She asked Kayla what her name was and how old she was. For the past few weeks Kayla has started saying she's 4 again, and we remind her, " old are you?" or "you had a birthday remember?" Then she'll say 5. When Palin asked her how old she actually answered 5 the first time! LOL

Sarah Palin was in Roswell on Sun. The Down syndrome foundation in Roswell was given tickets for the event and we were asked if we wanted to come. We thought, "why not?"
The kids were both amazingly good yesterday. It's a little over 2 hrs to get to Roswell, then we were in the airport hanger for about 5 hrs. We went to another family's house for dinner afterwards...thankfully Lucas slept the whole way home!
Palin said something yesterday that I just couldn't help but agree with...when she met Kayla she said "She has the most beautiful eyes!" Yeah, we know :)

I would think anyone would recognize what beautiful eyes she has. So glad you enjoyed your afternoon.
I love the title for the post... Guess who got to meet Kayla? That is so appropriate. Those of us who know you and your family through cyberspace know how wonderful she is. And YES, she does have amazing eyes! Couple that with her brilliant smile and who wouldn't want to stop and chat with her. What a great opportunity. I wonder if Palin will be attending a Buddy walk this month? Just wondering?
That is awesome, Michelle!
I know that if she does get into office, she will be a wonderful advocate for people with Downs Syndrome...I would be SO excited to meet her!
We didn't meet someone quite that famous this weekend, but we did have a brush with fame, so come over and see! :)
That is so awesome that Sarah Palin got to meet Kayla! She's an uber lucky woman :)
Wow! That is amazing! On all counts. I can't help but wonder how Sarah Palin is doing...busy with the election but I am sure there are many other things she is working through. Meeting Kayla was probably a really good thing for her. I can't imagine how hard it is to be without Trig daily.
Lucky Sarah!
I would love to just sit down and talk to her. Not as a candidate, but as another mom who is just starting this journey.
How exciting! And yes, she has fantastic eyes!
That's awesome that Sarah got to meet Kayla! I think that if she ends up in office, she will make a wonderful advocate for people with Down Syndrome.
Without a doubt, Kayla has beautiful eyes.
How are you?
That is so cool! I would love to meet Kayla too! Cool pictures!
Aw, that is so awesome that you met her!! I love that she talked to Kayla. How cool!!
Oh my word, Michelle, how absolutely wonderful. I like Sarah Palin even more now, now that she's seen and acknowledged Kayla's beautiful blueberry eyes.
And what a coincidence - Sarah Palin is in my city, Grand Junction, tonight! I so wish I could go but my friend Peggy is arriving from the other side of the mountains and somehow, I think I should probably be here when she drives up. LOL
What a great opportunity this was. Thank you for sharing the photos with us.
Awwww that is so awesome Michelle :)
We also agree, Kayla has the most beautiful eyes.
ahhhhhh, I'm so jealous!!! Too cool!
She does have beautiful eyes! There was ONE time (only one) that I was moved while watching the republican convention. When Sarah Palin mentioned being a voice for people with disabilities. I liked that a lot. Whether by choice or by circumstance, I believe that she would be. If she's vice-president, I guess that would be one thing that she would have going for her. How exciting that Kayla will always have that memory.
How cool! Yes no one could ever forget those Blueberry eyes :-)
Oooh of course she noticed the beautiful eyes.
Now I may not like Sarah Palin but that was really sweet of her to talk to your daughter!
How awesome that under pressure Kayla got her age right!!! w00t!
Very cool! And what great pics to have for remembering!
I love the pics of Kayla when Sarah is meeting Kayla!! Kayla is a part of history in the making.. :) Way to go Kayla!! and yes, the eyes have it!!!! love mom/grandma
Well of course, she does have the most beautiful eyes. What a great story and pics.
She most certainly does. ;-)
Wow...that is so fun! She does have beautiful eyes... big blueberry ones! :)
That is so cool! She came to our hometown and I could kick myself for not taking Mattie! She still wasn't 100 percent after her visit to the ER that weekend and I didn't know if she'd even have a chance to meet her. Mattie and Trig are very close in age. I'm so glad Kayla got to meet her!
Thank you so much for sharing these pictures! Wow - I'm so glad you all go to go.
Kayla definitely has gorgeous eyes! Palin is, unfortunately, a complete embarrassment... but at least she could be an ambassador for Down Syndrome!
That's awesome!! I bet it made Sarah Palin's day to meet Kayla! :)
that awesome
that awesome
That's awesome Michelle! What great pictures and how exciting (for both of them!).
And I agree with everyone else: YES, Kayla does have the most beautiful eyes.
Yes, I also liked your heading. Sarah meet Kayla....Love Mom
How cool was that???? wow! and wonderful :o)
What a memorable experience. And how could anyone not notice Kayla beautiful eyes!
Wow. Simply fantastic!!!
oh i am just elated and jumping for joy!!1 what a fab thing for you guys! and i agree with sarah read my lipstick palin, kayla has the most beaut blueberry eyes ever!!! so much fun!!!!
Lucky Sarah! She's the envy of all of us who have never met Kayla personally, but feel as though we know her.
I'm glad that two of my favorite ladies met and made history together.
That is so cool! And how fun that she made the comment about her eyes!
I am in Washington DC right now and this morning I went to the Holocaust Museum. One of the most emotional exhibits for me was the one regarding how the Nazi's exterminated the mentally handicapped. I can't even put into words how it made me feel. How twisted and demented were the beliefs of that evil regime.
I love how you celebrate sweet little Kayla! She is a gift and a blessing to our world.
That's really cool, Meesh! Love the pictures.
Well of course she has the most beautiful blue eyes! She's too precious. What a fun event to be invited to go too. :)
Oh, how neat! I bet that was really cool.
Super exciting!
I'll bet that was very exciting to be a part of. She appears to have a lot of energy about her. Wherever one stands in their views, she is definitely a very strong voice in America for the many children with Down syndrome and others with disabiliities.
That is so much fun! And I love the video too. Kayla does have pretty eyes.
How wonderful!
How totally exciting!!!
That's terrific Michelle. What a great memory for all of you. Kayla's eye are pretty amazing, glad that Governor Palin had the sense to notice!
This is so exciting. What a special memory you guys will have.
Michelle, that's awesome! And how great that the kids were good. That's always nice. :)
How exciting!!! I love the title of the post, too! Very accurate! :)
Well Sarah is right you know...she does have the most beautiful eyes...the first time I found your blog I could not get over how pretty her eyes wonderful she met Sarah Palin......pretty awesome.
I'm a tad bit jealous of Sarah...she's gotten to meet Kayla. And I'm a tad bit jealous of Kayla...she DOES have THE most beautiful eyes. :) It's good that two such blessed people, Sarah and Kayla, have come together!
How exciting to meet one of the candidates. No one bothers coming to our part of the country. I understand WHY they don't come here (Texas is pretty heavily voting for McCain already), but it would be great to get to meet them in person. It's pretty obvious from my blog that I will be voting for McCain/Palin, but I would love the opportunity to meet any of the candidates. (Although I'd hate to be picked apart by the media if I made the mistake of asking a "harsh" question to Obama or Biden....)
Great pictures and I loved the video!!!
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