Barb has opened up her online shop A Chelsea Morning's Little Shoppe - she is so crafty and creative and makes the cutest things! Baby bibs, blankets, sock monkeys...and I'm looking forward to the holiday season when she'll have (I'm guessing here) some of her famous handmade ornaments up for sale!
Another blogger - Overwhelmed With Joy is getting ready to open up her new store -

Kathy is a missionary in Costa Rica. She works with women who are living in extreme poverty teaching them crafts. They now have an online store to sell their items. Funds from the sales go to buy more materials and to help the maker of the item economically.
I recently came across The Caregivers Marketplace. The Caregivers Marketplace™ is the nation's first cash back program for anyone who gives, gets or needs care. You can receive cash back on eligible products that are not typically covered by insurance or Medicare – no matter where you buy them. Parents can even use this to get cash back on diapers! You print out the cash back form and when you have receipts for 5 items (can be the same or different) send it in and you'll get $1 back for each item. Some of the brand names include Huggies, Pull-Ups, Good Nights, Ensure among others. I know I'm going to be saving my receipts and using this from now on!
If you have been reading my blog for a while now you know I like freebies, samples, and coupons! I am always on the lookout for good deals and coupons - who likes to pay full price? I search the internet for any online coupons before making a purchase and this has saved us a lot of money. Best Online Coupons is a very comprehensive site to use when scoping out those coupons. They have over 15 coupon categories to search by. Some examples are Baby and Kids, electronics, health and beauty, and food and drinks. You can find deals on cheap laptop computers, discount laser printer toner cartridges and deals on school supplies. They have hundreds of coupons for hundreds of popular online stores. They update frequently to bring you the newest coupons out there and also have a page for coupons that are expiring soon which really helps if you're looking for something specific. I like the hot coupons category. These coupons are some of the most popular among users of the site. You never know what kind of deal you will find! The site is free to use and you do not even have to register! You can subscribe to the RSS feed they have so you do not miss any great deals.
And finally...Nancy tagged me for a 6-word memoir meme. This was hard to do! If you do this let me know so I can come read your memoir. This is what I came up with: My family: the road less traveled.
Thanks for always passing on great deals you come across.
I've been so out of the loop with blogging lately, I loved this post Michelle, now I feel like I know what everyone is up to :)
We definitely need to meet up when you come up to Scottsdale, I'll let you know as soon as we return from Africa :)
Thanks for the linky love for my up and coming business. :)
Don't forget to throw the URL to this post in my post comments so I can remember to enter you in my drawing. I'll choose the winner sometime next week when I get back from vacation.
This was great Michelle!
And I am like you - I rarely pay full price - I like the challenge of finding a deal :)
Thanks for the links!
Hi, Michelle. I loved those stores. Chelsea has some very nice things, doesn't she? Sounds like you guys are doing well. We just heard from John in China, and he didn't even feel the earthquake, thank the Good Lord!
What a great post. Thanks. I always do online searches for coupons before I order. Recently I was able to save 20% on a Pfaltzgraff order--enough to cover tax and their outrageous shipping.
I love the Chelsea store, and am looking forward to checking out the other links.
I love your Meme--what a great thing to come up with--the road less traveled. I think that fits my life pretty well too. I'm sitting here playing with my 2 year old grandson while my 5 and 7 year olds try to teach him to sword fight.
I love both websites and have ordered a sock monkey for Miller. I cannot wait to get it. Anyway....I hope you are having a great week. I love your 6 words.
Just curious, do you play the grocery game? I'm big on coupons and bargains too. We sound like two peas in a pod. Thanks for sharing all those sites.
Thanks for the etsy link to Valledelcid. That's very cool. When I lived in South America, in Paraguay to be exact even though it was years ago I always wondered how to get some of the amazing crafts found there out and have the crafters get compensation for it. Wonderful find.
I will definitely check out the caregiver's marketplace. I've been stocking up on diapers and wipes for the new baby so any money back is always appreciated :)
Thank you so much for mentioning my little shoppe, Michelle. Susie and I are currently reworking the design to make it a little more professional and user friendly.
And guess what...I only have one monkey left. Good grief. I'm going to be back in the monkey business again but you can bet I won't be making sixteen all at once, ever ever again. LOL
It's amazing, all these great deals you find. Thanks for sharing them with us.
I drew a complete blank on the six word memoir - I haven't got a clue what I'd say but yours is great.
Thanks Michele I love your blog for many reasons. One I love hearing about your day to day, precious kiddos, and your knowledge of deals and places to shop. I use to be good at keeping up with this kind of stuff, NOT any more. I hardly get to potty without something happening..sigh Keep it up girl you are a life saver!!!
Got the book and have started reading it in my "free time" so I have not gotten very far yet, but I like it thus far. Thanks again for doing the give away!
Hope the Kids are good!
your meme has given me something to think about. It will be fun to see if I can come up with something.
Thanks for sharing all those great links..some great stuff.
Wonderful post, Michelle - great links! And I love your six work autobiography.
Wow - there's soo much going on! I learned a lot on my stop!
Wow, thank you again for all these wonderful links, Michelle!
Wow- so much going on with everybody! I loved your six word meme!
I did the "my life in 6 words" thing too!
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