I just can not believe Aug is already over! Actually I can't wait for summer to be over as I'm just tired of this heat; unfortunately it is still pretty warm here throughout Sep and Oct. We don't really get much of a fall in the desert!
Things I'm grateful for from this past week:
1. Joe had one day of leave he had to take before he deploys and he took that on Wed. I had a MOPS leadership meeting on Wed and then an appt for a haircut, so I was gone for a lot of the day. I'm grateful he was off so Kayla could spend a good amount of time with her daddy before he leaves.
2. Joe was supposed to have left yesterday but his departure date was pushed back some...not by much, but at least he's still here for a few more days!
3. The military had Friday off in conjunction with the Labor Day holiday. Another reason I'm glad Joe didn't leave yesterday so now we have a nice, long, 4-day, weekend with him.
4. Kayla had school on Friday and since Joe was off we took advantage of the time together to go on a "lunch date" at Memories.
5. Joe made breakfast burritos this morning - my request for the last home-cooked Sunday morning breakfast he'll make before he deploys- mmmmmm good!
I always get so choked up hearing about our military husbands leaving. David's slotted to go in about a year, sigh. Please know y'all will be in my prayers.
I'm so glad you had a nice week and that you got a few extra days with Joe before he heads out.
Oh Michelle, I am praying for you this week. Enjoy your days with Joe; I pray they are full of laughter and joy and I pray you get to make some sweet memories before he goes. I'll be praying for him and for Kayla as well. THANK YOU for sharing him with us and for us.
I am praying for you! I can't even imagine having my husband in the military and being deployed...God Bless you for making that sacrifice! Breakfast burritos sounds YUMMY!!!
We will keep Joe in her prayers and thoughts.
Sounds like you had a good week and glad you got the extra time with him.
Aviva loves daddy-daughter time.
How is Kayla liking school this year?
I can't hardly believe it is September... again!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Prayers for you. And for hubs. And your babies.
How long will he be gone? I know you can't elaborate, but is he going overseas?
Sorry you have to be with out him.
I'm so glad you had a good week before Joe leaves...I'm thinking of all of you. It has to be so hard.
Yes, it certainly is hard to believe we're in September already!! I'm so glad that you're having some quality time with Joe before he gets deployed...I can well imagine how much you're not looking forward to him being gone. My prayers are with all of you! xox
I am so glad you have this extra time with Joe, especially over the long weekend you have there. Yay for that. Will be praying for you all during this time.
mmmmm....I love breakfast burrito's! I bet they were good...enjoy every minute you have with Joe as I know you will! I'm glad he gets to have extra time!
Michelle, my heart is with you. I can't imagine... I'm glad that you all got the extra time. How long will he be gone?
Sounds like a good week Michelle. I'll be thinking of and praying for all of you as Joe leaves. I know I've said it before, but I don't think I can say it often enough, thank you - all of you - for your service to us and to this country. We are so proud of you and so blessed.
I will keep yall in my prayers!
sounds to yall had a great week.
I'll be praying for you this week, too, Michelle!
As you know, I've been there a few times! (But never as a mommy or pregnant!)
I wanted to say how much it meant to me to have you comment on our blog about our little Eva and our Meghan. Your daughter is beautiful, just an angel on earth.
THANK YOU and your husband so very much. I appreciate his service, hard work, and dedication more than words can truly express.
May you be encouraged to know that there are millions of Americans praying for your husband, and all military personnel every day! God bless you both!
This summer went by so quickly!
Hugs, I am glad you, Kayla and the baby have had Joe around a little longer!
I am so glad you got more time with your hubby. That is certainly something to be grateful for.
I am thinking of you and your family!
That's so wonderful that you get to spend some extra time together before Joe deploys!! I can only imagine how hard it is when he has to go away!
I can't believe August is over either! It seems that it went by so fast. Got to love those "family days" that the Air Force gives us - so glad this one was extra special for you both.
We'll all be here to support you, the best we can, while Joe is gone. I am thinking of you Michelle.
How wonderful to get a few extra days together!
We just got the web cam working to talk with my husband, who is deployed. It was so good to see him, as well as talk with him. Technology is quite amazing.
You're in my prayers!
You are all in my prayers Michelle. How long will he be deployed? I am so happy Joe was home for a nice long weekend ~ we'll take any extra days we can, right :) Praying for you and Kayla.
Sorry to hear your husband has to leave - hopefully he'll be back soon! How is the Baby? How is beautiful Kayla?? I am so jealous that it's still summer where you guys live ... it's freaking cold here and raining cats and dogs - terrible!!!
Michelle, what a blessing that Joe's deployment has been delayed for a few days and you have been enjoying the extra time with him. God is soo good.
Thinking about you and know that we are here to support you while Joe is away.
I am so glad you have these special days together. I will be saying extra special prayers for Joe (& you and Kayla) each day from now until he is home.
(((BIG HUGS)))
I too was once a military wife. I will keep you on my prayer list. Hold him close before you leave and kiss him goodnight before you sleep. Keep us posted and remember how proud we are of him. I may not know him...but am so proud he is fighting for us.
Happy Labor Day Michelle.
I'm here for support,if you need me.Our prayers go out to you, Joe and your family. Please tell Joe a big "Thank You" for serving.We're also proud of you and Kayla for being strong. Glad you got a long week-end together.
Love and blessings.
Sounds like you guys had a great week. I can't believe it's already time to go to deploy! Lots of hugs and prayers coming your way!
Oh Michelle, I will pray so much for your family. How much time does Joe have? Is this his first deployment and how long is he going to be gone? I feel so much for the men and women serving our country and the families who are separated from them.
My baby brother flies Chinook helicopters for the Army and is in Iraq for 15 months. My sister and I are taking care of his baby twin boys since my sis-in-law has to work as a flight attendant. He's served almost two months of his 15 month deployment. Then he comes back to Germany and after a year can be deployed again. The army told him all his training (over a year's worth) would count toward his time in the Army...now they say that's not true, so he has a lot more time in the Army than he thought. It is so hard. I am soooo thankful that the Lord is in control!!! I will be praying for you!
Oh my I will be thinking and praying for you this week as well.
That's great you had some extra time with Joe. I will definitely keep all of you in my thoughts as he's over keeping us all safe over here. Please thank him for me!!!
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