I liked the butterfly on this bright orange flower:
Kayla couldn't get enough of going down the big slide:
I went down with Lucas; he was giggling by the end of it!
Kayla checking out Joe:
I love this picture of Kayla jumping over the corn stalk:
Kayla reading the map of the corn maze; trying to help us find our way out:
This way!
Lucas thought the corn stalks looked good enough to taste:
Joe was a good sport pulling the girls around on the wagon; it was all fun and games until he took the corner too fast and tipped the wagon!
Whenever Kayla hugs Lucas it looks like she's putting him in a choke hold:
Lucas wanted to taste the hay/straw too:
Her legs still aren't long enough to reach the pedals; just barely too short:
On the tractor ride out to the pumpkin patch:

Those pictures are priceless. I'm glad you had such a good time. I especially like the last one--that picture of Kayla is perfect.
awesome pictures! what a wonderful day you all had!
Looks like a great day! I love all of the smiles!
OUTSTANDING!! Really some very quality picture taking!! Beautiful picture of the butterfly on the orange flower.. so professional; in fact, all the pictures you took looks like a professional took the pictures!!! Loved the pic of you, Kayla and Lucas!!! and of course the last one of Kayla, Lucas and Joe... Loved Kayla's look of pure happiness in each and everyone one of the pics (except for maybe one?) and of course, let us not forget Lucas... in all of his just being a baby of 7 months!! :)WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL, AND WONDERFUL. The pic of Joe, Kayla and Lucas will be even more precious with Joe having to leave for a year long tour of duty in Irag. Thank you Joe and to all the military for all that you do in supporting and defending our FREEDOM!!!! Love Mom/Grandma
Just beautiful pictures!! You can just see the joy and happiness.
You know I could have looked at all 180 pictures :-)
These are such awesome pics! I love them all and want to see the other 170!! Looks like you had sooo much fun!
love you!!
Looks like you guys had a blast! Pix are precious!
Oh and I LOVE the one of Kayla jumping over the cornstalk. Wow, that's a good one!
Michelle, I loved all the pictures! Very nice! The kids (and you and Joe) looked like they had such a great time!
Thanks for sharing.
You are such a bunch of beautiful people! Glad you had a great day.
Very, very cute. I am so glad you are having fun with Girl Scouts.
Yes, I like the one where Kayla is jumping over the corn stalk with such abundance and a carefree attitude of just being a child!! Love grandma
Oh I love these Michelle, they're awesome pictures :)
What fun - my girls love those maze and pumpkin picking days too. I love the picture of Kayla jumping and the one of the kids and Joe. Her smile is pure joy!
That looks so fun! I love seeing other corn mazes - we got some really fun ideas.
What a wonderful day - I love the action shots of Kayla!
What a gorgeous day you had, it looks like a wonderful time. Such sweet photos!
Love the pictures! It looks like a wonderful day:)
It looks like y'all had such a great time! The pictures are beautiful! Those corn mazes sound like fun.
Digital cameras do make it much easier to take as many pictures as you want. You can always delete the bad ones later. And I do tend to take a lot of bad ones! Lol!
My favorite picture is the one at the end with Kayla's pure joy smile!
What GREAT pictures! Your family is beautiful! I could just eat that little girl up! Looks like it was a great family day!
FANTASTIC pictures!!!
Beautiful photos of a beautiful family!
Sorry about your Red Sox; well not really, but sorry for you, their fans.
As a Yankee fan, I know all to well the disappointment of not making it to the Series.
Nice to see a young team like the Rays get their chance in the spotlight though.
Oh, can you adopt me? Your family has SO much JOY!!! Of course, you would have to adopt not only me, but my husband and Gabe, too. LOL!
Beautiful pics -- all of them. And my fave is Kayla jumping in the corn row too! *hugs*
Looks like you had a wonderful time. Love that last picture of Joe with the kids. Make my heart want to burst!
awwww you guys look totally and completely happy! What a fantastic day!!!
Is Kayla a Red Sox fan? I knew there was something I loved about that girl!
You have such a gift with photography. Those pictures are awesome!
What great photos, Michelle. I just can't get over how big Lucas is - look at him standing! Avery isn't even crawling yet, although she can get from one place to another with her own unique little "swimming" technique.
This looks like it was so much fun - Kayla certainly looks happy!
Great, great photos.
Fabulous photos! I love the last one too!! The patch is my favorite thing to do in the fall. I wouldn't miss it for the world!
Hope all is well with everyone, including all the moving details.
Izzy 'N Emmy gave you an AWARD. Check It Out!
Awesome pics! It looks like you all had a great time!
I LOVE the picture of Kayla jumping it is great!! Looks like you guys had fun!
When did Lucas get so big? Wow, I didn't realize I hadn't been over here to your blog in that long.
The choke hold cracks me up. All my kids have done that to the little one too. "under the arms!" I'm constantly reminding.
I feel like I'm always saying this but, you take great pics of the kids. They are so darn cute!
Those are wonderful pictures! It looks like everyone had a great time!
Beautiful picture! The last picture - Kayla's smile is just priceless - she is so beautiful.
These photos brought me so much joy. :) what a lovely family you are. I wish I had been there to join in the fun. :)
Ok, that looked like to much fun!!!
My favorites are #6 and the last one!
Great shots. Memories!
Love T
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