1. I'm grateful the week is over and Joe is home from his TDY. It was the first time I've had to "go solo" since Lucas was born. He's going through a stage right now where (usually from dinner until bed time) I need 4 arms; and that just isn't going to happen! So it's nice to have Joe back home; for a couple weeks anyway! Next up we're looking at a month-long TDY.
2. I'm grateful Joe made it back in time for the Buddy Walk. He was supposed to arrive in the late afternoon on Fri just in time for us to drive to Roswell for the Family Dinner. He never made it out of WA...the plane was broke. They weren't going to be able to get him on another plane until Sat which meant he would miss the Buddy Walk. He said to heck with that! and went to another airline to purchase his own ticket (and got home at 1AM). Now we just hope he'll be reimbursed for that flight!
3. I'm glad that it didn't rain the whole time...it was touch and go for awhile though! It rained on and off on our drive there. It was lightly raining when we got there and started checking in. Thankfully the rain stopped and held off for the rest of the time!
4. I'm so grateful for wonderful friends who drove out of their way to join us at the Buddy Walk. A couple of our friends from town met us up there and we were fortunate enough to have two blogger friends join us as well! Eden and her family came from San Angelo, TX and Andrea and her family came from Clovis, NM. Thank you all so much for spending the day with us!
5. I'm grateful for another fun time at the Buddy Walk. Kayla kept asking for the Buddy Walk on the drive there, and even this morning she asked me to go to the Buddy Walk! I'm grateful for the support everyone showed us by donating to Kayla's team as well; we raised almost $1700.
On our way we saw this rainbow. This picture doesn't do it justice; I should have told Joe to pull over so I could get a better shot. I took this as sign that we weren't going to be rained out!
Checking out the fire trucks:
Kayla thought the cheerleaders were pretty neat - and I think the feeling was mutual!
Eve, Kayla, and Olyvia (with her back turned) dancing away:
Our group of walkers:
Lucas enjoying his first Buddy Walk:
Eliza and Lucas
3 blogger friends (Andrea, me, Eden)

I feel ya on wishing you had 4 arms sometimes! Boys are a LOT of work- but so sweet!
Cute pictures from the walk! I love the one of Kayla dancing, she was having a BLAST!
I love that picture of Kayla in the fireman's hat!
Your Buddy walk looks like fun. I love the rainbow picture - so pretty!
so...i definetly have the cutest niece and nephew in the world!!! i love the firefighter pic and kayla dancing! lol.
loved lucas' shirt! that was hillarious. i can't wait for you to move out here!!!! ^_^
Whooo hooo - looks like a wonderful day! So glad you could go and have a GREAT time (and that you weren't rained out :)
Enjoy this time with hubby! Boy, Lucas sure has gotten big and I love the pic of Kayla with the cheerleaders--she looks so precious.
I loved the picture of your sign....the rainbow. Sounds like the walk went well.
Such a wonderful and happy post. smiling from ear to ear right now.
Love kayla and the fire truck. that smile....sigh. good stuff.
I am glad that you had a good time. The pictures are precious, especially the one in the fire-hat. I can't wait for our walk next weekend. Isn't it great that you had a rainbow? We look at Rainbows as God's personal "it's all okay" memo.
Sounds like a lot of fun at the buddy walk.
Mike is going to TX at the end of the month so that will be my first time alone with both the boys for 5 days!! I'm extremely nervous...and have a feeling I'll be over at my parents' house a lot :)
It looks like you had a great time. That is so cute of her dancing!
Look at Lucas! So adorable! It looks like the walk turned out great!
Hey Michelle! It was great to meet you and your family and your friends. I'm so glad we got to participate in the Buddy Walk.
I love the pic of the rainbow. Kayla looks adorable on the fire engine!
The Buddy Walk pics are fantastic! I can't wait for our BW in November!
Looks like you had a great time. I'm glad Joe got back in time. You did great with the fund raising. That is an awesome amount!
Ahhhhh! I haven't sent you money for my contribution to Kayla's Buddy Walk. Is it too late? Is there any way I can pay online? I'm just horrible about mailing stuff out it seems!
aww so wonderful that Joe could make it in time!! Looks like another great walk!
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