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Friday, August 10, 2007

Favorite Ingredient Friday - Salad Edition

Crunchy Asian Chicken Salad


1. 1 pkg. (3 oz.) ramen noodle soup mix, any flavor
2. 1 bag (8 oz.) salad greens
3. 1 pkg. (6 oz.) OSCAR MAYER Grilled Chicken Breast Strips
4. 2 red peppers, cut into thin strips
5. 1 cup snow peas, cut diagonally in half
6. 1/2 cup PLANTERS Cashews
7. 1/2 cup KRAFT Asian Toasted Sesame Dressing


REMOVE Noodles from soup mix. Discard Seasoning Mix or reserve for another use. Break up uncooked noodles.
MIX broken noodles with all remaining ingredients except dressing in large serving bowl.
ADD dressing; toss to coat.

Make ahead: Salad can be stored, tightly covered, in refrigerator up to 2 hours.

For more salad recipes visit Overwhelmed

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Carole Burant said...

That does sound like a great salad...I love any salad that has chicken in it!! The added ingredients in this one makes it interesting! xox

Anonymous said...

Sounds yummy! Thanks for sharing!

Tammy said...

Now that sounds like a good lunch for one of these hot summer afternoons!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recipe.

New visitor to your site - loved what I read so far. Come visit mine too - I've also got a recipe posted.

Anonymous said...

That sounds so good! I love those noodles on salad!

Barb said...

Whew...thank goodness. I couldn't get your blog to open last night for the life of me!

This salad looks so good, Michelle. You know, I could eat a salad like this for dinner every night.

And I'm glad I popped in again to see if your blog was in a better mood. :-) I totally forgot today was FIF, the salad edition. I'd better hurry, while Cameron's napping. LOL

Betsy said...

I will have to try this one, thanks!

Trace said...

Ohhh I love asian salads. Yummo!!! :)


Joyful Days said...

That sounds really great. Will have to try that.

Unknown said...

I've seen this recipe before, but never tried it. It does sound good. THanks!

Anonymous said...

I'll try this. Thanks! It looks delicious.

Catch said...

I never thought of putting those ramon noodles in a salad but I bet they would be good. I love crunchy stuff in my salad. And I always eat some of those raw noodles when I am cooking them. I like them better raw than cooked! I made a salad today for a cookout at my sons and I gotta tell ya....it was super! lol

Calico Sky said...

thanks, I fancy a salad today!

Ms. Kathleen said...

This is a definite winner and a meal all by itself really. Hugs!

Kari said...

This sounds so delicious I am going to make it tomorrow Thanks. I love Salads!!

Overwhelmed! said...

Oh, this sounds delicious! Thanks, Michelle, for contributing a recipe to my FIF recipe exchange! :)