I received a binder system from Kayla's EI center to help keep everything in order and to make it easier to keep track of everything. In theory it works; however I became lazy and the paperwork just piled on top of each other until I took the time to use the 3-hole punch, punch holes in all the forms, and file them in the binder.
I recently received some organizing supplies from Mom Central. The Simply Chic and Eye Candy supplies are from Carolina Pad & Paper -fashionable school supplies and stylish office supplies.
I immediately found a better way to organize all of Kayla's paperwork! The yellow polka-dot product is an accordion file/hanging file folder that all stands up right on a desk/table. I'll just drop the paperwork into the slots and it will be filed instead of waiting for me to punch holes in it!
The journal will be handy to jot down questions to ask teachers or therapists, make notes, etc.

I like the look of all these products - they pop out at you with their colorful designs and bright colors. You'll definitely be able to find what you need with the sticky flags and notepads.
If you've seen my fridge before you know that I collect magnets! I like those square magnets to put dr appts reminder cards on the fridge...very easy to spot!
I really like the funky school supplies too - if Kayla needed a binder in Kindergarten I would be buying her one of these; it sure would make back-to-school shopping fun!
Their products can be found at Walmart and this came just in time for me. I'm hosting our monthly Bunco night this month so I know where I'm going to shop for the prizes and what I'm going to buy!
Interested in winning some of these great organizational products for yourself? You can enter the Glam Your Office Makeover Contest Submit your best organizational tip and you could win
Complete Eye Candy or Simply Chic office system by JACK!E- $100 gift card - 1000 Best Quick and Easy Organizing Secrets by Jamie Novak.

Those are great - I love the bright colors! I'm a junkie for office products. I picked a career where I could indulge myself! :0)
I should get fun stuff to file my Kayla's paperwork in! Then maybe I wouldn't put it off for so long! I just filed 2 years of paperwork starting from PreK. Geez, why do the have to write SO MANY reports? Blech.
Great ideas! I am sad to say that although I am normally very organized, I still don't have Kailey's EI paperwork punched and in a binder...I swear I meant to do it with every form we received every week from our home visits last year, LOL!
I know what you mean about the paperwork becoming overwhelming. YOI
But those fun back-to-school things are so cool! I love the colors.
Come on over to my house! I have everything filed, but it is definitely not organized!! :D
Punched in a binder- you are my hero! I just went through 2 huge piles of paper, drawings, notes from school, IEP drafts etc.. Threw a bunch of it out- whew.
Love the stuff- I'm going to that site,Thanks!
akakarma (new website!)
Yep you're gonna look GREAT with all that organization. :)
I am a 'piler'. I should actually be working on the pile or piles right now but I am catching up on your blog...because that is more fun.
The children are getting so big. How quickly they grow (sob).
Love Theresa
That DOES sound really useful - I need some system for keeping all of my kids medical stuff organized. Hmm....
I love back to school shopping. No wait, I love school supplies! I've seen that line of products and thought they were so cute!
Organizational stuff rocks! Ok, I'm an addicted organizer and I love all those cute things to help you store things and remember things. :)
I love all those cool colors also. I homeschool now, but when my son was in school, he got all kinds of paperwork. I never organized it, and now I only can find one IEP. It's smart you are getting organized now. I collect magnets too!
Those are awesome Michelle, I love office products, papers and folders etc :)
Hello dear Michelle:-)
I'm back from visiting my boys and am now trying to catch up with everybody! I trust you had a wonderful birthday...35 seems so young to me now that I'm 50! lol
I just love those office supplies and as you say, the colours are fabulous and fun to use!! I've no doubt it will be much easier to stay organized with your papers now:-)
Have fun on your trip! xoxo
Those are great! I am doing some study again and I was out looking for supplies the other day and everything was so boring and did not suit what I needed. Those would have been fantastic! :)
P.S When it comes to paperwork, I'm a hole punchin' kind of girl too. Except it just piles up and up and up until I get sick of it and sit there for hours filing it away. Need to work on that... :)
Oh - those are sooo cute!!! I love em!!! We are in full back to school mode here - and I'm so sad!
Thanks for your comment that I won! I'm so excited - I never win anything :) Sorry I haven't had a chance to email you - we were out of town for a few days! But I'll get right on it :)
Love all your tips and ideas! Can't believe Kayla is going to kindergarten - where does the time go????
I love your blog,so glad I found it!
It just sets my heart all aglow to see that the notebooks all have matching pens! It doesn't take much. lol
Ahh... what are you doing in my house??? :) I am right where youa re with the paperwork - waiting for it to be 3-hole punched! I like the idea of the accordian file. When Brady is done with EI in two months I think I will switch over to that system. Thanks!
Those are very cute. Definitely catches your attention.
Nice post..! I too like organizing school supplies. Its really very nice that I can find them easily WalMart.
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