in to my neck or shoulder. Forget it if I try to hold you in my lap facing out from me. You arch your back and twist your body until I have no choice but to turn you around.
You like to play ball...especially when I'm standing up holding you. Then you'll throw that ball down and wait for someone to pick it up and give it back to you. You've got quite a throw already, maybe you'll play for the Boston Red Sox one day!
You've really got the "drop it" game down pat. Your favorite time to play that is when sitting in your booster chair and chucking your cup over the side of the tray. Thank goodness you like your food too much to throw it over the side! That goes right in your mouth. It's a good thing your sister likes to play that game; she doesn't seem to mind picking your cup up over and over and over again. She'll tell you "no no Lucas, don't throw cup!"
Speaking of food - you make a beeline for the fridge when the door is open. There's almost no keeping you back!
Your pincer grasp is getting better every day - thanks to the Gerber Puffs and Yogurt Melts. You also like to share your sister's Honey Nut Scooters ... our grocery bill has sure increased with your appetite! You've also mastered the sippy cup; I guess no more bottles for you!
I made chili a few weeks ago and had enough leftover to freeze into ice cube trays for you. You love that chili. I think, so far, that has to be your favorite food because you just chow down on it!
You started clapping...or attempting to sign more...or doing both; we're not entirely sure. Although we're leaning towards it being clapping. You started doing this while in your booster seat eating, so we thought it was your attempt at more. But really, I think your sign for more is still to bang one hand on your tray. As if you're saying "yes I want more and I want it NOW!" You're demanding like that. You take after your daddy (like when he comes home from work and slaps his hand on the table asking where dinner is.) Ok I kid. You're like your daddy because you like peas...me? Not so much.
You self-weaned from the pacifier. This is good and bad. Good because I was really worried about how long you were going to have it and how hard it would be to break you of needing it to go to sleep the older you were. However, it's bad because you haven't figured out any other way to self-soothe yourself to sleep. Except crying. There's that. You cry, and cry, and did I mention cry? To be fair it isn't as bad as it used to be. It's mostly during the day when you're in the crib (and supposed to be taking a nap) that you get all mad that you're in there alone.
Your pincer grasp is getting better every day - thanks to the Gerber Puffs and Yogurt Melts. You also like to share your sister's Honey Nut Scooters ... our grocery bill has sure increased with your appetite! You've also mastered the sippy cup; I guess no more bottles for you!
I made chili a few weeks ago and had enough leftover to freeze into ice cube trays for you. You love that chili. I think, so far, that has to be your favorite food because you just chow down on it!
You started clapping...or attempting to sign more...or doing both; we're not entirely sure. Although we're leaning towards it being clapping. You started doing this while in your booster seat eating, so we thought it was your attempt at more. But really, I think your sign for more is still to bang one hand on your tray. As if you're saying "yes I want more and I want it NOW!" You're demanding like that. You take after your daddy (like when he comes home from work and slaps his hand on the table asking where dinner is.) Ok I kid. You're like your daddy because you like peas...me? Not so much.
You self-weaned from the pacifier. This is good and bad. Good because I was really worried about how long you were going to have it and how hard it would be to break you of needing it to go to sleep the older you were. However, it's bad because you haven't figured out any other way to self-soothe yourself to sleep. Except crying. There's that. You cry, and cry, and did I mention cry? To be fair it isn't as bad as it used to be. It's mostly during the day when you're in the crib (and supposed to be taking a nap) that you get all mad that you're in there alone.
When you have something flat, like a book or magazine, you like to crawl around while sliding it in front of you. You'll go all over the room doing that.
You can stand alone for much longer periods now. You can squat and stand back up, you can pivot, you can go from sitting/crawling to standing without holding on to anything.
I guess you took after my dad after all...Around 8.5 months you took your first 2 very wobbly, drunken-like steps towards me. You're not a full walker yet...crawling is still your faster, and most preferred, method of mobility, but you can walk.
Now you'll take several - sometimes more than 10 - in a row. You started off diving/lunging towards me, but now you're more controlled in your movements. You'll put your hands down on the ground in front of you to re-balance yourself and then stand back up. You're taking steps to other objects, like the couch. Christmas should be fun - I'm afraid you're going to be running by the end of the year!
You can stand alone for much longer periods now. You can squat and stand back up, you can pivot, you can go from sitting/crawling to standing without holding on to anything.
I guess you took after my dad after all...Around 8.5 months you took your first 2 very wobbly, drunken-like steps towards me. You're not a full walker yet...crawling is still your faster, and most preferred, method of mobility, but you can walk.
Now you'll take several - sometimes more than 10 - in a row. You started off diving/lunging towards me, but now you're more controlled in your movements. You'll put your hands down on the ground in front of you to re-balance yourself and then stand back up. You're taking steps to other objects, like the couch. Christmas should be fun - I'm afraid you're going to be running by the end of the year!
In a way it's good that you're getting these big milestones in now - so at least your daddy was able to see your first steps and such before he's gone for a year.
Happy 9 months baby boy!
Happy 9 months baby boy!

He is such a cutie pie! Happy 9 months!
They just grow up so quickly. It's very bittersweet. He's absolutely adorable :)
Wow I can't believe he's 9 months already..time just flies.
Too fun!
He's so cute :) My baby boy will be 8 months old on December 1st - still no teeth and no interest in crawling...lol Your boy is on the ball! :)
So adorable, wow he's really going for it your wee man isn't he? He's going to be running in no time. I painted Emma's bedroom this weekend and we came across the lovely card from Kayla (with the drawing of her on), we think of you guys heaps! My nephew is now 14 months and is into throwing his sister's bikini bottoms and his Mum's reading books down the loo...I just love how each child is so individual!
Happy 9 Months to your Lucas! Both your kids have done awesome with their motor milestones. Kayla was pretty early with walking too, wasn't she? Congrats! Looks like you are going to have lots of running to keep up with those two cuties.
I can't believe he's that old already! He looks more and more like your husband all the time.
Wow, is he ever cute Michelle!
An early walker...you're in trouble!
Oh my goodness he's walking so well! Gah! I'll bet your place is busy all the time.
I can't believe he's already nine months!! And, he is walking! That video was adorable!
Time flies! What a sweet boy, he is doing great!! Blessings.
Happy Nine months sweet little prince! Keep up the good work;)
Master Dillon's Mom
I LOVED that video! Kayla's sweet laughter and Lucas's cute little wobbly steps. I can't believe he took his first steps so soon!
so cute, happy 9 months Lucas
Enjoy these moments. I know it sounds trite but those babies will be all growed up before you know it and you'll be standing there wondering where the time went.
My Joey will be off to boot camp in June. I think I'm still in shock over that little bit of reality! LOL
Seriously, has it been 9 months! LOL! You are as adorable as every baby Lucas! Have a great day of celebration!
What a cutie...and an early walker, too!
What a great video to have for posterity...so adorable and love Kayla's giggles. :)
wow walking!!!!
8 months sure has gone by quickly!
It is amazing how fast time goes by - I can't believe that Noah is already 3 months old :)
I love Kayla's giggling - too cute!!
Wow kicking the bottle and the pacifier all at once, he definitely be running the end of the year. :) What a wonderful milestone post.
What a cutie pie! I loved the video. I don't know what was cuter... his walking then bear crawl or Kayla's giggling and encouragement.
I am amazed that he is already 9 months old! Heck who am I kidding, I am amazed that Preston will be 2 next month!
Lucas is growing up too fast! I just love Kayla's laugh, so cute!
Congrats on your walker! That's so cute. Alysa walked before she turned 9 months too. Watch out!!! LOL
What a delightful laugh Kayla has when seeing her brother walking toward her to get the object from the top of her head!!! And of course, Lucas is being encouraged by his sisters laughter and fun!!! Will Lucas be running by Christmas!!! :) Oh how he has mischievous eyes!!! Love mom/grandma
I thought my kids walked early! That is amazing that he can walk at 9 months! Christmas will be a lot of fun!
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