So you can imagine how happy she is that Lucas will crawl down the hallway after her and follow her into her room...and she's having fun sharing bath time with him too (thankfully he's much better about taking a bath now!)
He has this "save me Mom!" look on his face only because I had just walked in the bathroom. He was perfectly fine, happy, and content with Joe in there; playing away in the tub with Kayla. Then he sees me, and, well, forget about it!

LOL! Save me is exactly what I saw on his face too. I'm glad they're having so much fun together.
Oh Too Cute! Bath time is always so much fun for my girls too. Lovely capture Michelle!
Such cuties you have! I love the precious look on Lucas' face.
Did you hear the speech Sarah Palin gave yesterday regarding Down's -specifically her little son? It brought me to tears. What a testimony to life!
Love the look on Lucas's face... help!! he is so funny. and then to see Kayla's look of joy at having a playmate in the tub with her... priceless.... love mom/grandma
They're both SOOOOO cute!!
Well, obviously you just need to stay out of the bathroom during tub time. Let Joe handle it, and you go read a magazine. :)
They're both two cuties!
That's so cute! My son gets that same look on his face sometimes.
He is SO cute and getting so big.
awwwwwwwwwwwww look at them playing in the tub. sigh....what a great thing.
<3 Kelly
i love that look! the poor babies always get that look when big sib's try to hug or help! so much fun!!!!
Very cute picture! Isn't it amazing how they save that look just for Mom, even when they don't need saving? :0)
Awwww - She is the perfect big sister...
And I know that look, they must practise it in secret for maximum effect when we're not looking ... but little do they knokw it takes a lot more to fool mummy!
Also, I like the way you've taken the picture so all the censored 'bits' are conveniently not showing!! It's a lovely shot :o)
Hard to stay away isn't it? And then it's just Mommy, Mommy, Mommy! Very cute!
So cute! She is such a good big sister.
Love the picture, so glad Miss Kayla now has a who can play! I bet she is really enjoying him now :)
Such a cute photo. Bath time is always fun.
Awwww - they are so precious!
Another great picture! You sure do take some good ones.
Oh how sweet! I remember that is how Dominic was too with Delphine at first.
Oh Michelle, he totally does have a please save me look on his face. They are both adorable. I just love your pictures :)
Oh so cute. Do I see a pony in the water? Funny.
That is too precious!
Precious, precious, precious picture!
Just adorable! I'll bet Kayla is just tickled pink now that he's able to play a little more. I hope she remembers that when he starts taking her toys! haha
Those were the days! They get big too fast!
I like the skirt and shirt (#5) that Kayla is wearing in the photo on the side bar. Did you make it?
It's adorable.
I love bath photos!
Lucas is getting so big!
What an adorable picture! Our two are starting to play nicely together and I love it!
That is just adorable!! Love the picture!
What an awesome picture! He does look startled but they look they're having an excellent time. :)
That's so cute. My girls love bathtime together too. Isn't it great to see them playing so well together? Helps you through the fighting... LOL
So cute!
My kids love to bathe together too. They are so cute together.
Oh goodness, they are SO CUTE! And ohmygosh he's getting so big!
You are one blessed Momma....or Mon. :)
very very cute!!!!
Aww so cute :)
Totally adorable! Our kids bath together too, however they keep getting bigger and bigger!!!
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