Things from last week I'm grateful for:
1. I've mentioned before how sweet and thoughtful Karen is (and it's not just because she sends me chocolate from New Zealand!) but she's been at it again! Her daughter, same age as Kayla, picked out a little something for Kayla when they went on a recent vacation. Kayla hasn't seen it yet because it's all wrapped up so I'm waiting for Christmas to give it to her. Karen once again included some absolutely delicious chocolate for me! I think it's my new favorite! Here's a brief description from the back "...notice the crispy lightness of the wafer; the creamy chocolate soon fills your mouth, quickly followed by mouth-watering gooey caramel. Back to the wafer, the chocolate, the caramel. The wafer, the chocolate, the caramel. You swallow." Do you know how much self-control I needed to not sit there and eat the whole bag?! Maybe it's a good thing they don't sell this over here! Karen also gave me the "Friendly Site Award" -thanks for thinking of me Karen!
Speaking of awards, I'd also like to thank Christine for giving me the "Community Blogger Award!"
2. On Tuesday I was able to finally go to a water aerobics class. I did this when I was pregnant with Kayla and have been wanting to go back again; but I didn't keep my maternity bathing suit from back then. There are no stores in this town that sell maternity bathing suits, so I had to resort to getting one off the internet - that's hard to do when you can't try it on! But I finally got one, that I probably wouldn't have bought off the rack, but it'll do. I'm looking forward to doing some sort of exercise! I'm grateful Jennifer doesn't mind watching Kayla each Tues evening for me so I can go!
3. Kayla really enjoyed trick or treating and had such fun going up to each house and passing all the kids on the sidewalk. I think she had just as much fun handing out the candy when we got back home too! She grabbed fistfuls of it and couldn't wait for someone to come by so she could put it in their bags. She kept calling out, "kids! a mere! More candy!" It was so funny. I've already posted pictures of Kayla in the doctor scrubs, but I did find this little hat at the dollar store to round out her costume.
4. I'm grateful for all the bloggers out there who participated in the Fall Giveaway! I think I have carpel tunnel from entering all those contests! LOL It was fun to visit some new blogs and see what prizes people were offering. I even won a few! I won a set of bath products from Welcome To Parenthood. I've never heard of Lush before so I'm looking forward to trying these products out. I won two vintage aprons from Homemaking Through The Church Year. Last night I found out I won 5 coupons for free (not cents off) products (to include Barilla pasta and a Barilla sauce) from Sharing My Two Cents. In case you missed it, the winner for my giveaway is Nerd Family Things.
5. I mentioned before one of the support programs in place is Give Parents A Break (if your spouse is deployed/TDY). This is only on the first Saturday of the month and you drop your child(ren) off at the base Child Development Center from 9-3 for free child care. We didn't get to do this last month since the first Saturday of October found us in Roswell for the Buddy Walk! You can better believe I was counting down the days for the first Saturday of this month! I was looking forward to having a few hours to myself on Saturday. Let me tell you how much I needed this! At 920 someone called asking if I was still planning on bringing Kayla in (you have to be registered). I said, "yes but when I signed her up I said she would probably be there between 930-1000." The lady said, "well it's almost 1030." I looked at my watch and said "It's almost 930." I then mentioned the time change. Yes people, I changed my watch back on Friday night! Ok are you done laughing at me yet? All week I kept reminding myself this was the weekend to change the clocks back, I need to remember to do that on Saturday night since it happens early Sunday. In my brain that shortened to "need to do that on Saturday" which led to me going to bed Friday night thinking, "oh yeah, gotta change it back for Saturday." So I ended up losing an hour since I didn't get to drop her off until almost 1045 instead of 945! I blame it on pregnancy brain. She did have 4 hours there and she had fun and I had a few hours to clean/organize and scrapbook. I wish they had this 2 Saturdays a month instead of only the 1st, but I'm grateful it's available at all!
6. And now this morning, since we really did turn our clocks back, Kayla woke up at 600. I'm so grateful that I was able to bring her back to bed with me and she fell immediately back to sleep - and slept until 730! I was surprised she slept that long!
I haven't posted a belly pic since I was 20 wks along - I'm now 24 wks! So here I am 4 wks later: I resorted to taking pictures in the mirror :)
You almost don't notice with a regular t-shirt on

but there it is!

I love that belly shot!
Miss Kayla looked adorable in her scrubs.
Much love to you all.
In that first belly shot, you don't even look pregnant at all! Cute picture of Kayla in her scrubs - completely adorable!
Congrats on the prizes - I saw your name and that you had won on a couple of things. I know, my hands are very sore from entering too....I think I entered about 450 of the contests. Seriously! So far, I've won one thing...a Powerpoint DVD instuctional video..so at least I won something!
I think my belly is bigger than yours and I am not pregnant. Oh the hazards of multiple pregnancies.
Your belly is to cute...sounds like a great week and getting sometime alone is very necessary.
Hope this week goes just as good.
happy delayed Halloween. I rebooted my blog again so come vist I hope Joe is safe whereever he is.
That's a very sweet doctor you have there! She could check my tonsils anytime! That's an even cuter tummy! Hello in there!!
WOW - belly! Congrats!!!
I love Kayla's costume, she looks so cute!
Kayla is adorable! I want to put her in my pocket!
You are sooo going to be addicted to Lush, and it ain't a cheap habit!
Love love love the belly pics! what an adorable little bump!
You have the cutest belly! No fair! I was a freakin' cow!!!
Kayla looks adorable. I need to print out that pic and hang it up in the office...
Kayla is just too adorable in those scrubs! I'm glad you won them. And congrats on your other winnings too! That was fun, but it took forever to enter there were so many giveaways!
You don't even look pregnant in that first pic!
Sweet belly shots! Always loved those kind of pics! Kayla looks cute in her costume. I have two grandbabies coming next year.
You always sound so sanguine and refreshing Michelle! I love hearing about what you have all been doing. You are looking good too! Glad you like the 'pods', it was a real pleasure to send them to you!
Great belly pic!!
Kayla is just so adorable!!!
I see pods in the shops all the time and I must get around to trying them - actually, maybe i shouldnt...
Kayla is too cute in her scrubs and yo have the most beautiful pregnant belly!!
The belly shot is awesome. I'm jealous though. At 20 weeks I looked like a house. You look totally cute :)
Kayla's Halloween picture is adorable! Have a wonderful and blessed week ahead!!!
Kayla is a cute little doc...so cute what she said too!
It looks like you are having a good and healthy pregnancy!
Have a great day you two!
My belly's bigger than yours right now...ugh! You have a cute little belly! That's funny about the time change thing. I just wish we could leave the time alone. It messes so many people up. And when we go to daylight savings time here, it's nearly impossible to get Gabi to bed since it doesn't get dark until 10 pm! Congrats on the wins! It won't be much longer until your hubby is home!
LOVE the costume! too too cute! YOU look great!!!
Love the belly shots! Kayla looks adorable as well in her scrubs! Hope your having a great week.
The doctor's scrubs and the hat are very cute!
You won the Deceptively Delicious cookbook in my Fall Y'all drawing! Please send me your address.
thats was sweet of karen to send you and kayla something. I just love that picture of kayla. it's cute how she kept calling them to come and get more candy. My son gary did the same thing at her age.
I like your pregnant picture. You really don't look pregnant in the one picture.
Thats funny how you set your clock a head to soon. I forgot to set mine back. I had it wrote down and remember all week up until i was supposed to!Good thing it was a weekend not a school day.
Like your mom always says I'm loosing my mind! Thats motherhood for you!
loveya, mimi
That is the cutest pregnant belly I've ever seen!! I didn't know you were pregnant. Congrats!
your belly is adorable michelle!!!
Your belly is SO cute!!
What a fantastic update!
Sweet belly shot too!
Love the belly, it's adorable and I'm so glad time is going by fast for you :)
I love Kayla's scrubs costume. She is SO cute!!!!
Love the belly shot. SO excited for you!!
I love your gratitude posts. We all have so much to be thankful for. Kayla looked like she had a great time trick-or-treating.
You look Fabulous!!!
Time really is going by quickly! It is GREAT! We are looking forward to Joe's return too!
Many hugs for you, baby and Kayla!
Kayla looked so cute in her scrubs! I loved the belly shot also. I loved being pregnant. Sounds like you are enjoying it also. Have a good week. God Bless!
I think you have the perfect belly! And you're little doctor looks adorable too! I love your blog, Michelle. I am so happy that I have found it.
You're so little! Kayla looks adorable in her costume. :o)
Finally, able to come and check up on your news. THANK YOU so so much for the lovely comments and emails Michelle, they meant so very much to me!
I love the belly picture and Miss Kayla dress up for Halloween! So glad you are doing so well, you are all (including Joe) always in my prayers. Will email soon!
beautiful belly shot!
What GREAT things to be GRATEFUL for...Kayla looks adorable in her costume.
You'll really like the Lush soap. They come in the most amazing scents and colors. When I lived in Seattle I used to take day trips to Vancouver and then visit the Lush store. Such fun! There aren't any in the states...that I know of yet. Although when I was in Scotland over the summer I found one there!
A woman I work, her husband is airporce and she checked on the base for that packet of information you posted about staying in touch with loved ones and got me one. Tonight I'm going to have the kids write to their uncle in Iraq. Thanks again for posting that info.
Cute belly shot! I am glad time is moving somewhat fast for you...So nice. The giveaway was fun. I won four things and wow, shocked! Last year I won 000 so it was a huge surprise!
Karen is so sweet. That is so nice of her. Hugs to you!
Cute belly!
Kayla is so cute!
Karen is so nice. I just love her.
Hope you guys are having a blessed Wednesday!
aww you have the cutest tummy ever :)
I just love Kayla in the scrubs so cute!!
Not a stretch mark or a varicose vein anywhere - you are so stinkin' cute preggers! I'm so glad things are rolling right along. I wish we could live closer. It would be so fun to hang out.
OH MIchelle,I miss you so much and thought I stop by for a visit...what I see... Little Miss Kayla in scrubs and a belly shot of you! OH MY!!! So adorable both!
Love ya and drop by sometimes:)
What a cute tummy!
Girl where's the baby? My belly STILL looks that big and Matt is now 2 1/2! LOL you look great! I wish we were still there with you! But it's fun having Patti here with me now. :)
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