This week has been a quiet week, but here are a few things I'm grateful for:
1. I mentioned Lee was going to send me a sling she made for use with her son Gabriel and I already received it in the mail! I actually got it last week, but forgot to post about it! Isn't this such a pretty fabric?

2. One of the things they have for recreation for the troops where Joe's at is Bingo. The last few weeks he's won $150 in AAFES gift cards! That'll be so nice to have once the baby arrives! Poor Joe - doesn't even get to use it on himself LOL
3. Kayla and I had a nice New Years Eve over at Jim and Jennifer's. We went over for dinner (the steaks were oh so tender and yummy!) We're on mountain time, so when the ball dropped in NY it was 10 here and we said happy new year and then went home LOL Nice and quiet and snuggled in bed - hey it was new year's somewhere!
4. Besides taking a couple walks and going to the library we've been pretty much hibernating in the house this week and I didn't mind one bit! Next week things are going to start getting busy again - Kayla has an appt for a hair cut and the ENT, I've got an OB appt, water aerobics, MOPS Steering meeting, spouses' group meeting, and various other errands, so I'm glad for one more week with nothing going on!
5. Yesterday was the Give Parents A Break at the child development center. Oh how I enjoyed that Saturday with several hours to myself, cleaning and organizing and purging, or nesting as Joe said I was doing! I'm so glad they have this program for deployments!

Sounds like there have been lots of blessings as you prepare for the baby. I'm so glad you've had some time to hibernate. That's awesome.
That is a very nice sling you have there! You are one busy gal! Do it all now so you can take it easy when that big day comes.
What a wonderful week! And not too much longer now until Joe comes home... I love these posts.
Glad you had a good week. Happy 2008.
It sounds like you had some much needed down time. Good for you. I have a Steering Team Meeting this week also. I'll be pretty busy too...I guess that is what we call life right? Have a good one.
Isn't Give Parents A Break the best?? I think my sanity is still intact (mostly) because of that program and our babysitter. Another week behind us! The end of this week, Lord willing, will end our four months. I can't wait!!
Glad you had a nice relaxing week. How cool that Joe was able to win so much in gift certificates. $150 goes fast with a baby, though, but at least it's a start!
Babywearing I can never sing enough praises about!! The pouch sling was my first style to own!
If you get a sec, you should check out Stephanie @ Adventures in Babywearing. She has great weekly babywearing tips, all the hot spots to buy just the right styles, and uber fun giveaways.
It's a wonderful gratitude post Michelle. I'm so glad to get caught up with you and Kayla and Joe. Sounds like all is well.
I think the idea of a sling is terrifice. My first son never wanted to be put down when he was an infant. A sling would have been the perfect thing.
Blessings to all of you.
2010 still sounds far away to me. Weren't we suppose to have robot maids and dinner at the press of a button by then???
I am glad you had some downtime!
Michelle, I had to laugh at your post. I grew up in Wyoming, so it was also mountain time. I just found out a few years ago that my parents tricked us on New Year's Eve. I ALWAYS thought I was really staying up until midnight. Nope! They would even set the clocks ahead, we'd watch the ball drop in NY and then it was off to bed. My mom said it only worked until I was about 8 and then I figured it out. LOL Happy New Year!
Sounds like you do have a lot to be thankful for!! Isn't Joe coming home soon? That is so exciting!!!
Sounds like it was a nice week of relaxation for you and Kayla! And this week will go by so fast with all you have planned... Joe will be home before you even know it. Well, not really because I am sure you are counting down the days - no way any days will be sneaking by you! :)
What a great sling! I would be lost without mine!
Have a great week Michelle!
Hi there,
I haven't posted in awhile but wanted to say hi! I'm sure you're getting excited about the new baby. And about the sling thing, well, I used one also and there are lots of pictures of different ways to wear slings on www.kangerookorner.com so if you need more ideas, check out that site. That's where I got mine and when Connor was teeny tiny, I had him in there quite a bit. Once he got bigger, i didn't use it as much, but he had issues with being touched, so I think that is what that was about. Anywho, I am now officially rambling and will stop myself. Have a great week!
It's been way too long since I've stopped by to comment! I'm so glad you're doing well and wow! I can't believe you're what, 33 weeks now!? Time flies when it's not you who's pregnant I guess. That sling is really cute. I could never use them because I'm so tall, they gave me aweful back pain, but I always envy those who can use them. Best to you in these last weeks of pregnancy.
Love, Sarah
What an awesome list of blessings, Michelle!
How have you been?
Slings are awesome! Sounds like you had a great week!
Way great sling! Sounds like you guys are doing well!
I ave never worn a sling either-LOL,I would have had trouble as well!!!
I love weeks with nothing to do-ahhhh gotta love it!
Happy 2008!!!
That's a nice sling! So glad she gave that to you. With each post, it gets a little closer to when Joe will be home. Happy New Year!
Boy you do have a busy week coming up. I am so glad you have a week to just chill out. Those are so nice.
God Bless!
I glad you were able to ring in the New Year with friends. I too can't believe it's already 2008. I hope you continue to find moments to relax and "hibernate". Joe and the lil home with be filling your home real soon!
I have a sling from LUCKY BABY and LOVE it. I still use it for Mayson all the time!!! Its been one of my best purchases ever!!! Mine is so easy to use!! I hope you figure yours out!!
Ahhhh... Give Parents a Break Day... what luck!!! :)
Winter is a good time to hibernate for sure! Its kinda relaxing to know you dont have to get dressed up and fix your hair and go out...I would never be able to figure out that sling! I was lucky to figure out carseats! lol
Happy and blessed 2008 to you and Joe and Kayla and the baby. Love to you all.
What a wonderful post! You lifted my spirits just reading it - thank you! I'm glad you have a beautiful new sling to wear - I have loved carrying my babies this way.
I rec'd the photo book and cookbook in the mail. Thank you so much! I know it will be fun using both of them!
What a lovely way to carry a newborn baby!
Take it easy...
Nice sling! We used one with our kids when they were babies and we loved it. What a wonderful week ahead! Have fun!!
Wonderful list, as always Michelle! The sling is so cute, and I LOVE the pics of Kayla above - especially the one of her talking on the phone - that will be a precious memory for always!!!
Glad you got some time for yourself and to get things done! Hope this week went well too!
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