You can't see it, but under the apron Kayla even has on her "My Aunt is a Firefighter" tshirt.

She looks like she's thinking, "Ok Mom, you got your picture, now can I play with my firetruck?!" (and yes it really rolls! Well at first I hammered the wheels in too tight so it didn't move, but I've loosened them up so it works now!)

Outside they had a firetruck for the kids to take a look at. Kayla wanted to sit on the back of it.

Oh so many things to touch over here!

Trying to check herself out in the reflector mirror thing.

Its just about in the middle of Oct and we're still having temps in the high 80s/low 90s. I'm so ready for "summer" to be over - give me some 60-70 degree weather! I like changing my wardrobe around, I like wearing long-sleeve shirts and sweatshirts. I miss having 4 seasons, its hard living in a desert climate!
Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

Wonderful Michelle. I really look forward to seeing what Kayla has been making at Lowe's. This is brilliant! Regarding the desert climate, yes I think I would find that hard too, I love the seasonal definition. In the UK it is very defined, here in Auckland not quite so much. Autumn is not quite the leafy colourful display, summer is hot, hot, hot. Spring - yes there is a feel of spring at the moment showers and sunny days and winter is pretty clement with the odd crazy storm. Can you believe we are almost half way through October? The time does seem to be running.
I keep forgetting to check on when our Lowes does these until you post about going! I'm going there next...
I totally hear ya on the desert climate! We've been here for 11 years and I still miss fall! :)
Looks like she enjoyed herself!
Great pictures. The Lowe's workshop looks like so much fun...I wonder if I could talk Jacob into signing up for it. He's almost 16, but he's kind of short for his age so it might work. lol
I'm just about sick of this heat, too. I'm beginning to think it's never going away. Our forecasters say our highs will be in the mid 80's, but it seems like it's always about 4 degrees hotter than they say it will be. All this heat is exhausting. lol
SOunds and looks like a wonderful day!!! I hope I remember things like this when we get LynnMarie home!
What a great project...those Lowe's things are neat. I love the picture with her in the reflection.
It's nice to see that you all are busy busy busy while Joe is away. Hopefully it helps the time pass faster! That's a great fire truck there Kayla!
I know Kelly will just LOVE that the project you and kayla worked on was a FIRETRUCK!!!! :) kelly is going to enjoy the pics as well!!!!!!! :) Yea, I agree , I wish we had Fall like weather!!! Love to you both. Love mom/grandma
I agree. I'm ready for some fall weather too! I love the picutures of Kayla, especially the mirror. So cute and clever. We're still praying for Joe every night when we pray for our Marine!
How fun! We'll have to check out the kids projects at our Lowes. They sound really cool. Kayla always looks so happy, what a little blessing she is!
It looks like Kayla is having a great time!
We are definitly cooler now...I hope you cool off soon...I like snuggly clothes too!
Have a great day!
Too cool! I can't wait til Joey is big enough to do things like that with! I love the picture of Kayla sitting on the back of the firetruck!
Although I loved (loved, loved) Florida, I did miss Fall and Winter. A lot. October is my favorite month...and it's a lot different down there!
I love seeing what Kayla makes!
great fun!
I blogged about my girl's fire safety week. :) good times!
Wow! What a great idea! And I have to say that I think it is very impressive for Kayla to have such a positive woman role model!!!
What a great program! Daniel is planning on taking Eve to the one at Home Depot next month. I love the firetruck - what a fun project!
80's and 90's.... This pregnant woman melts at the thought. I don't know how you are surviving it - really!
So neat! My husband is a firefighter. Fresh out of academy but he still has the title! LOL
That is just such a cool thing for Lowe's to do, and it's great you get to enjoy it together. Looks like some quality craftsmanship!
What fun! IS that thing at Lowe's free? I'll have to check that out sometime!
Be grateful for your nice weather... I live in Chicago and am already freezing! We NEVER had any 60-70 weather... went straight from 80, to 50!
Thank you so much for sharing this great idea to do with the kids!!!
We have been to Lowes twice now (Picture Frame and Fire truck)
and The Home Depot once (crayon holder fire truck last week).
Too cute! The firetruck would have been a big hit here!
It is crazy warm here too ... I am looking forward to winter!
I totally agree on the 4 seasons...we have hot and hotter.
Kalya looks right at home playing with the firetruck...and working at Lowes. Just to cute.
How are you feeling? How is Joe doing..does he need mail or anything we can help with. We would love to help out.
PS. Aviva and I are rooting for Boston.
I love the photos! Looks like fun! Erik would just spin the wheels for an hour...stim, stim, stim...
Very cute and OH SO FUN! I just love how she sits up on the table. The first picture with her legs each going in a different direction is just so cute!
(I really need to remember to check out Lowes for these classes!)
Can't believe you're having such warm weather still! We did have a perfect fall day today though- sunny and fairly warm, as in no jackets...but definitely not in the 90's! :0
Have a great Sunday, Michelle!
The brats got a firetruck for their birthday which they love - they are ''nor nor' ing' all over the house at the moment! Glad Kayla enjoyed her visit to the fire station.
She looks like she had so much fun! She's so sweet anyway:) I hear ya about the weather though. It finally cooled off here but went from 90 to 50 overnight! This week is going to be in the 80's though. It's so strange. I'm ready for Fall to be here & stay!
You & Kayla have a wonderful day♥
You're the coolest mama ever! I didn't know about these clinics but now I'm excited to get Starlet rolling!
I get the same "are you done taking my picture already, Mom?" look from Starlet allllll the time. Me? Camera happy? Nah!
We just this weekend FINALLY got a little fall. Its still in the mid 70's but that better than the blistering high 90's we were getting for October!
That looked like so much fun :) Sam is a firefighter full time & it's always fun to take the kids there to visit.
I just love the pictures of Kayla looks like she had such a fun time. I love all those workshops lowes has for the kids. Homedepot also offers workshops for the kids.
I also agree i want fall weather to get here!
You know how much I love Kayla pics. And what a neat program is this! It's fun seeing what she gets to make each time. And what a good job too!
I LOVE the pics - always put a smile on my face!!!! My kids LOVE firefighters, too.
that is sooo adorable!!! ...why wasn't she as interested in my fire trucks? =[ that's okay, she's silly.
i can't wait to you in december!!!
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