Last week after Kayla got home from school Lucas crawled after her to hang out in her room. A few minutes later I peeked in on them to see what they were up to. I found Kayla had taken both Magna Doodles out of her closet and set them up for her and Lucas to play with. Moments like that make up for the moments she takes toys away from him!

Just a reminder that October is National Down Syndrome Awareness Month and in honor of Kayla, and all those who have Down syndrome, I will be participating in the
31 for 21 challenge. Every single post won't be about Down syndrome, but I will post every day. If you would like to join in (you don't have to have someone with Down syndrome in your life either) just let
Tricia know.
The lovely
LauraJ is participating too; she will be doing a series of interviews on bloggers who have kids with special needs. I was
her first interviewee - thanks Laura!

I love the picture...what a great big sister Kayla is..
Look at her watching Lucas to see what he is going to do with doodle!! and she is watching him put the writing part right in his mouth!! Love it!! Siblings.. sometimes they just get it and other times they just don't..... :)
Love mom/grandma
Fabulous shots! The days when siblings get along are such WONDERFUL days!
Don't you just love moments like this? Too cute!
I'm launching a new website about DS and want to include stories from parents who have kids with DS. If you'd like to submit your story, have me link to your story, or have any questions please email me.
downsyndromeassociation(at)gmail (dot)com.
Rebecca Talley
Those are the sweetest pictures!!!!!!
That is just too cute!
What a sweet picture. I just love those sibling moments!
How sweet - those pictures are precious!
Kayla is a great sister!
great photos!
That is so sweet! I love when they're thoughtful and loving like that. Too bad it doesn't happen all the time.
What a special brother/sister moment. Kayla is a thoughtful big sister!
They are too sweet together. My kids LOVE their Magnadoodle!
We're looking forward to the 13th!
such sweet pics!!!
What great pictures, and what great memories. Very, very cool.
How nice! It's great that you captured that moment! What a nice big sister and a very cute picture!
What a sweet photo! It's awesome to see them sharing, so sweet!
aww what a great big sister!
Aw. What a moment, and good for you to catch it on camera!
How adorable! Maybe you'll need to get two of every toy, so they never have to fight over them! LOL!
What a great brother/sister moment :-)
That was very sweet!
What sweet photos! My two year old granddaughter is doing the same thing with her baby sister. She's takes the toy away and then gives it right back and says "ah baby" and then she hugs and kisses her.
We have 4 of those Magna doodles at our house, and Gabi will still snatch them away from Preston!
What a sweet moment to have captured - you have adorable children!
cute cute cute....what a nice sister. :) thanks for sharing. what a smile it gave me.
What a wonderful big sister! This is so sweet!
Oh my gosh, what little sweeties! I love how she is looking at him!! They remind me of A'Reian and Anthony!!
I still can't get over their gorgeous blue eyes- WOW!!
What a wonderful big sister she is!!
Awww...what a great big sister! I love the pics of them interacting! We'll see you in a few days!
Siblings! How cute is that. Isn't it cool when they start interacting? (interacting positively, that is)
That is so sweet, Michelle! Just shows how much she loves him. Hey, did you get my email about the lost link for Kayla? I don't know if I deleted the email by accident or I never got it because my computer fried or what, but could you please send it again so I can donate? Thank you!
Those are special moments! I love it too when my older one likes to share and play with his little brother.
That is so sweet of Kayla to share! :D
And thank you again for letting us know about that free coffee day for teachers last Monday! At the one I went to, they just took my word for it and gave me my coffee...so nice! :)
Hope you're having a great week!
Oh that is so sweet. Kayla is being such a helpful big sister.
Don't you just LOVE these moments. My AWE-meter goes crazy when I see this kind of sweetness. I am glad that you were able to catch it on camera.
What a sweet, sweet picture!
That's awesome she got the doodles out for both of them. She is so thoughtful. :)
Oh, I love these pictures! Isn't it wonderful when they actually play nicely together!
Thankfully we're seeing more and more of that with Snuggle Bug and Boo and it just warms my heart.
I'm going to send you a video of the two of them playing together that Oronzo made. It's really cute!
I came to your blog to see pics of Lucas and Kayla! She is as beautiful as ever, Michelle! And so is Lucas! And is he ever getting big!!!
What a great big sister!!
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