Since today is the 6th anniversary of Sept 11th I'm doing a tribute post. A tribute to a soldier who lost his life 2 years ago today in Iraq.
Sgt. Kurtis D. K. Arcala, 22, of Palmer, Alaska, died on Sept. 11, 2005, in Tikrit, Iraq, where an improvised explosive device detonated near his position during convoy escort operations. He received a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star.

A little bit about the young man behind the uniform:
Sgt Arcala was the first soldier from Palmer, AK to die in the war and his town has honored his memory by naming a soccer field after him - Sgt. Kurtis Arcala-Berberich Memorial Soccer Fields.
Kurtis was a standout athlete at Palmer High School where he graduated in 2001. He was captain of the basketball team, but I think (from reading an article about him) that soccer was one of his passions as he started playing at 5 years old. He played in indoor and outdoor soccer leagues every year until he graduated high school. He also coached elementary-school soccer players when he was only in middle and high school. I think naming the fields after him seems very fitting!
The school district designated their new nutrition services center the Kurtis Arcala Nutrition Services Center.
There is also this sign on The Alaska Cheesecake Company "We remember U.S. Army Sgt. Kurtis Arcala." The owner heard stories of Arcala's good nature from customer after customer and decided to honor him this way.
He has been described as a patriot, good comrade, fine soldier, one of the best, and well respected by his fellow soldiers - he had reenlisted half-way through his second tour in Iraq. Friends describe him as likeable, selfless, honorable, and brave.
It's obvious from reading the articles I found online about him that he was well-liked and is deeply missed by his Army unit, friends, community, and family.
Thank you Sgt Kurtis Arcala for selflessly giving the ultimate sacrifice for our country.
If you haven't already, please take a moment to remember all those who lost their life on Sept 11, all of those who have lost their life since then, and to all those who are still overseas serving.
And speaking of those overseas now - thank you all for your comments on my post below dealing with Kayla missing her daddy - I appreciate all the suggestions too! And to anonymous who left the post w/the links, thank you so much! I really liked the idea of the love chain too. If I knew how to contact you I would have emailed or visited your blog, but there was no information for you - so hopefully you'll read this!
A wonderful tribute...thanks so much for sharing that...I went to the site you mentioned...I clicked on the casulties...I was overwhelmed...shocked and pray this war can be over soon...that Peace would prevail!
It's me again. You are OH SOOO welcome! I'm really, really glad that you liked the links that I included. I hope some of those ideas help Kayla (and you) during her Daddy's deployment.
(I do not have a blog, but will email you personally)
BTW, You did it again. Your post today brought chills up and down my spine....
Prayers and Blessings to all the men and women overseas and to their loving familes waiting for their safe and speedy return!
May Peace Prevail!
Beautiful post and tribute. My heart has been heavy today with the memories of what happened 6 years ago. I thank God for people like your husband, my husband, my son, Brenda's son...so many who serve selflessly and with honor to keep us free.
What a nice tribute. I am so greatful to all those serving our great country.
Hugs to you and Kayla.
How sweet of you to take the time out to write of someone else.....such a wonderful young man...
A beautiful tribute to a soldier who gave his all to his country. The day our world changed will never be forgotten. Many Canadians had family and friends working in the Twin Towers so we truly shared the fear and horror our fellow American compatriots were going through. I've lit a candle in memory of all who have lost their lives from terrorism and war. xox
Praying for Sgt. Arcala's family today. Oh my, this has been a heart-heavy day. I hope you and Kayla are well. Hugs to you both :)
Beautiful tribute. We did our own remembrance today at school. The kids are so sad, even though most barely even remember it. We spent an entire block (90 minutes) to remember.
I hope all is well in your home.
This is the most touching tribute to 9/11 I have seen today.
Thank you!
Tears and hugs. So much loss just sems unbearable!
I came across your blog through Gabi's blog. What a thoughful thing to do in rememberance of 9/11 and all the hereos who risk there lives for all of us. I have to tell you, I live next to a fort and have many friends who have loved ones who too have been or are in Iraq or overseas and not only are the soldiers hereos but so are the families. I think military wives, like yourself are unbelievably strong. Your little girl looks like such an angel with her big blue eyes. She seems like she has such a wonderful personality, and will keep you in perfect company!!! I have a little boy with special needs who too is quite the character. I read that you are expecting in Feb. My husband and I are as well...Feb 6th is our due date. It is kind of hard not to be paranoid with the second one...I don't have my ultrasound until the end of Sept...it's hard waiting. Thank you for sharing your life, and all of the great things that come with your blog. It was a pleasure to read...and I will check in with it frequently. I will pray for your family and the safe return of your husband. Take care, Amy
My sons blog is at kadenboeckman.blogspot.com if you would like to check it own when you get free time
I think it's great how people remember heroes in that special way!
Yes, THANK YOU Sgt. Arcala! And every military veteran who has ever or is currently volunteering to serve and protect us. THANK YOU seems so weak for all our military does for us (and their families!), and yet it is all I have ever heard any of them ask. My prayers for you all continue, especially Kayla after your last post. Bless her young heart.
What a fabulous reminder. We need to hear these things so we stay focused on what is important.
Thank you!
That was a wondeful tribute and I am glad to see it....Thinking about Joe and the many others currently serving....and praying as well.
What a beautiful post and awesome tribute! Thank you for posting that!!
A very nice tribute. My brother-in-law left a message with my husband the other day about still being ok. He ships back from Iraq in February.
I will NEVER forget seeing those towers fall! It was an AWFUL day!
I am always praying for those that are serving and the civilians caught up in it all.
What a wonderful tribute!
kC3fK8 Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
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