So what I'm grateful for from this past week:
1. On Monday night I decided to take Kayla out for a walk after dinner, it was dark out by then, but all the better to see the Christmas lights and decorations that were out. She brought along her little flashlight and just thought it was the neatest thing to be outside, in the dark, shining her flashlight on everything to see what she could discover. I'm grateful I decided to be spontaneous like that and witness the excitement through her eyes.
2. I'm grateful Kevin doesn't mind watching Kayla while I go to water aerobics (although the water has been cold the last 2 weeks...brrrr!). I was feeling bad that I had been asking Jim/Jennifer to watch Kaya all the time...and Kevin lives behind us so it's easier to just take her over there.
3. Friday night Kayla and I met Jennifer and Katelyn at the Community Center. The Housing Office was holding an event for the kids...we got free dinner/snacks and the kids had crafts to do. We didn't stay too long, or eat too much, as we had Bunco that night too!
4. I'm grateful for being able to see an old friend again (see Mary - you made my Grains of Gratitude list!) Mary and Jason used to be stationed here and moved about 1.5 yrs ago. (Jason and Joe used to work together which is how Mary and I met). We were pregnant together and our girls are 1.5 months apart. Jason's family lives in this town and, unfortunately, his grandmother passed away last week, so that's why they were in town. It sure was nice to see them again though. Mary was even able to play Bunco with us (which she misses!)
Look I'm actually including my face in this picture instead of just my belly! LOL
5. On Saturday we met Mary, Jason, and their girls at Lowe's so the kids could see each other again, and build snowmen card holders. Kayla and Izzy...
Kayla, Izzy, and Sarah with their completed projects. We did go to the zoo after that, but I didn't bring my camera in so Mary will have to send me those pictures (hint, hint!)
6. We went home for about 1.5 hrs and then we were off again. Joe's squadron was having their children's Christmas party and I couldn't let Kayla miss out on seeing Santa!
Let the gift opening season begin!
I think she looks pretty happy!
Can we open it now mom?
That evening I had planned on taking Kayla to the parade in town, but the wind had picked up quite a bit, and to be honest, I was just too tired to go anywhere else! When we got back from the party I laid on the couch for 45 min "resting my eyes" while Kayla, thankfully, played in the living room and watched a Charlie Brown Christmas. She even brought me her baby doll's pillow and blanket!
I was hoping to relax for a little while today, but I've got to go to the BX for some things so I can hopefully mail out Christmas packages this week, and the carport seriously needs to be swept of all those leaves, and general house work, and this evening it's off to a friend's house for a surprise going-away dinner for one of the ladies on our MOPS Steering Team ...and...and...Calgon take me away?!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
You look so cute! You're not very big though. How many weeks are you? Taking a walk in the dark with a flashlight during the Christmas season! How awesome! Sounds like you're happy and busy...
Sounds like a lot of fun in your busy world! I do hope you get to relax and put your feet up at the end of the day. I hope you have a good week!
Don't you just glow! You look beautiful, Michelle.
Being busy does make the time go by quickly... you are REALLY busy! Whew! But, it did sound like a fun, happy week for both you and Kayla. I love how fun your walk was - it is SO cold here that as much as I would love to do that - I'd just be a big block of frozen Andrea by the time we came back home.
I hope you have a nice week coming up, and you have some time to let Calgon take you away.
Girl, you AMAZE me. Being without Joe, being pregnant, having a preschooler,and still doing all that stuff? WOW.
That was actually me, not Scott. :)
So, so very CUTE!!!! Love her!!!
And you look just great!!!! OMG - soon there will be four of you!! How exciting!!!
What another cool week you have had. Kayla has been having a blast, and the joy in her face in these photos is awesome. You look amazing! How are you doing with your energy levels and health? You are one glamourous Mum to be that's for certain. xxx
I LOVE getting freebies and have spen hours looking online. I have found a couple good sites that you might be interested in.
clothes your eyes... well read first then close your eyes....
breathe in.....breathe out.... repeat....relax... it's all going to be okay....
You are definitely one of those women who GLOW with pregnancy! You look beautiful. And Kayla is precious, too. I love the pictures with her snowman project and her gifts.
Hey, you want to start blogging about the menu that you eat every day because whatever it is, I need to try it! You've got more energy than anyone I know. lol
Take care and Merry Christmas!
A good week! Your belly looks so cute... I can't believe how quickly Christmas is approaching, can you?
I hosted a Hot Chocolate Party for the girls in MOPS today...it was alot of fun....it sounds like you have had a busy week......rest.
How pretty you look! And what a sweet little girl you have taking care of her mommy. Have a good week!
You look TERRIFIC...what a busy week you have had....I loved the pic of the 3 girls...to cute.
Hope you can relax this week.
Hi Michelle, you look BEAUTIFUL! And Kayla is looking so grown up. HUGS honey, I miss you on the board. Love, Nicole
You look great. I was never a pretty pregnant person. :)
Michelle - you look GREAT!!! I love the pics. Kayla's snowman is so cute too - she is very creative :)
I hope you get to rest your eyes a little more :)
Thanks for joining in each week - I love to read your lists!
p.s. I tagged you for a Christmas meme a bit ago (can't remember if I already posted that ;) If you have time and can still find it on my blog - I'd love to read your answers :)
Merry Christmas!!!
I really enjoyed your grains of gratitude, Michelle! YOu look adorable preggers. You are staying busy, but that's fun!
Olyvia likes her flashlight too! She's already run the battery down and has only had it for about 2 weeks! lol
Kayla looks soo excited with her gift!
Pst: I posted my G of G on my other blog.
the tummy of yours gets cuter and cuter michelle!! glad things are going so well for you even though joe isnt there!!
Wow, that WAS a busy week! I loved seeing all the pictures, too!
I gave you another award. So, come check it out.
Wow, you are one busy woman!! I am so glad things are going so well. Blessings!
You look great!!!
And sound like you and Kayla are having fun together:-)
Loved the pics of you. You look so pretty!!!! and of course, our little kayla!!!! :) So very cute and precious and I cannot wait to see her at Christmas!!! Michelle, you were connecting with your inner child and what a wonderful thing to do especially for our child/children.. you did not let an opportunity slip thru your fingers!!! It is so different to do something when it is dark outside!!! :) you will always have this moment with Kayla forever in you thoughts and heart..... Love Mom/Grandma
That sounds like an incredibly fun weekend for both you and Kayla. I love that you took her out at night to see the lights. I could see Micah with his flashlight alongside her.
Yeah, it was pretty windy out by us too on Saturday. Calmed down a bit on Sunday thank goodness.
The snowman cardholders care too cute. I think those home depot classes are such a great idea.
Kayla also loves to go out in the dark. I love to watch her come home from her walks with J when all I can see is the light from her flashlight and the lights on her shoes. :)
Michelle, your weekend was as busy- if not busier- than mine! I just posted about it, too...
I loved seeing these pictures...you look so beautiful pregnant! :)
You look great! Kayla looks adorable as usual. I'm glad you're keeping busy.
love you,
Hey girl, there's a few awards for you over at my place. Come pick 'em up anytime!
Look how tiny you are! You look great.
It sounds like a busy weekend. i always stagger around exhausted and half sick during the Christmas season, but it's also so much FUN. And look how cute Kayla is! What a sweetie.
You are so tiny still! I gained so much weight so quickly that I was huge most of my pregnancy!
Sounds like you guys had a great week!
Lots to be grateful for....and fun pics to show it. :) It is lovely to see you....you look great....but sound tired. :)
take good care of YOU.
WOW I am exhausted just reading your post. Your one busy girl!! You look absolutley beautiful in your photos! I hope you get some R&R this week.
Man.. you ARE a busy woman!! Just sit back.. relax.. and take a breather!!
Keeping busy helps the time go by eh? Looks like you and Kayla are being well looked after and taking care of each other.
You look fab by the way!
you look so cute4! You're so small. Thats how i was when i was pregnant with Tiffany. I love the picture of Kayla with her friends. She looks so cute. She looks like both you and Joe. Thats so great that you and Kayla had a walk at night. What fun!! It's nice having mother/daughter time. I know I enjoy it with my girls.
take care.
I love the pictures, you look SO cute :)
I can't believe how busy you are, wow, you need a break :)
You look great in those pictures! Kayla is so cute, she looked very happy to get her present from Santa. It sounds like you had a lot to be thankful for last week and I hope that this week is full of things to be thankful for too!
You are too cute, Michelle! I'm so glad I could come to work today and download your blog! It's been too difficult at home to do lately with all your pictures that I love so dearly!!! Si now I am going to sit back a spell and enjoy all the pics I've missed.
Still praying for all of you! Hugs!
You and your belly are so cute. Kayla and her snowman are precious memories. Take some time to relax,but keeping busy does make the time go faster.
EEEKKK!!! You're so stinking tiny still!!! What's your secret??? You look great & sweet Kayla is adorable as always!
Those photos of Kayla are just gorgeous. What a sweetie
You look amazing! I'm catching up on your blog...bad me yes for only reading now!
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