1. On Wed Kayla and I joined Jennifer and Katelyn for a playgroup in town. This organization is trying to start up bi-monthly playgroups and a parents' support group. It was fun to get out and do something a little different, plus meet some new kids/moms. They had a nice snack for the kids - graham crackers, cheese, yogurt, carrots, and fruit.
2. I'm grateful for books! Besides the new Richard Bachman/Stephen King book Joe got me for my birthday he also surprised me with Dean Koontz' new one - Good Guy. As much as I can't wait to start reading both of these, I've decided to wait until Joe leaves...then it'll help pass some of the time while he's deployed! Oh who am I kidding, I'll probably have both of the books finished 2 weeks after he's gone!
3. More books! I'm grateful for winning books in contests! I received the book I won in Karen's contest - (Dream Language - the Prophetic Power of Dreams, revelations, and the Spirit of Wisdom) and Karen also included another bar of chocolate in the package she sent me! If she keeps sending me yummy chocolate from New Zealand I'm going to be gaining more than just baby weight! LOL I also received the book I won from Laura in the Dog Days of Summer contest - The Lovely Bones. Oh my gosh does that book just suck you right in from the beginning! I couldn't put it down and actually finished it the same day I received it - I don't think I've ever done that before! Thanks for the books ladies!
4. Today is my mother-in-law's birthday. I'm grateful for the relationship we have! It makes it so much nicer when you get along and like your in-laws! :) Happy birthday MIL!
5. I'm grateful for my husband. Yesterday he planned a surprise birthday party for me. Jennifer invited us over for "dinner" last night and I thought nothing of it since we get together quite often. Little did I know Joe had been planning this for a week with her. Everything managed to go off pretty much as planned - despite some kinks in Joe's planning due to my unintentional messing up of some things - because of course, I had no idea what was going on! Joe also gave me a gift certificate to get a 1-hour massage. I think I'm going to wait until I'm a little bit farther along in my pregnancy, when I'm more uncomfortable and could really use a massage - especially since he'll be gone! Thank you honey for the certificate and nice surprise!
Sounds like hubs came through for your b-day - that's awesome!
Good to be grateful.
I love these posts. And a surprise birthday party! Your husband loves you.
I love these grains of gratitude posts, makes me think of all the things I am grateful for too. Lovely hubby you have! Put some of the choccie in the fridge, saves for temptation of eating it all at once. Hee Hee. Hope you've been having a great weekend.
Awww, how sweet fo your husband! I'm so glad you're so blessed!
LOL, that should be *of your* not *fo your*, LOL. I'm country but not *that* country, LOL!
Happy Birthday to your MIL:-) How wonderful that your hubby planned a surprise birthday party for you...I can just imagine how fustrated he got when you were unknowingly foiling some of his plans! hehe Enjoy your books!! xox
Hi Michelle, I'm with you on the books. I'm so glad you had a special birthday surprise. That massage is going to feel just wonderful in a few months!
Have a good week!
Happy Birthday Joe's mom! :) Congrats on your book wins (I've read The Lovely Bones and it's fantastic)!
If you'd like the chance to win more books, I’m hosting my second Pay It Forward Book Exchange giveaway. There are 8 other Pay It Forward book giveaways linked up thus far in my post too, so there are lots of opportunities to win! Stop by for more details!
Oh I LOVED The Lovely Bones too - it still haunts me.
Happy Birthday again and it sounds like you had a great week!! I love massages. I got one once, but it was fantastic. Enjoy your new books and let us know how the Stephen King one is.
Awesome list, Michelle! I've got you signed up in my giveaway. Joe is such a sweetie! Hugs to Kayla!
Happy B-day to your MIL!
How fun! Now that is something, a surprise party. You do have so much to be thankful for.
Praying for you and your family!
That is so sweet that Joe surprised you with a party!Sounds like you had a really good week!Happy birthday to your mil.
What a great hubby you have. A surprise party AND a massage. Can't beat that.
The playdate sounds nice. Glad you had fun.
How fun that he gave you a surprise party! Wow...and a gift certificate for massage...way to go, hubby! ;)
Glad you had such wonderful birthday, Michelle!
I love your grains of gratitude! Should do that myself ... Sometimes you just have to write it down - helps so much!!!
Sounds like a wonderful week! A surprise birthday party! w00t!
Ohhh - how fun! I just love books too :) Chocolate sounds sooo heavenly right now - dang this diet I'm on ;)
How cool to have a surprise party--that is awesome. I have never had a surprise party, and I've always thought that would be fun. I did throw one for my hubby's 30th--way back nearly 10 years ago!
I came across you blog & have to say that your little girl is so beautiful. The name blueberry eyes caught my attention as my Mom has the bluest eyes too.
WTG JOE...what a great surprise~~ can you call Spider and give him some ideas for my bday next week.
Sounds like a great week~
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