2. I'm grateful we were able to get a scholarship from the Roswell Down Syndrome Association which allowed us to be able to attend the convention; it sure did help a lot with expenses!
3. I'm grateful my mom and sister were able to meet us in Boston. It was a very short visit; they arrived Fri evening and left early Sun morning, but at least they were able to be there so Joe and I could attend the workshops without the distraction of having kids with us. Kayla just adores her aunt Kelly and wouldn't let her out of her sight...I sure wish we lived closer!
4. I'm grateful I won a Target gift card from Mom Select - guess where we are going today?! :)
5. I'm grateful Kayla and Katelyn had a fun bowling birthday party celebration yesterday.
The birthday girls:
Kayla and Harrison - these 2 have known each other since they were born :) They moved here right after Kayla was born and then Harrison was born 4 months later in Nov. I can't believe it's been 5 yrs!
Hope you found a lot to be grateful for last week!
I'm glad you had such a great week Michelle :) I can't believe how much you look like your sister...wow.
Have a great sunday.
oooo so much to be grateful for indeed. Good stuff. :) I LOVE the pics....but the last one just takes the cake. adorable. SO FUN! I can feel the love. :)
have a great week.
sounds like a great week I loved the party pics
You did have a lot to be grateful for! Thanks for sharing the photos from Kayla's party. Looks like she had a great time. That last photo is TOO CUTE!!!
Hope this next week is just as great!
Aw, so great the kids had a great Birthday bowling party! Glad your trip went well too.
the trip was too short.
can't wait to see ya'll again.
aunt kelly
I am glad you got to go to boston too!!
Looks like Kayla had a great time at her party!! wow I cant believe she is 5~
Looks like you have been very busy! Lucas sure is growing fast too. You always have such wonderful Grains of Gratitude.
I'm glad you had a great trip and that the kids flew well. I was on a flight once where a baby cried and screamed the whole time - I felt so bad for the mom - I know she must have been so frustrated.
Your convention sounded fun - and what a treat to have your mom and sister meet you there!
Your photos say it all!!!
That's so wonderful that you have so much to be grateful. I hope that this week is full of wonderful things for you and your beautiful family.
she sure does love her aunt kelly!! she ignores grandma/meemaw when Kelly is around!! But, I think that is great, as it should be!! Kayla cracks me up also, with the last photo... she is such a character!!! It looks like she was having fun at her birthday bowling party!! Love mom/grandma.. wish we lived closer too!!
I'm so glad you had a great time and lots of fun with friends of all ages. As usual, the pictures are great and Kayla doesn't look the least bit outgoing or anything. hee hee
Love the pictures , you sure have cute kids!!!
Your pics are so wonderful. Kayla looks like she just gives the best hugs!
Oh, I just love all these pictures!
So glad everything went so well on the plane! And how perfect that your mom and sister could watch the kids while you and hubby went to the convention!
Have a great week, Michelle!
I love these pictures! I can't believe how grown Kelly is. I still have a hard time not picturing her as a seven year old jumping on my sofa! Lucas is getting big soo fast and how sweet is Kayla hugging her friend with her whole body?? That cracked me up. I miss you guys!
Sounds like you had a wonderful time, Michelle. I'm sure it was wonderful to see your mom and sister again.
The photos are priceless. Kayla is so cute - I think she likes bowling. :-) And I can't get over how fast Lucas is growing.
I know a sweet little four month old girl he should meet. LOL
I love the hugs in the last picture. :)
When I flew to Seattle visit my parents with W.W. as an infant, I remember that look in other passenger's eyes all too well. Will he scream will he behave will I survive this flight? People are so predictable sometimes. I'm glad the flights went well and you had time to enjoy the conference.
You and your sweet family are one of the things we are grateful for.
Giant smooches for Kayla, k?
That's enough grains to make up a whole cob. Love that idea.
Best wishes
Congrats on the Target winnings! I just won tickets to the Jonas Brothers concert so I'm definitely grateful for that. :)
Lucas and Kayla are just so cute. They take great photos!
It looks like they both had a great time!
I'm glad you found the convention a positive experience. It was neat coming home from ours and hearing you had gone to yours, too. :)
aw super sweet photos!!! Glad the flight was OK - you're so right about that.
That is awesome that you were able to squeeze in a visit with your mom and sister! And how nice that you were able to attend the meetings without kids!
I love Kayla's birthday party dress! She looks beautiful - what a fun time with special friends. I wish we had been able to make it. :(
You and your Sister look a lot alike. That is great they were able to go and help you out. Targt gift card? I'm jealous. :) Cute bowling pics.
I'm glad you ahd a great time... :(sad I couldn't hook up with you!
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