He had to meet at one building at 1230. This is where all the families/friends could gather and say their goodbyes. I didn't like having to wake Kayla up after midnight, but I wanted us to send Joe off. Maybe it will help her to see him leave and say goodbye instead of going to bed and waking up thinking her daddy was just at work. Besides, I didn't want Joe to be the only one there who didn't have family coming to say goodbye!
We stood around for an hour until they boarded the bus at 130 to head to the other side of the base for the flightline. That probably took about 15 minutes, and then I'm not sure what they did because their flight wasn't leaving until almost 430am...2.5 hrs of what? Sitting around? I'm sure they had to process them and get their luggage loaded, but geesh that made for a very long night/morning and continuing today with all the traveling!
When we told Kayla it was time for Daddy to get on the bus she said, "Kayla bus too!" and when Joe started walking away she was squirming to get out of my arms calling "daddy" but that only lasted a few minutes.
After everyone got on the bus there was a quiet sort of murmur you could hear from the different groups of people standing around talking in hushed tones.
Except for this one voice, this voice that was booming with pure gusto as if it wasn't 1:30 in the morning. This powerful voice belonged to my daughter, of course. "BYE DADDY! BYE BYE! SEE YOU (L)ATER! BYE BYE DADDY! SEE YOU AHDAY (THURSDAY)" over and over and over and over again all the while waving at the bus. (Her teacher and bus driver always say "see you Tuesday (or whatever day is the next day) so I think that's why she kept saying "see you Thursday!"
I didn't do very well of not crying in front of Kayla; thankfully it didn't upset her. She just had a sad look and would ask me if I was sad and say "oh cry" and wipe a tear. When we finally walked back to the van and her arms were around me she was rubbing the back of my shoulder saying "aaahh" - who is supposed to be comforting who here?!
On the short ride home she kept talking about daddy being on the bus. When we got home she went to the end of the driveway and waved out into the night saying, "bye bye daddy!"
Once inside I asked her if she was ready to go back to bed and she said, "no, bus!" and ran to the living room. I wondered what she was doing as I knew her play bus wasn't in there. She got up on her little step stool to look out the window and was calling for the bus.
Thank goodness it didn't take too long for her to fall back to sleep. When I finally crawled into bed I found that Joe had put one of his t-shirts over his pillow and that, at least, brought a smile to my face.
I can already feel the difference in the house. It is too quite. I can tell Joe's presence isn't here. Granted he's usually at work all day anyway, but knowing he's 5 minutes away at work and coming home in the evening is one thing...knowing he's halfway around the world is another. I have to remind myself not to look at the clock anticipating 5:00 when Joe would get home and "take over" parenting duties, keep Kayla occupied and entertained while I fix dinner. Nope, it's just going to be us now.
Hopefully this time will pass quickly. MOPS is starting back up next week and I'm on Steering so that will keep me busy, the Buddy Walk is coming up, hoping to get Kayla signed up for soccer on Friday, OB appts, various other activities, and the holidays will be here...all of that should help pass the time.
I miss him already...
Spending time with daddy before he leaves...

Earlier while Joe was packing and organizing all his uniforms Kayla decided she would play dress-up:

I tried telling her daddy was going bye bye on an airplane. She told me, "Kayla airplane too mommy!" and ran to get her shoes from the closet telling me "shoes on."
Thanks for all the prayers; I really, really appreciate them.
Aww....now if THAT doesn't bring a tear to someone's eye, I don't know what will!! I can't imagine how you Military/AF/Navy wives (and families) do it. I think you guys are just as brave as the soldiers.
I hope the time passes quickly for you and Kayla.
Parker and I will do our best to keep you company and send you lots of love and hugs, k?
Me & Iz are saying a prayer for you all right now!
I'll be thinking of you.
Oh, Michelle! You have SUCH a great attitude. I was tearing up imagining how very hard that hour must be when you are used to Joe coming in. I know what you mean about just needing to have the routine for things not to be so quiet. I am AMAZED at what military families do. I'll be praying. And praying. Especially for Kayla as such a young child can't understand all the noble part about volunteering and honor. You are the perfect Mom for her, even if you did cry! Who wouldn't with the t-shirt thing? How sweet was that?!
I will be praying for you... my heart is so sad for you... Thank you for your sacrafice for our freedoms.
giving yall a BIG HUG!
and I hadn't forgot your doll dress im still working on it. have 3 kids its lil hard. but its in progress!
Oh Michelle, I'm in tears because I've been through it so many times and it never gets any easier.
There's a palpable difference in the house when they're gone. I know you'll make it through and I know you'll be fine, just know that we're here for you and some of us have been through it before so we know JUST how you're feeling.
Huge huge hugs to you my friend....if you need anything you know how to reach me.
Michelle, I'm keeping you, Joe and Kayla in my prayers while he's away. I hope this time passes quickly and happily and that he's safely back home to you before you know it.
I agree with me's post- this definitely brought some tears to my eyes and I agree about her comment on service families, I don't know how you all do it.
You'll definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. The pictures are great...Kayla is so adorable!
We are praying the time flies by and you stay busy. I'm on St with MOPS too..I do Hospitality....stay focused on this. It will be fine....I admire your faith through this trying time.
Oh Michelle - that just makes me cry. It must be so hard for all of you. You are in my prayers!
Awww. Kayla is very sweet in those pictures, and rubbing your shoulder. I think it's actually good that you cried in front of her -- it's not like she doesn't understand something is up, even if she doesn't really understand the details.
In other words, it's okay for the mom to be sad sometimes.
I'm thinking of the three (actually four!) of you. Take it easy on yourself.
That is so sweet! I am glad that it went better than expected. I am sure that the time will pass by quickly.
Take care of yourself.
Oh my goodness, definetly a tear-jerker! We will keep you in our prayers, I know I couldn't do it alone. You are very brave!! I LOVE the pictures of Kayla and her daddy, so sweet. I can just picture her, and hear her sweet little voice comforting you!! Give her a kiss from Ella and me : )
I don't know how you do it. My prayers are with you. I can't imagine juggling things without my husband - I admire you so much. I hope time goes quickly for you and Kayla. By the way, Kayla is Beautiful!!!!
This has to be so hard! I will keep you guys in my prayers.
Praying the time passes quickly for you,
tearful (((hugs)))
125 days is shorter than 126 days right? You'll be OK. And so will your husband.
We're here for you. Kayla's going to do fantastic! So will you!
The day Daniel deployed, I got back in the van to come home(after dropping him off at the airport) I tried to put a movie on for the kids so I could cry in private/peace...wouldn't you know the stupid thing broke and I couldn't use it. So, I didn't do well with the whole not crying in front of my kids thing either. But, they did fine as well.
I am so glad I had them while Daniel was deployed!! Kept me very busy!
What a sweet guy to put his t-shirt over his pillow. It really is the little things.
What GREAT pictures and she sure do look cute in uniform! She seemed to do very well - I hope the time flies by and Kayla keeps you super duper busy!
I can't imagine how hard it must be but I can tell you I sure do APPRECIATE it! I'll be checking in!
We will be praying for his safe return. I love the pictures!
Michelle, I am sending you some hugs through cyberspace. You described it all so well I felt like I could hear Kayla saying goodbye! I cried. You are incredible! Praying the time flies for all 3 of you. Keep us up to date!!!
Oh dear Michelle, these photos are just precious. I could just 'feel' what you were sharing here, you wrote it so beautifully. I pray that your time is filled with awesome, inspiring and encouraging stuff, the kind that will have you thinking - I will have so much to tell Joe about. He won't believe how much God has showered down blessings via friends, or whatever. Praying for you.
I got big tears in my eyes thinking about your hubby leaving, then I saw the sweet pics of him and Kayla, as well as the one with her in his uniform -- then I lost it.
Praying for you and for his safe return.
I have such a lump in my throat. I just don't know what to say. Lots of love and prayers across the many, many miles.
Thank you, Joe.
Oh Michelle, this just makes me sad.
The one thing I wonder if people ever really stop to think about is the separations military families go through and how difficult it is. I can't imagine not seeing Rob for 125 days. You have my utmost admiration.
Glad the DVD kit arrived. I'm sure your MOPS group is going to enjoy it.
Oh, Michelle, I have just been out of the loop. I cannot imagine how hard it must have been to put Joe on that bus. Raf and I weren't married when he was in the service, and I was way too small to remember much about Daddy in WWII, but with our grandson, Joey, in boot camp, and hearing what you said, it all comes home so much. God bless all our servicemen wherever they are, they are keeping our freedom safe. You will be in our hearts and prayers, and if you need a shoulder, I'm here.
with love!
Well this just has me wiping tears from my eyes. I well remember going through this. Right after 9/11, both my husband and my son deployed to the middle east. At least they got to go together so that was a huge comfort to me. The good-byes were soooo hard, but I think the weeks afterwards were even harder. I feel for you!!
You and Kayla will get thru it just fine, of course. You're a mom - that alone conditions you to handle just about anything, you know. But I'll be thinking of all 3 of you (and the little baby, too!) while Joe's away. God Bless the military and the military families who keep the home fires burning, so to speak.
We'll keep you guys in our prayers. Thankfully my husband was never deployed while we were in the AF. Hugs to you and Kayla.
I have tears running down my cheeks after reading this...I can so feel how much you're missing Joe already. I bet Kayla will be asking for him every day or asking when the bus is coming back...I can imagine that Joe is feeling the same way you are, missing you and Kayla so much already. Being a military wife has got to be so hard, especially when your husband is deployed...know that we are all here for you and we'll help you get through these next few months!! xoxo
I have tears in my eyes...your Kayla is just so precious....Tons of prayers go out to Joe and his unit.
If you need anything or an adult to chat with let me know.
Wow...I can't imagine, but I have a feeling you're up for the challenge! What cherished pictures of Kayla and her daddy... here's hoping for super quick days!
I hope your husband in safe in the war . today's my b day come say hi
Oh Michelle, it must be so hard to have your husband be away for so long, I will be thinking of you, Kayla and Joe. I hope the time goes quickly. Kayla looks so cute dressed up like that! Gorgeous little girl :)
xxoo Katie
oh my tummy hurts just thinking about the four of you being apart! Take care of you, the baby and Kayla! HUGSSSSSSS
This took be back almost forty years to the day I said good-bye to my husband as he headed off to Vietnam. I was pregnant with our first child. It is so hard - those good-byes. I will keep all of your in my prayers Michelle.
I love you sweetheart!! I have shed my fair share of tears last night and today. You know I'm only a phone call away and I can be there in a few hours if you need me. Give Kayla a big hug and kiss from Grandma and Grandpa.
BTW it does go by quicker than what you expect it will. Everytime Dennis was gone I'd swear it would feel like forever but before I knew it he was almost home again.
oh michelle thats brings tears to my eyes.... we are sending lots of hugs your way. wish we lived closer so we could get together!!!
Aw Michelle - I don't know how you do it but I'm definitely praying for you, Kayla and Joe.
Sending you a big hug and lots of prayers. We'll be thinking of all 3 of you.
Yes,this post made me very emotional.I will continue thinking about your family and praying....
Hi Michelle, I email with your MIL everyday along with Kris, and the "other" Barbara :-) Your MIL is so proud of you, Joe and Kayla. I wanted you to know that we all will be praying and thinking of you each and every day.
Praying for all of you while Joe's away. You are so brave. I don't think I would be able to do it. I have such a respect for military families. You give up alot to keep our country free. Thank you!
You both are so strong! Military families always amaze me. The Mothers are so strong raising families alone and trying their best to not worry about their hubbys and the Fathers are so brave doing so much for their country while missing so much at home. You guys are my heroes :) Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you!
TEARS from me! And prayers for your family. Your daughter is a true beauty.
Michelle, I am all choked up and crying for you... I don't know what will help to ease the pain, but I will hope for an easy pregnancy and a safe deployment for his entire group. You are so blessed to have a little girl who is compassionate and loving to her mommy. Sometimes WE are the ones that need THEM. And that's ok... Take care...
Will add special prayer for you. Hoping the days go fast, before you know it hubby and baby will be here. I love cking in on Kayla since she is close to Sydneys age DOB 5-6-03 (DS)
Hang in there...you are strong!
(((Michelle, Kayla, and Joe))) I'm in tears. I hope you were able to sleep last night and that each day grows a little easier. Y'all are all in my prayers.
Wow - what an intimate portrayal of what you incredible military families go through. You have my prayers. And my gratitude for serving our country as you do.
I pray the days will go quickly and that your husband will return safely.
I really feel for you, I can not imagine how hard it for you not to have Joe at home. Im sure the time will pass quickly as you have Kayla to keep you company. I'll be thinking of the four of you.
Take Care
SIobhan xxx
I will be thinking of you and praying for you!
I came across your Blog and your daughter does have the most beautiful eyes. Your post was very moving and I know that the Lord will be with you every step of the way! Blessings and Hugs to you!
Okay. I'm going to short out the keyboard with the puddles I'm crying! It's such a sweet picture you've painted. Kayla yelling good-bye. I know how strong you are. And Joe. But also how he must be feeling. I'm sure he didn't want to go anymore than you wanted him to. But it's the job - and I so admire the people who are serving are country so bravely. Prayers for your family. I hope he's back right on schedule in 125 days!
Our prayers are with you, Kayla and Joe.
Georgia and I are sending you and Kayla lots of hugs. You are such a strong and brave Mama.
Oh Michelle, I hope the time passes quickly and Joe is home again.
I will certainly be praying for you and Kayla as Joe is away. I just went through this with my adopted sister while her husband was at Chaplain training in South Carolina for 3 months. He just joined the Army at 40 and will be a Chaplain. They left yesterday to move to Washington State. I know how hard Military life is and wonderful as well.
I will be praying for yall, I promise!
Oh how heart wrenching! Your daughter is so precious. My kids do that too - comfort me when I'm crying because sometimes I just can't help crying. You really are in my prayers, since I know that prayers are what are getting me through this deployment!
Sending you hugs and get home safe and soon Joe prayers!
You'll be in my prayers Michelle. May the days speed safely on by.
Wow, you are one brave momma. Let the 125 countdown begin! We'll be thinking about you and praying for you over the next few months.
Your post has me in tears. You are so strong. And Joe for not only helping to protect us, but to leave you and Kayla (and your littlest too of course). All 4 of you are so amazing!
I hope the adjustment isn't too rough and you keep busy while he's gone. You're all in my thoughts and prayers.
Kayla is too cute though. They always manage to bring laughter to even the toughest of moments!
I will be praying for you and your beautiful daughter and your husband as well.
Our prayer are with Joe. We also put him,you and Kayla on the prayer list at church. You guys are going to do great. Your both strong. Remember were all here for you both.Take care of yourself.
Love and God bless.
We'll be keeping you guys in our thoughts. I know how hard it is.
I have been praying all week for you. Michelle, you are simply amazing. All one has to do to know you are a wonderful mother is see what empathy you have instilled in Kayla.
I am glad you had a nice send off for Joe. I say a prayer for you all every day until he is home!
(((BIG HUGS)))
I'm thinking of you, and keeping you and your beautiful family in my thoughts.
I just came across this post. I'm so sorry to read Joe has deployed. You are so very much in my thoughts and prayers.
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