1. Kayla had been asking to play with her friend Katelyn for a couple of days. I'm glad she was able to come over for a play date earlier this week. It's been a while since the girls have been able to get together. Thank goodness it wasn't that hot out so we could spend some time outside.
2. We had to go to El Paso for an eye appt for Kayla...she had a free eye exam at school that showed some "refractive error" so we went to get it checked out. I was worried she would need glasses (worried about how I would keep them on her!) She doesn't need them (at least not know) but she is a little bit far sighted, a little more in the right eye. He just said to keep an eye on it and he'll see her back in a year. I'm grateful we don't have to deal with glasses right now, and that Kayla didn't protest too much during the exam - which included having her eyes dilated.
3. We were at this appt for 2 hrs and about 20 min of that was actually the appt, the rest was waiting of course. I'm grateful Kayla was well behaved and just sat and colored most of the time. Usually she would be running around and bouncing off the walls, so this was a nice change!
4. Since we got out of the appt so late, and it takes 1.5 hrs to get home, we stopped by Olive Garden for dinner - again Kayla was more calm than usual and this as stressful as it usually is taking her to a restaurant. She still didn't eat much at all for dinner, but at least she didn't try to escape and run around. I'm grateful I also had a gift card to use for our dinner.
5. This isn't something that happened to us this week, but I'm grateful nonetheless. This story has been all over the Down syndrome community, and I know the video has been posted on many blogs...just thought I would share it here too. I'm grateful for self-advocates like Brett Banford- I love his message at the end!
Have a great week!
I really enjoyed the video. Sorry it's so hot! We've been whining because it's been mid-80's, but the humidity was sky high. Today is a picture perfect day, I hope you get some relief soon. That's great that Kayla did so well. Also good that she didn't need glasses. My oldest was much older, and he managed to lost 3 pairs. I could have killed him! Not really,well, maybe! You are right, the longer you can put it off, the better off you are. I really related to what you were saying about the eye Dr. and Olive Garden as well. When we have to go to the eye doctor, it takes FOREVER, and it just seems to use up any good behavior/coping skills my kids have in the first 20 minutes, and then it is hell until we are done. Hope you have a good week.
It's been hot here too - but not as hot as you are dealing with!
What an amazing video! Thank you so much for sharing that. I hadn't seen it yet. That boy is incredible. And he dances much better that I do :)
I'm glad that Kayla didn't need glasses. My son has destroyed his several times this year.
Have a wonderful week ahead!!
I loved how the other dancers in the background were up and cheering for him, awesome.
So glad Kayla didn't need glasses yet! Amanda had to have them in first grade, she was either near or far sighted (can't remember which) but outgrew it in a year or so.
I ♥ Olive Garden! Yum. Especially the salad and bread sticks!
So much good stuff.
I didn't watch the video, but I did see him on the show. I thought of you. :)
have a great weekend.
Yea.. it's supposed to be about 87 here tomorrow. I hate it when Colorado's hot, it makes me whiney!
Oh.. and I am on the 8th of July. Cancer babies are WONDERFUL ;)
Hello, I am Beatriz and I write from Venezuela. I am mother of a boy of 1 year, and it enchants your blog to me, until I use the translator to read it. Kayla is beautiful and it is seen that you have worked much in its stimulation, is a very wide-awake girl. Congratulations and kisses for her from Luis Fernando.
That video was AWESOME! Brett is a great dancer and such an inspiration to everyone :)
Im glad Kayla is glasses free and was so well behaved, appointments take their toll on us it must be twice as hard on the kids!
take care :)
That video was AWESOME! Brett is a great dancer and such an inspiration to everyone :)
Im glad Kayla is glasses free and was so well behaved, appointments take their toll on us it must be twice as hard on the kids!
take care :)
That video was AWESOME! Brett is a great dancer and such an inspiration to everyone :)
Im glad Kayla is glasses free and was so well behaved, appointments take their toll on us it must be twice as hard on the kids!
take care :)
That video was AWESOME! Brett is a great dancer and such an inspiration to everyone :)
Im glad Kayla is glasses free and was so well behaved, appointments take their toll on us it must be twice as hard on the kids!
take care :)
Yay for no glasses! They are tough to get used to!
Yay for playdates!
I am so happy to be up north and cooler! hehe
I went to my last MOPS for the summer and totally thought of you :)
I hadn't seen that video before...how awesome that boy is! It brought tears to my eyes when he delivered his message at the end and he's so right, just because a person has a disability doesn't mean he can't lead a normal life. Awesome!! Send me some of that heat...it's slowly warming up here but our summer weather certainly hasn't started yet!! xoxo
Brett's video is great. I saw it on another blog too. :) Glad the eye exam went better than expected. Glasses might be a little frustrating to get used too. I certainly don't like mine. LOL
And yep, the triple digits are on the way! Time to break out the wading pools.
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