You are 4 months old today - 4 months! You rolled over from your back to your front twice yesterday. I don't think you realized what you did and your sister's loud cheering probably scared you. She's your biggest cheerleader you know. She claps and cheers anytime you do something, so you better get used to it!
You scoot backwards when on your belly; and today you started to do this inchworm thing going forward on your belly. You stretch your arms out in front of you, pull your knees up, stick your butt in the air, and push off. Can you slow down a bit?
I can't believe the difference from month two to three. Not crying wise, oh no, we still have a lot of that. I think it's getting somewhat better though. And the sleeping? I know your sister set the gold standard for sleeping when she was a baby so that's a lot to live up to, but can you at least make an effort? Around 2 months you started sleeping through the night, but it was just a tease, several weeks ago you started waking up again and now there is nothing consistent with your nighttime sleeping. Last night you were up 3 times, but other times you wake up once. You have such trouble falling back to sleep on your own.
And naps? What is up with the 30 minute power naps? I don't know how you know when it's been 30 minutes, but you do, every time. No more and no less. If you fall asleep for a nap at 12:40 I know you'll be up at 1:10 and you don't disappoint. These 30 minute naps aren't working out so well for your mom though, I hardly have time to make and eat lunch before you're up again.
But when you hit 3 months you did become more engaging, active, aware, and fun. You didn't just lie there anymore, you were more interested in things. You bat, swat, reach, and grab for toys now. You hold them and bring them to your mouth. You smile and babble and giggle! You love watching your sister, your eyes follow her all around the room and you smile the most at her antics.

So happy 4th month little one; I can't wait to see what you have in store for us this next month!

Yay! I'm so glad you're doing letters. Happy 4 months!
Aw! He's gonna love reading this stuff when he's older. I love it!
YAY.. what a sweet lovey boy you have there. It was wonderful to read your letter to him!
Thanks for sharing!
YAY.. what a sweet lovey boy you have there. It was wonderful to read your letter to him!
Thanks for sharing!
Oh my!! He is such a cute little boy!! He reminds me so much of my boys when they were that age ~ treasure every single day, it seems the time just keeps going faster and faster! He is absolutely adorable!!
milestones ....4 months old and doing so much more!! rolling over from back to front...learning to crawl!! and I especially like that he ENJOYS watching his big sister!!! I can just see Kayla clapping and cheering him on when he does something new!! What a GREAT sister Lucas has in his life!! sorry about the napping part and waking up again at night.. :( Love Mom/grandma
awww what a sweetie! I am in awe that time is going by so quickly!!
Happy 4th month Lucas, try not to keep you mommy on her toes too much!
Awww, how cute is that picture! Good for you for keeping such good track of what he's doing. I did not do so well with either of my babies!
Happy 4 months! Wow, I can't believe he is getting so big.
Like Kayla, Rylie was my great sleeper and like Lucas, Cesalie only took the cat naps until around 10 months(now she is sleeping (2) 1 1/2 hr naps a day, and through the night. So I hope his napping gets better for you! I know 30 minutes is not enough time to do anything.
Has it been 4 months already? It seems like just last month that we got the cutest picture of Kayla with her "Big Sister To Be" t-shirt. Wasn't it just a couple of days ago that Joe called me at work and told Lucas was ready to be born and then the call at 1am telling us we had a grandson? What I hard time I had waiting until morning to drive down there.
Rolling over, the inch worm crawl, laughing and smiling like your mommy said "Little Man" can't you slow down just a little so your grandpa and grandma don't feel like we're missing out so much by not being able to see you as often as we did that magnificent big sister of yours. I can only wonder what you will be doing when August arrives and I can see you, Kayla and your mommy and daddy.
He is growing so fast and his sleeping habits sound a lot like my oldest. Eventually he did sleep - but power naps were always his thing.
Happy 4 Months Lucas!
This was beautiful, Michelle - and he's such a handsome little guy.
What a sweet letter!!!!
awwww - look at Lucas - he's soooo darling! Love his smile! Beautiful letter Michelle - and good luck on the sleep thing ;) I had one that wasn't such a great sleeper and it about killed me. We finally just let him sleep in bed with us - til he was like - 4 ;) Lucky for us, at 11, he no longer feels the need to sleep with us ;)
What a cutie!
I think four months is my favorite "baby" age!
I just told my husband yesterday, that although I don't want our sweet little grandson Tyler to grow up too fast, I can't wait until he is about 3 months - so we can do more with him!
And he doesn't sleep at night very well either. My poor daughter is very tired.
What a sweet letter to a hansome little boy!
Happy 4 months, little man! Slow down a little bit for your poor mama!
He just gets cuter and cuter! If it's any comfort, my oldest one didn't sleep thru the night until he was 10 months old! Okay, so maybe that's NOT any
He is so cute. Always enjoy visiting your blog.
Blessings from Costa Rica
This is so beautiful. Gives me goosebumps seeing everything he's doing! Happy 4 months little guy!
I can't believe how much difference a month makes either, or a week for that matter. It just seems like you blink and they're doing something different. I do understand that power nap thing. Ryan does the same thing. It sure makes it difficult to get things done lol.
WOW! I can't believe he is already 4 months!! My son used to take the power naps too! maybe it is a boy thing. He is a real cutie!
love ya,
Awww he's getting so big Michelle, I can't believe it's been 4 months already :)
He is adorable, that's for sure!
And he's doing so much for being only four months!
What a sweet letter...and a keepsake for both of you to have in years to come!
He's so freakin cute, he's forgiven for not sleeping as much as he should.
Look at his smile! What a handsome little boy.
I hope he sleeps more in the future - maybe it's a bad phase.
I love your letter to him. What a great thing for him to see when he is older. Although I bet his wife will enjoy it more!
He is absolutely precious.
SO...i'm disappointed b/c the dress i wanted to buy for kayla only comes in baby sizes. so i'll probably end up getting the long sleeve one. it's still cute ...and on sale. hopefully it gets here in time though!!!
Kel ^_^
He is even more handsome and lovable in real life!
Happy four months, Lucas. You are one fantastic little man!
Happy 4 months!! I hope you start sleeping better by the time you're 5 months old, little man! He's oh so cute!
Yep, the letters are a great idea. He is such a sweetie. I hope he sleeps longer for you though. That must be EXHAUSTING!!!
Oh, I feel your pain. Baby Bug has been a tease about sleeping through the night for several months now. It's on again, off again...mainly off again. ((sigh)) And to top it off, about the time we get her fully trained (or she trains us) she'll be returning home to her parents for good. How's that for a kick in the shorts. :)
Lucas is so adorable! I can't wait to see him (and Kayla) this weekend.
oh he's soooo sweet! Happy 4 months beautiful boy!
Hi Michelle, Wow, 4 months old already! He is such a precious boy. Except for letting Mommy get enough rest. But other than that he's a keeper! LOL!
I know you are a busy mom, but I love this idea of writing a letter to your kids. Think how much they will treasure this when they get older?
Still praying that you are feeling not so overwhelmed now.
Hugs, Amy
What a wonderful collection of observations about the little one. It's such a good idea, babies change so fast and grow into toddlers in a blink it seems like. That's wonderful he rolled over too. :)
I can't believe he's 4 months already! Wow!
I laughed out loud when I read, "30-minute power naps." That's not good!
Look at how big he is and where on earth can I get a chair thingy like the one he's sitting in.
Avery's one month behind him, so it's fun to read how he's progressing - clues me in on what to expect next.
Now don't get all jealous, but Avery naps for HOURS at a time. LOL
awww Michelle, that is SO sweet!
Oh what a lovely post! I cannot believe that Lucas is already four months! He is so beautiful...just like his big sister!
What a cutie he friends son is the same way with the power naps too. But now he is 2 months older and doing better.
He's so cute Michelle. I bet you are having a ball with him.
I love this Michelle!! What a cute boy! Happy 4 months :)
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