I debated whether to do a gratitude post this morning, I didn't have the best of weeks feeling emotional, stressed out, and then the ticket incident, but even more so after reading the news about Annette. Then I thought that I need to do this, need to remind myself of the good things that happen. I need this time every Sunday to reflect back on the things that have happened that I'm grateful for.
1. For the past 4 years I've been going to MOPS. Each year we have a Christmas program where the 3-5 year old kids sing a few songs for us moms. Every year I imagined when I would get to see my daughter up there on the stage singing with the kids. Kayla didn't attend MOPS last year because she was in morning preschool, but since she's in afternoon preschool she goes to MOPS with me this year. I was so grateful to see her up there with the other kids singing. Unfortunately my camera battery died, but I'm grateful I was able to get one picture of something I had been looking forward to! (She won't be with MOPS next year as she'll be in Kindergarten, so this was the only time she would be doing this). They were singing "This Little Light Of Mine"
2. As much as I enjoy MOPS, right now I'm grateful that Tues was our last one until Jan 15. I need this break (I'm the finance person). This week was also our Steering meeting, so that means I had to go into town 3 days in a row - Mon for set up, Tues for MOPS, and Wed for the Steering meeting. Yeah I'm lazy and don't like driving into town every day! LOL
3. I'm grateful for the Families Apart Dinner on Wed (we won't talk about what happened on the way home though! LOL) It's nice that they do this for the families. They had 4 crockpots of different soups and I had 2 helpings of the baked potato soup - it was really good! I also won a box of stationary from the door prizes.
4. On Saturday the housing office had a Christmas party for the kids. They even had gifts for all the kids; Kayla had a great time seeing Santa again. I should be able to get her pictures next week. I'm grateful Kayla took a nap when we got home as we were going to another event that afternoon!
5. Saturday we went to the base community center for the annual Children's International Festival. The kids get a little passport and go to the different tables to get a stamp, then when they leave they get a goody bag. My two favorite stations are the Asian-Pacific and German rooms. They serve food LOL We get rice, chicken, noodles, and lumpia from the Asian-Pacific group and yummy desserts in the German room. This year they were packing up early and trying to get rid of their food so I was able to take home a plate full of lumpia. Then Jennifer and I hightailed it to the German room and grabbed a carry out box for some pies and cake. I thought I would take a few home to sample, but they kept loading me up and giving me so many desserts I had 2 carry-out boxes! What am I going to do with all these desserts? I definitely don't need all the extra calories LOL Too bad Joe isn't here to help me eat it, or that it didn't happen next weekend when my mom will be here! I wonder if any of it will freeze well. I'm still grateful for the yummy food I was able to take home, even if I can't eat it all!
If you haven't already, don't forget to enter my Photo Book Contest -I'll be drawing the winners tomorrow.
Speaking of contests - check out this one out

I'm so sorry for your pain today. I can relate and know of which you speak. Be well and take care of yourself and your little girl. Have a better week!
I hate to hear that Michelle. Although she's in such a better place it's never easy. I will certainly pray for her family. Hope you have a good week & good luck with the contest!
I too will be praying for her family and all of those who loved her.
I admire you for still posting. It has to be hard.
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend..prayers go out to her family.
Miss Kayla looked great on stage. Hoping you have a good stress free week.
I am so sorry for the loss of your friend ... many hugs.
I hope you are able to relax a little over the Christmas holidays.
I'm so sorry about the loss of Annette. Her family is in my prayers!!
I'm sure it was hard to post - but good for you for doing it. I hope the next week is better for you.
i'm speechless after reading about your friend. I went to her blog and read the last few posts. My heart is incredibly sad for her family. I've been feeling a bit blue the last few days and now I really feel guilty given what others have to go through. My everyday sadness for no apparent reason is nothing compared to what others have to experience. Thank you for sharing this. I am glad that you still decided to do your gratitude post.
I read your post about the ticket too (I'm so behind so I'm sorrya bout that...) and I cannot BELIEVE that guy gave you a ticket for not signaling when you turned right. How lame. Perhaps he had to meet his quota? Who knows, but stuff like that defies logic.
Well, hope the rest of your Sunday is peaceful.
The idea of the cards for Joe is such a great one too...i wondor if it is too late for me to participate? If not, email me and give me his address and I'll send one. sorry I didn't see your post sooner.
Thank you for the genuineness of your heart and the reminder to be grateful...even when we don't feel like it!
How sad about Annette ~ I will be thinking of her. It is the perfect time post - when things aren't great is when you need to remember your Grains of Gratitude. I know it is hard, but I am glad you did - look how great the rest of your week was :) (Bah humbug on that ticket!)
I'm sorry to hear you lost a friend. I will be praying for the loved ones she left behind.
Kayla looked so adorable up there singing. I'm glad you were able to get a picture of her!
love ya,
I am sorry for the loss of your friend. I hope you can take comfort in the fact that she is no longer suffering. It doesn't make the pain go away, though, does it?
I'm so sorry for your friend. It's always so hard. The Children's International festival sounds like a great idea though. Take care and hope you have a better week.
I'm really sorry about your friend - that is so, so sad. But life is still filled with happiness and beauty and things to be grateful for, even in the midst of pain. I'm so glad you wrote the rest of this post today.
My thoughts and prayers are with Annette's family and you. I can only imagine their pain. Two little boys whose lives will never be the same. I pray for strength, hope, and encouragement for the dad.
I'm glad you did a grateful post anyway. Kayla looked adorable as usual. Remind me again when Joe gets home? Hang in there and have a good week with your mom!
I am so sorry for your loss of a friend.....I will be praying for you and their family.
Thank you for the beautiful ornaments and goodies...I posted it on my blog. I think the New Mexico ornament is my favourite --ornament I have that is something no one else has....I have a few ornaments that are extremely special to me for various reasons...and now yours has been added to my list....the peppermint bark was awesome...I usually do not like white chocolate, but these are so delicious...I could have eaten half the package, but I only ate two squares....my girlfriend was over and we both sat and nibbled "slowly" on the chocolate and sipped our coffee...amazing with coffee.
I absolutley love the hand towels....I have nothing like that, so dh is putting up a little shelf in my kitchen for me to display them....again, thank you so much....and it has been a joy getting to know you....I will check in often to see how you are doing and when the baby arrives...I hope you and Kayla have a wonderful Christmas...and praying your dh will be home soon and safely.
I am so sorry about your friend Annette but I praise God she is safe and celebrating Christmas with Jesus.
I am also keeping you in my prayers and also your husband, Kayla and your little one on his/her way.
God Bless You!
I am sorry for your loss, Michelle. It's heartbreaking to lose a mom, and I can only imagine the pain of the family.
I am glad that your went ahead with your gratitude post. I'm sure Annette would be smiling upon you.
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