1. My body pillow! I'm glad I finally pulled that down from the closet as it makes it more comfortable to sleep.
2. On Wed Kayla and I went to the Families Apart Dinner. The Family Support Center sponsors this once a month for families who have a spouse deployed, TDY, or on a remote. Wed was a pizza party and they had a giant, bouncy, maze thing for the kids. Kayla absolutely loved this. I finally went down the huge slide with her and she thought that was the best thing. I have to admit it was pretty fun! Although the first time I went down I had my arm down or something and ended up with a "burn" on my elbow - ouch! I wonder why my families don't take advantage of this wonderful support program that is in place though. There were only about 10 families in attendance - and there are well over 500 military deployed from this base, not to mention the ones on a remote, or TDY. Granted not all of those are married, I'm sure a large number or single, or married with no children, but there are surely more than 10 families who have a spouse gone right now.
3. Grateful Jennifer and Katelyn could join us at the club for the monthly Kiddie Disco/Buffet. Really can't beat a dinner that is free for 4 and under and a buffet for adults at $5.95. The music is a little loud, but hey, I don't have to cook dinner!
4. Grateful that I finally, finally, got paid for babysitting those 2 girls for those 6 days almost a month ago. Its a long story; he told me 3x he was bringing a check over and didn't. Then they moved off base. I finally called him and left a message and thank goodness the check was in my door the next morning.
5. Grateful for having a friend who has a husband who doesn't mind babysitting Kayla! Jim watched Kayla yesterday while I had a Discovery Toys show to do (I'm the consultant so I couldn't exactly take Kayla along with me!) and Jennifer was invited to this show, so Jim watched Kayla for a couple hours. Today Jennifer and I are going to a baby shower for a lady in our bunco group and Jim is kind enough to watch Kayla this afternoon too.
Hope you all are having a great weekend!

Are they adverstising these "Families Apart" dinners well? That could be part of the problem. Some people just don't get notified. And it could also be that some people are just too shy - it seems like we don't relate as well to each other as we used to (society as a whole, I mean). It'd be great if more people got involved, though. Some people just don't know what they're missing!
Glad to hear you two are staying busy! I've been thinking of you, Kayla and Joe!
Sounds like you had a great week and sounds like you have a wonderful neighbor in Jim. Have a blessed week ahead!
Glad you had a great day and are staying busy. It make the time go by faster.
That is so funny, well only in as much as you mentioned a Discovery Toys Show and I was going to ask how that was going for you and you mentioned it. You have a very full and accomplished life (you can tell I like period dramas 'accomplished' being a key word). Joe must be very proud of you Michelle!
Lots of blessings in your life!
Praying for you guys.
What a great guy Jim is...my dh is like that too...he watched Aviva and 3 more a few times and loved it.
Sounds like the once a month dinners are nice and great activity for the kids.
How are you feeling?
You are so on-the-go all the time! Where do you get the energy? It's wonderful to be part of a base community where they offer so much. I miss that part of the military life.
You sell Discovery Toys??
that is so cool. I used to be a consultant also..years ago. And I could just KICK myself. I had a whole bunch of materials - door flyers, postcards, tons of materials that I had hung onto for literally YEARS (it was stuff that I think was still good...) and I kept having it in a garage sale thinking some DT consultant would come along....but one never did. I think after my last sale, I finally got rid of the stuff. I didn't even know of one to GIVE it to. If I still had it, i would gladly mail it to you for free!!! if I find it and it appears to be useful, I'll let you know. But, I think I gave it to Goodwill. Anyway, DT are great!
And I don't why more people don't take advantage of the military spouse thing. Ya know, when we were in the military, I found the greatest thing were the friendships I made along the way - the bonding with other ladies that happened when my hubby was gone. Nobody knows like someone going through the same thing ya know? And it helps to go and meet others...but I guess some poeple just don't like to do that?
Have a great week. :)
That is so cool they do those dinners ~ I am all for anything that gives you a night off from the kitchen ! :)
My brother-in-law is also someone who will babysit the boys if I need him too - that's probably an excuse so he can't do anything else around the house, but my sister doesn't seem to mind. LOL
I have never heard of those dinners, but then again I am not able to be living on base right now. I do get info from Hanscom AFB and never heard that program mentioned. It sounds really great though, who doesn't love free dinner and fun stuff for kids to expend some energy on!!
Isn't it wonderful to have amazing friends - I am so glad you have that support. It's vital for us military families.
How's Joe doing?
I need to start doing this.....great list.
I babysat for two months in August/September and never got paid. That's what some of my cryptic stuff was about on my blog. It's infuriating! Like they are the only ones with bills to pay. That IS a good guy who will babysit. I am so glad you have that and I hope your party went great!
That Families Apart dinner sounds like a great idea. I don't remember them having anything like this when I was young and my dad would be deployed. I know my mom had some friends that would kind of be like a support group for her, but this sounds like a really great thing. I remember what it was like to have my dad gone for up to 6 months at a time, and now as a wife and mother I can now think of how difficult it must have been for my mom and other ladies like you that have to be without their husbands for weeks and months. I would definitely think more people would want to be involved in this. Hope you have another week for of things to be thankful for!!! :)
Jim is awesome! You don't come across too many hubbies who will babysit! that is something to be grateful about - and not cooking is the best!
I hope the Discovery party went well and you sold lots of stuff!
I would have been lost without my body pillow while I was pregnant! Whoever invented those things is so smart!
ahhh the body pillow .... I miss that pillow every so often ... no fighting for bed space has to be a plus amongst the missing :)
What a great list of gratitudes! sounds like you had a pretty good week and some great friends! I loved my body pillow during my pregnancies- couldn't sleep without it. Have a great rest of the week.
I'm so glad there are some good programs for families while their spouses are deployed. You are definitely keeping busy!
Thanks for joining in! I'm loving all your blog posts!
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