Here's a blurb about the backpacks: It's made of Cordura nylon, which resists tears and abrasions better than other standard pack cloth. In fact, it's three times more durable than standard polyester, and two times more durable than standard nylon.
Some of the features:
The Good Housekeeping Research Institute calls the Cordura StudyHaul Backpack a Grade-A Standout and gives it the only perfect score for performance
Side pockets have compartments for all their supplies
Stash pocket keeps smaller items handy
Wide-opening top is easy to load
Cordura® nylon resists tears and abrasions better than standard pack cloth
Reflective trim helps make them visible
C-shaped padded shoulder straps fit kids better
MP3/CD player pouch & cord port for tunes
I really like the c-shaped padded straps - it seems like it will provide a lot of support for the shoulders and lessen the chance to backaches. The backpack is a little big for Kayla right now, but it is so sturdy I can tell she'll be able to use it for years to come.
You can use their Backpack Guide to find which backpack is best for your child. You can get free shipping, until July 3oth, on any backpack purchase. The code is: Backpack and the PIN is: 2784
Instead of just leaving a comment to be entered to win how about telling me a memorable moment from your school years? It doesn't have to be long - just something like a memory from the first day, your best friend, a favorite (or least favorite) class, or teacher, etc.
I'll announce the winner on Fri because it's my birthday and you can celebrate with me :)

It's not a very good memory but I remember my front tooth getting knocked out in 5th grade when I slipped on the ice. Another great giveaway!!
I remember throwing up three times the night before first grade! I was nervous.
A deer got into our high school once, the poor thing.
This is a great giveaway! I think my children chew on their bookbags - the poor bags don't last very long here.
My older brother was a big fan of "The Cure", so of course I was too. I remember standing in line after recess with my best friend singing "Boys Don't Cry" very loudly. I think it was 3rd or 4th grade. Man we were annoying!
For some reason, lately I've been thinking about a series of books I read when I was in grade school about children with different disabilities. I must have been in the 4th and 5th grade...I wish I could remember what it was!
I remember being so pumped about going back to school shopping... just like my daughter is now!!
mr. staniland threw chalk at me to get me to stop talking. what a sweetie...not.
i don't have a child (yet) but i'd like to enter to win a free one for myself :)
Mrs. McDaniels, 2nd grade, she frightened me. I was always having to go put my name on the board for whispering with my friends. I will never forget her pointy suede boots.
On my first day of biology, sophomore year, we were all convinced our teacher was a tyrant. He was a former Air Force guy and used his yardstick to emphasize important words on.the.desks. We were terrified. I think that was his point, since he went on to become my favorite teacher ever and the room where I spent all my study halls, grading papers and helping him prep. And the reason I became a teacher, although I use a different first-day tactic with my 4th graders!
Here's a secret--most teachers get back-to-school anxiety too, and most of us don't sleep the night before. 10 years in and I still get nervous!
Oh, and love the giveaway! I've never had a Lands End backpack, but I've heard such good things about them!
Well, I remember in the 5th grade I had a crush on a boy named Nick. I wasn't the only one so in order to keep myself in the running, I bought him a gift...A Green Rabbits Foot!
OMGosh, do you all remember those things??
That was a memorable year for me as I also attended my first children's funeral. A friend and classmate died unexpectedly of a brain anerism the day before he was to have a tumor removed. It was the first funeral I can remember. They played lots of songs but Boyz To Men's "Down On Bended Knee" was the last one and it has forever stuck in my head.
Sorry about two memories!
Thanks for your consideration!
I remember in high school stalling at my locker between classes waiting for my "now husband" to walk by me and hope he would notice me and say Hi. Sometimes he did and sometimes he didn't. LOL!
I remember sitting on the piano bench in kindergarten too afraid to join circle time until a girl named Jen came up to me and told me it was ok!
My freshman bio teacher had a huge boaconstricter that had a pearch in the middle of the class and one day it fell off it lived but never seemed quite the same after that
A favorite teacher I had was in High School, and she taught a writing course. She was very sweet, and she really encouraged me, complimenting my work! Thanks, Mrs. Peterson!!
Being on Drill Team my senior year
During my freshman year, we read the story "Animal Farm". In it is a song the animals sung. My English teacher made us line up and sing the song from the book all the way through the halls in our high school. SO embarrassing!
The kindergarten Thanksgiving meal when morning kids joined us afternoon kids. They were just freaky looking and I ran down the hall screaming instead of going into class.
That was definitely memorable. Especially with my very pregnant mom chasing after me. (I'm sorry, mom!)
Hmmmm...I remember 5th grade when we first moved to OakPark IL. A boy on the playground was teasing me and I ran under the jungle gym and slipped sliding in some mud. The good news, we lived a block away and I could go home to change, bad news, not wonderful first impression. ;)
My best friend and I have been hanging out since the 4th grade! We've dragged around with each other everywhere. I did abandon her when we were doing the school talent show. She was stuck singing 99 Red Balloons on her own. Oh, and her mom put weights on her balloons so when they were supposed to fly away, they sunk!
art and nature [at] juno *dot* com
I had a teacher in 4th grade that used to throw chalk at you if you interrupted class. My how things have changed!
I think my most memorable is when I chased down my red headed, freckled classmate in kindergarten to give him a kiss! Yeah I have a thing for freckles! LOL
If I win this, then Jeremy will have one awesome backpack for school. He's in the 10th grade now! Can you believe it?
I remember when I was in first grade and I had just gotten a new soft purse from my grandparents along with small bottles of perfume and nail polish. I took it to school, even though I was told not to by my parents. At recess, I was trying to be funny and swung it down hard on the metal foot rest of the monkey bars and heard glass shatter. Perfume and polish all over the inside of my new purse. I felt like a big dork. :) Follow the rules, kids.
Hmmmmm. My favorite teacher was my history teacher but I don't know why. I really didn't care for history and he even made me cry once!
I remember my first day of first grade ~ I wanted to take yellow daffodil flowers to my teacher. I went outside and when I came in, my mom asked me where I had found them? I suppose as a 7 year old, I did not think it was a big deal to go to the neighbors garden and pick all of her newly grown daffodils!? My mom gently wrapped them in papertowels and aluminum foil and took me to my first day of school. I've always remembered that and can appreciate it now that my own children are that age :)
Ohhh I want a bright red backpack!!
Mrs. Ketchum was my favorite elementary school teacher. I learned so many new and exciting things in her class.
Hi Michelle, I think you will get a giggle out of this memory. Although at the time it wasn't very funny!
It was my first day in the 2nd grade and I met my new, beautiful teacher...Mrs. Lawton. I loved her the minute I met her. That is until I asked her to go potty. She kept telling me to wait until recess. I got upset because back in the olden days each classroom had their own bathrooms. I couldn't understand why she wouldn't let me go.
I kept asking every few minutes and she said no every time. Pretty soon I couldn't hold it any longer and I went right there in my chair. She was not happy with me. I was a brave little girl and I said to her, "Mrs. Lawton, I liked you at first, but now I don't like you one bit!"
My mom had to bring me new clothes and of course I was so embarrassed. When my mom got to the class she questioned my teacher and was visibly upset with her.
Mrs. Lawton apologized to me that afternoon and explained this was her first class to teach and she didn't realize that little kids couldn't hold it like grown ups!
I have since forgiven her. LOL!!
What a fun way to have a contest! I think my favorite memory of school was getting all the new school supplies. I loved the feeling of everything new and spent hours looking at it and wondering what the year would hold.
Happy early birthday!
I remember putting my finger under a stapler and pushing it down...I was in 1st grade....I never did that again!
Ooh - now this I can sink my teeth into. I've been wanting a nice backpack for our outings with the girls.
Going into 4th grade, when I found out who my teacher would be I cried. All I had heard all year was her yelling at her class. It ended up she just had a really bad class that year. She ended up being my all time favorite teacher. To this day I miss her.
I remember walking across the cafeteria in my new cowboy boots, thinking I was real snazzy and slipping on some spilled mashed potatoes and busting my butt in front of all the senior boys sitting close by. :)
It was first grade. Miss Chapin made me sit in the hall on the bench outside the principals classroom where you sat if you were in trouble ...for kissing the boys on the playground! I had NO idea what she was talking about...I still loved her though..she taught me to read out of those wonderful Dick and Jane books.
The backpack looks wonderful and I always enjoy your blog!
I live school daily and enjoy it. Jonathan has a red backpack he carries with him when we go out. He puts all the things he feels he can't leave at home in it. People will say we knew it was Jonathan when we saw the backpack. It's getting worn. In one of Jonathan's medical update post he is wearing his backpack in the picture. It's getting worn out :)
School memory ... I had the most amazing grade one & two teacher (she moved up with us) Miss Martin. She was always so kind and patient. However the thing I remember most id how beautiful she was. I am talking drop dead gorgeous. She never did get married. hmmm. She sees my Grandmother form time to time and asks about me!! After all these years!
I remember that first day of kindergarten & how nervous I was because the mean little girl down the street had told how REALLY hard kindergarten was.
One of my most memorable moments was when my best friend caused me to getting a swat in front of the class in 3rd grade! The thing is - we are still best friends today!
I absolutely loathed my fourth grade teacher! I used to come up with all kinds of ailments to avoid school.Oh well, at least I passed!!
My 4th grade math teacher, Mrs. Keithly, used to have us come in from recess and sit at our desk with our heads down and she'd read a few chapters out of a book to us. I loved the sound of her rich voice and still remember many of the books she read...Island of the Blue Dolphin, Animal Farm, etc.
My most memorial was meeting my husband and eventually getting married. I use to have him help me with my school work and presto we became friends. Years later were still together.
I remember in 4th grade, I really disliked my teacher, he was very mean to say the least and I got in so much trouble that year. My friend and I wrote a very bad note about him and he found it and put it in his desk. We snuck in an stole it out of his desk and got caught and ended up getting in school suspension for a couple of days. Not a very good memory but one I can look back now and kind of laugh about! The things we did when we were younger! Thanks for a great giveaway!
In third grade I told my teacher I didn't feel good and she told me to go lay my head on my desk and that I would be fine.
Several minutes later she walked out of the room for something and the next thing I knew I was throwing up all over the floor.
That was the last time she didn't listen to me when I said I didn't feel good!
Love the giveaway. I remember in fourth grade getting sick from the the schools pizza. I went to the nurse stayed there for a halp an hour told me I was not going to throw up and to go back to class. As I was telling the teacher what the nurse said I threw up and the first thing she could get was a bowl filled with blue dye. And my whole class plus another watched as my throw up turned blue.
I remember walking home alone from kindergarden on the first day of school(after my mom walked the route daily for a week) and met my first girlfriend who was in her front yard on my way home.
One of the things I remember most from my school years is being sick for about a month when I had to get surgery on my foot then got the chicken pox when I had a cast on. I was in third grade and I remember actually being upset that I had to miss so much time from school since I loved the teacher I had in third grade so much. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win. And Happy Birthday. Thanks.
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