And as last week came to a close this is what I was grateful for:
1. Over a year ago I did a post on a frustrating experience I had getting Kayla's hair cut. Since that time we've had a few more trips to the salon for trims and she started to get just a little better. Not so much fighting. She still wouldn't sit on the chair by herself, still wanted nothing to do with having a cape draped around her neck (so we ended up with her hair all over the both of us), but she was sitting a bit more still. We went a few months ago and she only put up a token fight about the cape; I took it from the stylist and Kayla basically gave in and let me put it on her. I think it helped that I told her it was a pink Cinderella cape! She had an appt on Mon and the whole way there I kept telling her where we were going, what was going to happen, and asking if she was going to sit in the chair like a big girl and wear the Cinderella cape. (I've tried this talking about it beforehand trick and it hadn't worked before). We walked into the salon and I was stunned to see her go directly to the chair and climb up without being asked! She even was happy about the whole thing! She was excited to wear the cape! We still need to work on actually keeping her head still for more than a few seconds at a time, but this was such progress! My little girl is growing up!
2. Right after Joe left I found out about a DVD called Talk, Listen, Connect: Helping Families During Military Deployment by Sesame Street. There was going to be a workshop on base and we would receive the DVD free for attending; well I hadn't heard anything about it and it's been 2 months now. I found out that I could get it online! The above link will enable you to download it for free, but if you're military you can go to Military OneSource and order it for free too. (You'll need to register if you don't already have an account.) The DVD arrived this week (it's about Elmo's dad going away for a long time) and of course Kayla has really been enjoying watching it; I'm glad I was finally able to get my hands on it!
3. Friday was monthly Bunco night; I ended up needing to bring Kayla with me so it wasn't a complete "get away and have some down time with the girls night" for me, but she was pretty good so I was at least able to enjoy myself for the most part!
4. The BX had advertised that on the Saturday before Thanksgiving the first 100 customers would receive a $20 gift card and stores would open early. They didn't list what time they would be opening though and I kept forgetting to call. We didn't make it there until 10 so I figured I was too late for a gift card, and when we walked in no one was handing them out at the entrance either. I still wondered if they really gave them all away because the parking lot wasn't full and I had my doubts that 100 people had already went through. So when I checked out I asked the cashier, "so are all the gift cards gone already?" She said they weren't - her manager was walking around with them, but she knew they didn't have 100 customers yet. So she called her manager and said, "I have a customer who wants a gift card." She finally came to the front and I got my $20 gift card - whoo hoo - ! I don't know why they didn't have someone still there handing them out, but just goes to show it doesn't hurt to ask or else you'll just never know!
5. I'm grateful for the Bean Box (or bucket as ours is called!) I'm just amazed that Kayla can still sit on the floor and play with this for an hour. She's not hopping from one thing to the next, wanting me to get this, or do that. I played with her on the floor, for as long as my back would allow me to, and then I was able to sit on the couch and watch some football while she hid toys in the beans then dug through to find them, and made me some bean soup! This is such a sanity saver!
and now I have some thank yous to give out! I participated in the "31 for 21 swap" and received my gift from Jen at I Never Thought. She sent me an adorable angel from Ten Thousand Villages. It was made from an artisian in the Phillipines and is made out of recycled newspaper and coils - it's so neat to see what they were able to create out of recycled materials! Thank you Jen!
Karen created the Ray of Sunshine and Encouragement Award - thank you so much Karen - you are definitely the meaning of "ray of sunshine and encouragement!"
Corey passed on to me the Bloggers With Integrity Award - It humbles me to know others see me/my blog as one of integrity - thank you Corey!
Nikki gave me the Mathetes Award - Excellence in Discipleship - that means a lot coming from you! Thank you!

You deserve the awards...you have away with writing and sharing everything you have gone through in life.
WTG Kayla...I am going for a drastic change tomorrow...cutting at least 8 or so inches off.
Sorry you did not get your night out alone..but great getting the gift card.
Hope this week is filled with lots of JOY!
The DVD sounds awesome, I am so grateful there are so many tools at your disposal to make this a little easier.
I am glad that you had a good week. The dvd sounds like a winner - speaking of which - congrats on your well deserved awards.
My son had a hard time with haircuts too, but He wasn't too bad at the place that a carousel horse to sit on while he got his hair cut.
That sesame street dvd is a very good idea!
We had the container of beans too. So long ago.
Congratulations on all the awards.
Just to let you know, I posted about my son today if you want to take a look.
Yay for Kayla for sitting through the haircut - maybe I need to think of the cinderella cape myself. I find sitting in the chair so painfully boring and really loathe going. haha. :)
Congrats on the awards, they are so well deserved. :)
Sounds like you are doing great! I love your Sunday posts - it's like catching up with an old friend.
This next month or so is going to fly by for you... Joe will be home so quickly! It's nice the way his return is situated - right after the holidays. The holidays always seem to make time go by much faster.
That's the part that makes me a little bit nervous with having this baby at Christmas!! I'm afraid I'm going to wake up one day and Boom! it's time and I haven't fully prepared! :)
I hope you have a truly wonderful week and are able to talk with Joe plenty.
WTG Kayla!!!!!
So - there's hope for Matthew with haircuts??? Same thing - it's sterting to get better here...
Sorry about Bunco - but at least you had fun!
What awesome things to be grateful for! Good for Kayla sitting for haircuts! Micah is coming along but isn't that good yet. Unfortunately he needs them so frequently.
Michelle, you have a wonderful list of things to be grateful for!
Sounds like a great dvd! I'll have to remember to get it when Steve gets deployed.
Good job, Kayla!! She is growing up so fast!
Joe will be here before you know it! You all will have such a sweet reunion.
I'm so happy to hear about your good week - and happier still, to realize how close Joe's arrival home is.
You're very welcome! I hope you enjoy the angel. Ten Thousand Villages is one of my favorite stores...cool stuff and it's a non-profit!
Josh always put up a battle getting his hair cut, until just recently, and he's going to be eight.
That's too bad about not being able to get your night out alone, but WhooHoo on the $20, I miss the BX!
Congratsulations on your awards, you truly deserve them! The year is flying by so fast, and before you know it, Joe will be home!!
Take care, Michelle, and I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
I've got a new Bunco game in my desk drawer. I need to figure out how to play it and invite some gals over. I had one friend in Ky that went to a game each month.
Congrats on all your awards!
The elmo DVD sounds wonderful. I'm so thankful there are resources out there like that for children. And - way to go Kayla for getting your hair cut like a big girl!!!
Hi Michelle,
Your upbeat outlook on this difficult time is encouraging. What are your plans for Thanksgiving without Joe?
Hello dear Michelle:-) I always enjoy your Grains of Gratitude!! Glad to hear that Kayla did so well at the hairdresser...isn't it funny how kids can surprise us when we least expect it? lol Congratulations on all the awards, you greatly deserve them!! Hope the weeks go by fast for you, I can imagine how anxious you are for Joe to get home safe and sound!! xox
Your writing always makes me more grateful. You deserve such goodness! I love that Kayla is enjoying the hairdresser more! And congratulations on the awards! You deserve them!!! :) :) :)
Congrats on your awards and to Kayla for doing so well with her hair cut!
Have a wonderful, Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi - long time no "see". It's been so hectic and crazy and with family out this week, it's not slowing down. :)
I keep meaning to do something with rice, but the beans look better. :) I'll have to put something together. That will be such a help with the baby. :)
Yay for the gc. I bought 2 boxes of diapers at Babies R Us this week and got a $5 gc. I was thrilled!
That DVD sounds awesome, I'll have to get it for when Curt is deployed or on TDY!
Glad you're hanging in there, I'm hoping the time just flies by for you and Joe is home soon :)
Sounds like a cool gift for the "31 for 21 swap." You'll have to post a picture sometime. :)
The cape was an awesome idea! I'm glad it went so well this time around.
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