My first-born's first-day of school...
I just have to give some linky-love to Karen for making Kayla's shirt! Isn't it cute? It's from her I'm This Many line of shirts- thanks Karen!
Oops - forgot to include a note about how her day actually went! I think it went great; she was happy to see me after school and gave me a big hug. I thought being at school all day would wear her out, but haven't noticed a change in her yet! LOL She's been up at 630 the last two mornings too. This morning I watched her do the morning routine for a few minutes; looks like she's already catching on to that too. She moves her clothespin w/her name on it from 'home' to 'school', gets her pencil box off the teacher's desk, sits down at her desk, puts her nametag on, 'writes' in her notebook - if only I could spy on her all day long LOL

Yay! for Kindergarten!! Did she love it?!?
She's a doll :)
So cute. I hope she is loving it. I'm glad we still have a couple of weeks, I'm not ready!
how did it go is she in mainstermed
She is too cute!!! How did you do with her first day? She looks thrilled..Hope it is all going well!
I saw your name on the SEW Mr. Linky and had to run straight over!
I lubs me some Kayla!
She is going to do so great!
Oh, they get big so fast! I can't even emagine Abriella going next year.
Awww, what an exciting day! And the shirt rocks!
What an adorable shirt!
Can't wait to hear more about kindergarten! We still have 3 more weeks before Rylie starts.
She looks so cute dressed up for school!!
What a big grown up Kindergartener!
Aww-she looks so cute, and that is a very cute outfit!
I love those eyes and that smile. Too Sweet!
What a big girl she is now! Gabi started school today... 3rd grade!
This is just TOOOOOO cool! Yay Kayla!
She is just too cute! And did she get bigger over the summer, or what? I barely recognize her.
I'm glad that she is doing well in school and that the full day hasn't gotten to her. My olderst never skipped a beat last year when he went all day and I was hoping it would tire him out a bit.
Ooohhh!!!! WHat a big girl! Hope she has a great year.
She is so beautiful Michelle! Congrats on a successful start to her year! I hope she continues to do awesome!
Cute photo!!! I hope she loves kindergarten!
I'll bet she's so excited, Michelle. This is BIG girl stuff!
Aww, she looks so cute! That's a great shirt. Congratulations Kayla!
Ohh how exciting!! :) Love the shirt, the yellow is so pretty. :)
Trace :)
Congratulations Kayla! Welcome to school :0)
Aw, what a big girl! Love the shirt. I'm the same way--I want a daycare cam so I can check on my kids during the day!
I'm so glad she liked school. She looks so precious! Such a big girl.
Wow. What a big girl. I know you're very proud of her. I love that shirt too. Very cute. I hope the rest of her week goes as well.
What a Big Day for Kayla. First day of school and she looks so happy!! I really like the shirt!! what fun!! You see, Kayla is doing great, she already knows what to do!! yes, wouldn't that be fun to spy on her all day long!1!!!:) love mom/grandma :)of course, I always love the photos. and yes, she looks like she has grown since I last saw her in July!!
Cutie Patootie!!
~the commenting teen
Hooray for you big girl. :) She is just so cute. Love her out fit. :)
Did you end up switching her hours in gen ed? I'm curious how her days are going and am so excited to watch her grow! What a big girl now, she and my B. They would be such good friends...
I'm glad it all went well. You said how she did, but...not how mom did!
That is so a cute shirt! Kayla is so cool!! Yay for kindergarten!
She looks BEE YOU TI FULL!
She is to cute. Love the shirt. I am glad it went well.
She is a precious doll! What an exciting time, her first day of Kindergarten! I send my "baby" to all day kindergarten next week too. I feel just as you do, if I could only stay and spy all day---I'd feel much better!
I love her outfit!
You have a beautiful little girl! Love her outfit, it's adorable. Congrats on a successful first day of school!
Hooray for Kayla....the first day is so important....I'm glad things went well....
Wow kindergarten already!! Wasn't it just yesterday that she started to crawl??? They grow so fast.
Congrats Kayla!!!
I was wondering if you'd end up out here... such big NE sport fans you are, you're already halfway here! :)
Awww Little Kayla in Kindergarten :) She is just so sweet and you know I laughed when you said she doesn't seem to be affected by the whole day school. Neither does Nicholas and he's ALSO been getting up at 6:30am LOL
Oh Congratulations to Kayla! The pictures are so cute -- I love Kayla's shirt!
I can't wait to read more about how it goes, Michelle!
Oh my gosh, she's so grown up! The 5 shirt is so cute!
Glad to hear she's enjoying school!
The shirt is darling, and so is she! How grown up she looks, Michelle. Praying she has a fantastic time each day.
You go, Kayla!!!
Such a cute shirt!
Matthew started Kindergarten this week too!!!
I clicked on your blog at random on the Special Exposure site and glad I did! What a beautiful daughter you have! I hope she loved her first day of school.
Oh.. this made me tear up! What a wonderful day for you and for her! I am sure she loved it, and that its a wonderful experience.
Congrats happy Mom, she will do amazing!
She looks like such a big girl! And I love her shirt---that is adorable.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could be flies on the wall and watch how our kids do "without us"? I have a feeling Kayla is going to have a great time at school. :)
what a big girl! she looks fabulous and happy!
So looking to forward to hearing all about her kindergarten adventures!
She sure looks happy to be there.
Congrats on surviving the first day of school--it can bring on such a wealth of emotions.
So excited for her and you. I am telling you, you got the worst part out of the way. Mine just went to 1st grade and I shed no tears. Good for me! Today she got on the bus for the first time, still no tears. And if you know me, that's a great feat. So glad to hear she had a great day. She looks adorable in that shirt.
She looks absolutely adorable! That shirt is so cute.
Aww, so adorable! She is such a big girl now. How the time flys!
Awwwww she's now in kindergarten...the years are just going by much too fast!! She looks so adorable and seems to be loving school which is a good thing! lol School doesn't resume until the first week in September here so the kids have a few more weeks of vacation time. xoxo
Wow, kindergarten! She looks great in her new shirt. Very pretty.
Oh my gosh, that is one cute "big girl"! I heart that shirt so much and it looks precious on her. Glad to hear that she's doing well so far.
That's so exciting! Joe starts kindergarten in a couple of weeks. I am really nervous. We ended up putting him in mostly a "basic" classroom with some time in the gen ed class. Did we do the right thing? I guess we will find out.
I'll bet that was so bitter sweet, her first day of kindergarten. Micah starts in two weeks and I'll be honest, I'm not ready.
She looks so happy and the shirt and her haircut is sweet.
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
She's such a big girl now! I can't even believe that my middle child is starting GRADE ONE this year! That's OLD!
She's a cutie! Glad it's working out so well. Have a wonderful weekend.
How completely beautiful and a cute, cute outfit. Loved reading that she had a good first day.
Melody 5M4SN
What a cute shirt she's wearing! I love it!
I'm so glad that Kayla's first day of Kindergarten went well. I can't believe how "grown up" she looks in her pictures. Where does the time go?
She looks absolutely adorable. You must be so proud of your princess.
I'm new to this mom thing...what's the deal with the clothespin?
Big ups to Karen. That shirt rocks!
Wow, Kindergarten. I am glad that she had such a great time! I love her shirt. How sweet.
Shes growing so fast Michelle!!! She looks so much taller than last year when I saw her!!! Hows that little boy doing???? Hes so precious in his pictures!
I can't believe she is in Kindergarten already. She looks really happy!
Love T
awww kayla looks so grown! She looks so excited about going to school. I just love her outfit! She is just so adorable! I can't believe she is in kindergarten now! Time goes by so fast!
love ya,
Great pictures love the shirt and her excitement for school. Really nice blog by the way.
Congratulations to her for such a special day! Sounds like she has done wonderfully!
Great job Kayla! We're all very proud of her! Hope that her enthusiasm for school continues through the year. Adorable outfit!
...hope she likes school out here too.... ^_~ lol.
so have you made a decision yet??!?!?!?!?!?!
you know you want a perminant babysitter. ^_^
woo hoo!! kindergarten. how exiting. such big step in kayla and mommy's life! I am sure she is doing great and loving it!
Hey Michelle! Thanks for coming by my blog. . . I can see by all your commenters, that we share a lot in common.
I may try to send an email tomorrow, to introduce myself further, and get to know you.
Kayla is BEAUTIFUL -- and she DOES have some gorgeous eyes. (But I'm a sucker for those eyes!)
Thanks again, have an awesome week!
Oh well done mommy and Kayla! How exciting!!!
Oh my goodness, kindergarten already. This is so cute. I used to cry when mine went off to kindergarten. Love her shirt.
Ahh - love the shirt! It sounds like she's got the 'routine' down - that's great! I'm like you - I wish we could spy on them all day long :)
such adorable kids!
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